Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Nightmare Ten


"Oh shit"

"What?" Benji asked opening his eyes.

"I forgot my bag downstairs!" I exclaimed upset.

"Devi, it’s okay. They won’t touch it." he tried to reassure me.

"No! You don’t get it Benji! I left something in it that I wanted to give you and if they find it..." I bit my lip not wanting to think about it.

"Awe, Devi its okay! We can just go downstairs and get it."

"But then they'll attack us..." I said worried.

"Nah. We can sneak down and back before they even notice. They’re in Kara’s room anyways so they won’t even know!"

"Well... you do have a point..."

Benji smiled triumphantly. "Yep"

Ah, why is my boyfriend so smart? ... And hot...

Pssh cause he's Benji. Duh.

Good point.



Alright. Devin forgot something downstairs.

Something that he wanted to surprise me with...

Something that is in his bag on the couch and he's worried Kara will find...

It must be a condom.

"Benji... you okay?"

"Yea, why?"

"Because you just turned red..."

Oh shit...

I totally need to stop these thoughts around Devin...

"You sure you're okay?" he asked again blushing and shifting a little bit.

Oh fuck...

How did I not notice that?!

God damned it.

"Mhm I’m fine. Promise. Let’s go get your bag yea?"

I got off of him and headed for the door, grabbing his hand.

"We can do it." I cheered for us.

"Sure... “He was less enthusiastic.

And off we went.


"Oh my god."

"What?" asked Coley.

"Benji and Devin just vacated the room...”

"No way...” Meg said.

"Ya way." I replied.

"Devin apparently forgot something and they went to get his bag."

They stared at me agape.

"This is our chance girls." I stated. "It’s now or never."

They both nodded. "Let’s do this."

We quickly and quietly got up and ran into Benji’s room.

"Shit... where do we hide?" asked Meg.

"Oh... um...”

"Quick the closet!" Coley whispered.

We got the door open to Benji’s neatly stacked walk in closet and closed the door tightly.

Hopefully they wouldn’t get suspicious of us and try to come in...


Okay. So we got downstairs pretty much okay.

Alright, we didn’t see them once.

Which I have to admit kind of scared me a little bit.

I mean really.

They were so gun-ho about it.

I didn’t think Kara was the type to give up so easily....

Anyways, we managed to get back up to Benji’s room pretty quickly.

Which was totally a good thing.

I can’t wait to see his reaction.

He better like it.

I put my bag on the bed and dug around for it.

Pulling it out I turned to Benji.



I turned to look at Devin.


"Um. Here... I kind of got you something... Hope you like it..." he said nervously.

"Awe thanks Devi. I’m sure I’ll love it!"

He handed me a little box.

I love presents.

Especially ones from Devin. (Insert cute adorable smile)

I opened it to find two bracelets.

One said together.

The other said forever.

It was so cute.

I grinned hugely.

"Oh my god, Devin..."

He looked at me kind of nervous like.

"I love it!" I squealed jumping on him in a huge hug.

He smiled. "Yay."

I let go of him and tried to tie the together on my left wrist.

I quickly got frustrated.

"Want help?" Devin asked me, laughing quietly.

I nodded and he tied it securely on my wrist before I grabbed forever.

"Okay. Now I’ll put yours on for you!" I said excitedly.

He smiled and put out his right wrist which I promptly tied it onto.

I looked up at him only to be met with his lips on mine.

I smiled and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

Hello, heaven.

God must love me after all huh?


"Okay girls." I whispered. "When you hear the first noise of... Well... you know...”

They nodded.

"Ready..." I commanded quietly.


We waited....

One of the boys moaned.

"Go!" I whispered loudly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Grammer has been fixed here.