Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Nightmare Eleven

We burst through the door camera flashing, video cam rolling.

They pulled apart quickly, but not quick enough.

"Ha! We caught you in the act!" I yelled at them grinning victoriously.

The boys just gave us creeped out and horrifyed looks while they backed to the door.

"Uh... We're just gonna leave now.." Benji said softly.

"Yea... Uhm, have.. Fun?" Devin said as they ran out of the room.

We all grined.

"Well done ladies." I applauded. "Now we have pictures!"

"And tape!" Coley injected.

"That too!" Said Meg.

"Alrightly then, let's go and edit it and shit on my computer!"

And off we went with our prize, competely forgeting about the stars.


"I cant believe it!" I exclaimed to Devin.

"We were gone what? About one minute if that?" He nodded.

"How the fuck did they get in there!?"

I was extemely fustrated and pulling at my hair.

"Benji, dont do that. You'll hurt yourself." Devin said worriedly grabbing my hands.

I sighed.


Devin pecked me. "But nothing. It's done. The only thing for us to do is get revenge."

I grinned as an evil smile came over my boyfriend's face.

"I like the way you think babe." I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Me too." He smirked before leaning down to kiss me.

And yes, we were safe again.

We cheaked the entire room before we locked the door this time.

Besides, I think they're too preoccupied this time.

"So." I said 10 minutes of making out later. "How are we going to do it?"

Devin giggled. "That's what she said."

My eyes bugged as laughed spilled from both of us.

"That's not what I ment and you know it!" I managed to get out between laughing.

"Yeah, I know. But it was funny." He relpied still laughing.

"Anyways, I'm not really sure on how. Just that it's only fair that we do."

"Okay. I guess that makes sense." I said as I sat on my bed, my head hanging off the edge of the bed.

Devin sat down on the floor facing me.

"So what do we do now Mr.Moore?" He questioned me formally.

I grinned. "Exactly what we were doing earlier before we were so rudely interrupted."

Dev smiled and crashed his lips to mine.

The beggining of a new make out.


"So guys..."

It was just me, Damon and Walt hanging out in the game room while we listened to all the rucus going on upstairs.

"What?" Asked Walt.

"What do you think our girlfriends are doing to them?" Damon said slightly horrifyed.

"I'm not sure i want to know." I replied. "Kara's his sister... So I hope it isnt too bad..."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

We sure did feel sorry for Devin and Benji.

But we werent stupid enough to go and get between them and our girls.

They can be very very scary.

"I don't envy them...." Walt said.


So we got the footage we wanted.

That makes me so happy!

Now we can sit here and drool over those two.

However creeperish that might sound.

It's true.

You try watching some hot guys makeing out and tell me it doesnt turn you on.

"Coley, you have that ready?" Kara asked me.

"Yes, I do!" I replied and handed over the pictures to her.

"Right, now we have to finsih the tape and hid it until it's time to give it over... If ever."

We all nodded.

This wasnt really done for us, no matter what the boys all think.

This was for them.

Later in life, if they're still together, we'll give them these little pictures and tape to remember when they first met.

"They're going to love it." Meg sighed.

I nodded. "Yes, yes they will. And I'm posative that those two will make it for a long time."

"Agreed." Kara said.

"Now let's go and see what our boy toys are doing ya? We kind of neglected them.." Meg stated.

"Good point. Let's go."

With that off we went to see our boys.
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Grammer has been fixed here.