Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Nightmare Thirteen


What am I going to do?

She's gone.

She's my blanket from the world.

I need Kara…

That was my last thought before I blacked out in the parking lot.


Finally! I just got off work and I’m so going home to my snuggle bunch.

Yes I call Benji my snuggle bunch.

And no, he doesn’t know that.

I gigged and walked out of the mall heading towards the parking lot.

What the hell?

"Why is there a dude in the middle of the street?"

I got closer only to find it was Benji.

"Benji!" I screamed as I ran towards his limp form.

"Benji, honey wake up! Please tell me you're okay… please wake up...”

I cradled his head in my lap as I looked around for Kara.

Where is she?


I woke up to find myself in darkness.

Not cool in the least.

At all.

Now I’m not going to freak out entirely because of the dark like Benji is, however I don’t like it.

It isn’t my favorite place to be.

Especially when I don’t know where I am.

I get a little anxious.


My voice echoed in the darkness.

"Anyone here?" I called out again.

Still just my voice echoing.

I carefully stood up, only to fall back down clutching my head.


I pulled my hand away to find it sticky.


Gross. "Ew...”

I stood up slowly this time using the wall by my side.

Once the room stopped spinning I walked around the room carefully, trailing my hand on the wall.

The room was square.

With a door.

A door with a little window.

A little window with bars.

Just like what Benji told me in happened to him…

Oh shit…

It can’t be…

Can it?


I violently sat up gasping for breath.

I can’t breathe…

Why can’t I breathe…?

"Benji! Stop hyperventilating! You're okay I promise!"



I calmed down enough to talk.

"Devi..?" I choked out his name.

"Benji! I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.."

At the reassurance it was him I opened my eyes.

And there he was.

Sitting next to me in the hospital, holding my hand in a death grip.

I immediately squeezed back.

"I hate hospitals…" I murmured softly, eyes shifting around.

"It’s okay Benji. I’m not leaving you alone here."

Now came one of my dreaded questions.

"Devi… where's Kara…?"

He looked down.

"We were actually hoping that you could tell us...”

My eyebrows knit in confusion.

"But... How would I know where she is?"

"Benji. Do you remember what happened?"

I nodded. “I think so…”

"We were walking back to the car and… and…"

I bit my lip trying to remember.

Tears started falling from my eyes.

"Devin...” I said scared.

"Why don’t I remember?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Grammer has been fixed here.