From the Dark I Feel Your Lips.


Matthew sat at his massive wooden desk as he flipped through classified files. He pulled an abnormally thick manila folder from the bottom drawer that was labeled “Richard Evans.” He sighed and slowly opened it. One day, I’ll tell her. He thought to him self and ran a hand through his hair. Suddenly, his laptop dinged as an email was received.
“URGENT: CLASSIFIED, REGAURDING SHADOWS,” was the subject. It was an unknown sender, matter of fact, the email was kept private and sent was only an attachment. He quickly forwarded the email to Johnny, surely he could decode the privacy setting and find out the senders identity. Matt then clicked the attachment, it took a few moments to load but a large scaled photograph popped on the screen. “Shit,” he mumbled beneath his breath and hit print. He slipped the paper into a small file and grabbed a copy to take to the group.
“I need all of the guys in my office now,” He said roughly as Johnny happen to pass by his door.
In a matter of moments, Jimmy, Brian, Johnny, and Zack were crowding around the oak desk.
“If you haven’t gotten the email yet Christ, I need you to track the sender for me.” Johnny nodded silently. “I received this email today,” He handed it to Brian for them to pass around. “They know we have her, they know she’s alive, and someone has compromised our location.”
Zack took a long look at the photograph being that he was the star of it. He was carrying in Asher’s unconscious body the night Matt had pulled up in his black SUV. In red marker, over the entire photo, they wrote, “You can’t hide her forever Shadows, she’s always been mine.” The handwriting was messy, almost like a child.
“We need to get our hands dirty, they’re playing hardball now. Someone on this property has given up information. We’re firing all our security and from now on, we are to defend ourselves. We’re strong enough.” As one would think panic should set in after a statement like that, it didn’t. The men were strong, especially stronger as a team and they had fought many wars besides one another.
“What makes you think they will actually do something this time?” Brian asked seriously.
“This is the first time we have received information regarding Asher’s whereabouts. It leads me to believe they are planning an attack. I wouldn’t put it past those bastards. We need to keep her safe at all costs.”
“This is getting ridiculous Shadows.” Brian hissed. “You’re putting us all at risk for this fucking mortal!”
“You better shut your fucking mouth Gates,” Matt seethed. “This is not about you. She is apart of me, which makes her apart of this family. My say rules in this household, you better fucking shape up.”
Brian growled back at Matt and left the room in a hurry. “Christ, let me know when you decode that email and Vengeance, take Gates and go into downtown, see if you can get anything thing off the streets.”
The two men nodded and followed after Brian out of the room.
Jimmy remained.
“I have never seen you this protective over anyone ever, Shadows.” Jimmy leaned against the large bookcase and folded his arms across his chest.
“I-“ Matt started, “I don’t know Jim, I just feel this extreme connection with her. I can’t stand it! She sits in the room and barely speaks, she only cries and I haven’t been able to explain one damn thing to her.”
“I understand where she’s coming from though,” Jimmy breathed and took seat on the forest green sofa against the wall. “She’s just barely healing from her wounds, I mean come on, her fucking psycho boyfriend held her hand in an oven. She scarred mentally and physically. Then to top it all off, she gets you back in her life and that fucked her childhood up.” Jimmy chuckled a bit at the end. “She needs time, she’ll warm up and stop crying eventually. But the thing is Shads, she’s extremely fragile right now. She won’t be able to handle it if you break the news to her. So don’t do anything rash when she’s acting up, I know your anger.”
“But what if he comes to find her, what if he attacks like I think he has planned. Wouldn’t it be worse to wait and have her find out like that?”
“Look, Matt, you have to make a judgment call here. I gave you my two cents but I know that wont really matter to you. She’s your mate, do what you feel is right.” Jimmy stood to his feet, ready to go meet up with Leana.
“She’s not my mate,” Matt hissed.
“Stop denying it man, you’re such a stubborn ass.” He laughed and left the room.
Matt slumped against the red leather chair and pressed his palm to the inked death bat on his stomach. It was warming beneath his fingertips and a strong sensation of fear washed over him. Suddenly, his heart began to race and his knees quivered. Something is wrong. He thought and ran from the room. “Where is she?” He demanded at Zack, who sat on the dinning room table, gun in hand.
“Last time I checked, she was in her room.”
Matt stepped on it; he sped up the winding staircase and flung open her bedroom door. Brian lay on top if her, his hands pinning her hands above her head and his fangs fully extended. Matthew immediately tackled Brian to the floor. Asher screamed out in fear and pulled her knees to her chest, sobbing.
“Get yourself together Syn!” Matt screamed. His hands were gripped around Brian’s collar as he slammed him against the wall. “She’s not Michelle.”
“Don’t bring her up!” Brian hissed and kneed Matt in the groin. He keeled over in pain and Brian took that as a chance to slam his fist into the side of his head. “Never bring her up again!” He threw his elbow back up once again but Matt changed his position quickly. Once again, he had Brian against the wall, his hands around his neck. “The bitch wouldn’t stop crying, I could hear her from my room.” Brian struggled under Matt’s heavy grip.
“You fucking asshole,” Matt peeled Brian from the wall and slammed him back harder. “You know what she’s been through, what has happened to her. Let her cry.”
“Fuck you,” Brian screamed. “You bring home a stray and you actually give a shit about her? What happened to you?” He seethed. “You never cared about anything. When you bring a whore home, you fuck her then kill her. You used to never think twice about killing!”
“I still don’t think twice.” Matt threatened darkly and threw Syn to the floor. “Like I said before, if you ever fucking touch her again, I’ll rip your throat out.” He smirked. “Without thinking twice.” Brian lifted himself from the carpet and glared at the two for a moment, before leaving the bedroom. Matt slid to his knees in front of Asher and pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay,” He murmured and nuzzled his nose into her thick auburn curls.
“Whatever,” She pushed him away and sniffled. Her button nose was red and running, her blue eyes were blood shot, and her puffy cheeks were tear stained. Matthew hated seeing what he did to her, the way he made her cry had more of an effect on him that anybody, including himself, ever knew. Matt shook his head and watched as she crawled into bed. He stood to his feet and wrapped both arms around her petite body. “Don’t touch me,” She mumbled and rested her head in the curve of his neck.
“You have to meet everyone,” He whispered and tightened his grip around her. Matt made his way down stairs and set her on the couch next to Lacey and Johnny. “Asher, this is Johnny and his mate, Lacey.” Asher stayed quiet for a moment.
“You’re human,” She said to Lacey. The smile plastered across Lacey’s face grew larger and she nodded.
“Most vampires,” She motioned to Johnny. He slid his arm around her shoulder and pulled Lacey’s neck near his extended fangs as a joke. She quickly shoved him away with a laugh and continued. “As I was saying, most vampires mate with humans. Girl vampires are whores.” She laughed and kissed Johnny quickly. “It’s nice meeting you by the way,” Lacey shook Asher’s hand and turned toward Johnny. He waved politely and said his hello’s.
“Come on, you have to meet Jimmy, you’ll love him.” Matt wrapped his muscular arm around Asher’s waist and pulled her through the kitchen.
“Mate?” Asher whispered as they entered the game room. A soft chuckle left Matt’s lips.
“A mate for us is kind of like a soul mate for humans. We are able to feed off of them and never get sick of it and we have certain abilities.”
“Abilities?” She moved her eyes up Matt’s body until her ocean eyes met his warm green orbs. Asher took the time to soak in all his features. He had grown so much from what she could remember. That skinny vampire, she once thought to be imaginary, was now a muscular, handsome adult. It scared her too think that he was real. He knew everything about her, he was the only one she ever let in because she knew back then that he would come back to haunt her. But now that he was standing right in front of her, with his warm arm wrapped around her body, she shivered at the thought of him using her dark secrets against her.
“Let’s try something,” Matt stopped quickly and slithered his arms away from Asher’s body. “I want you to close your eyes and clear your mind.” He watched as she cautiously let her heavy eyelids fall and he pulled her hands in his. “Clear it,” He whispered and inhaled deeply, concentrating on his own emotions. “Can you feel me?” He breathed and watched as her face contorted in confusion. He stared down at her curvy figure and sighed. He licked over his lips and traced her outline with his eyes, his heart beat picking up a notch.
“I-“ She gasped and her eyes fluttered open. “I could feel you,” She was completely astonished. “Sadness,” She whispered let her eyes wander from his feet, up his body, to his eyes. “Lust,” She whispered and gazed intensely into his eyes. “Matt,” She spoke in a hushed tone as her eyes fell shut.
“Ash,” He whispered back and moved his lips slowly against the exposed skin on her neck. His plump lips and cool metal brushed softly against her throat. Matt closed his eyes as well and sadly pulled away. His eyes cracked open as he brought his face near her’s and ran a thumb across her cheek.
“Are we mates?” Asher said, barely audible to humans but Matt’s picked it up clear as day.
“I-,” Matt stuttered. “I don’t know.” Asher didn’t say a word, she just kept her eyes shut until she felt him tug her arm. “Mates can feel each other,” He bit his lower lip. “They can feel each other’s pain and emotions, especially for the vampire. They can feel everything more intensely than the mortal.”
“Is that all that happens?” She asked and tightened her grip on Matt’s hand.
“Mate’s can dream walk, but I’ll explain that later.” He smiled and glanced down at their linked hands. Asher just stared at him, he could feel her confusion but he could also see it written in her eyes. Those blue eyes he loved so much. He remembered the nights she would stare in awe at him through the window before letting him into her bedroom. He remembered the way that it felt having those innocent pools gazing at him as he told her stories about his family. His heart would race and his palms would sweat, it was puppy love at its best.
“Hey guys!” Jimmy broke his thoughts and Asher immediately ripped her hand from his. “You must be Asher, I’m Jimmy!” He grinned and pulled her into a hug. To Zack’s surprise, she let out a giggle. She had barely even cracked a smile the time she had been with him.
“Hello Jimmy,” She smiled crookedly and Matt could tell it wasn’t forced.
“You’re beautiful,” He arched an eyebrow at Matthew and let a loud laugh spill from his lips. “Have you met Zacky yet?” Jimmy asked and wrapped an arm around her should. “I’m guessing your silence is a no,” He laughed and again a giggle left Asher’s lips. It sent Matt’s heart rate skyrocketing. He sucked in his lower lip and watched as Jimmy began walking out of the room. “I’m taking this beauty off your hands Shadows.” He winked as they walked out the door.
Matt sucked in his breath and stepped into the hallway, finding his way into Brians room. “Syn?” Matt called. Sure enough, Brian was sitting in his window sill staring out into the ocean. The sun was casting an eerie red film over the sea as it lowered into darkness.
“What do you want Shads?” He gritted his teeth and kept his eyes fixated on the water.
“I’m sorry I brought her up,” He sighed and pulled a chair from Brian’s desk. He pulled it just near him and straddled it. “I just got so upset about what you were doing to Asher. She’s a part of me Brian, she always has been.” He shook his head and stared at his best friend. Brian refused to look at him because he knew if he did, his hardass exterior would crumble.
“The bitch needs to go,” Brian hissed. “I can’t stand the way she’s changed you and only in a few days. How the fuck are you supposed to help rule The City of Evil if you’re distracted, if you can falter that fucking easy?”
“Stop making excuses man,” Matt folded his arms over his chest and crossed his legs. “Johnny and Jimmy have mates and they run the city perfectly fine. As for me? You know me, you’ve known me my whole life, do you really think I can falter?” He chuckled at his own cockiness as Brian shook his head.
“This girl is different though,” Brian persisted. “I see the way you look at her. It’s not like Jimmy or Leana or Johnny and Lacey. It’s…” He paused and sighed. “It’s different.”
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part four! thanks again! :)