One Cold Night

Chapter 2

The night started getting brighter as more and more streetlights lit up my line of sight. Old buildings peered above me, and I could only guess that we were headed deep into the industrial part of town. We came to an immediate stop, and I heard the driver door open and close. Soon afterwards, I heard the footsteps of the man who had abducted me, not too long ago, come around to the back of the truck before he opened the bed of the truck.

I was shivering from cold and fear. Without warning, I was dragged down toward him. In one swift movement he slung me over his shoulder and started carrying me toward an abandoned warehouse with boarded windows.

Once we were inside he dropped me to the ground and I hit it hard. I watched every movement he made from locking the door we just went through to walking across the room to pull a chair to the center of the room. Without missing a step, he walked up to me and pulled me toward the chair. He untied the rope from around me and plopped me down in it. He walked around me as he trailed his hand up my right arm and up to my shoulder. My heart rate quickened. I had no idea what was coming.

The rope secured quickly around me over and over so that my hands were cuffed in front of me and I was tied flush to the chair I was sitting in. Once he was done, his face reappeared in front of me. Still on his face was his evil smirk that seemed to never go away.

He pulled a bandana out from his pocket and leaned in toward me. My breath hitched in my throat. His glove covered hands made their way to my face and he wrapped the bandana around my face to use it as a gag. I was now handcuffed, tied to a chair, and gagged. To say the least, I was panicking a lot inside.

His voice startled me when he began to speak after being silent for so long. “You know my father used to own this place.” A smile graced his features as it looked like he was reminiscing. But, this time, his smile didn’t hold an evil air to it. As soon as it appeared, though, it vanished. He was back to his sick, perverted side. “Until your father took it away from us!” he yelled.

In one swift move he had managed to somehow get a knife that was hidden on him somewhere to now sticking out of the outside of my left knee. I whimpered in pain since I couldn’t yell with the gag in my mouth. I could feel the warm liquid trickling down my leg before it turned cold due to the frigid air that surrounded us. He let out a demented laugh. “Now, I’m gonna have fun with you.”

He turned away from me and toward a bucket that I had failed to spot before. When he picked it up, some water splashed out of it and onto the floor. As he got closer, I could see a thin layer of ice that had formed on the top of it. As soon as he was close enough, he poured the freezing bucket of water over me. Instantly, I shook from the cold water that was mixed with the cold air.

The man had turned around to grab another chair and placed it in front of me. He set the chair down so that the back of it was facing me, and he sat down in it with the back up against his chest. Both of us watched each other intensely. “When hypothermia sets in, your heart, nervous system, and other organs will begin to shut down. Your respiratory system and heart will fail before death. It is a very grueling way to die. My brother died from hypothermia. Do you know why?” He didn’t give me time to answer. “Because your father kicked us out of our only shelter and into the cold, wet night of a December winter!”

I could tell that his anger had reached a tipping point. He stood up so quickly that the chair he was sitting on previously, fell to the floor with an echoing thud. He pulled out my gun from his hoodie pocket and aimed it at me. My eyes grew so wide they were probably the size of bowling balls. A shot rang out before I felt the impact in my chest milliseconds later. I was paralyzed with shock and most likely a hundred different other things before my brain had registered what had happened. The bullet had hit my vest that both he and I seemed to have forgotten I was wearing. His face scrunched up in anger as he registered the situation. A deep growl vibrated out of his chest as he made his way toward me. His right hand pulled back and forward again as he hit me in the head with the butt of the gun. I felt the chair tip and hit the floor before I lost the ability to hold on to consciousness I was so desperately fighting for.