Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Nightmare Three


I moaned as I woke up and rubbed my eyes.

Damn. My back hurts...

Oh. That's right. I fell asleep on the floor after--

Shit... Why the hell did I tell her that?

She didn't need to know that! Its personal!


Humph. No answer. I suppose she left...

Liar, she said she wouldn't leave me alone anymore...

"Benji? You up? I brought bagels!" she sang as she came into my room.

Guess she didn't forget me after all.


"Made you one with cream cheese love!" I smiled even though he couldn't see it.

He looked sad.

I hope he didn't think that I'd left him.

That would be horrible.

I handed him the bagel and he smiled softly. "Thanks..."

"You okay Benji?"

He paused before answering.

"Yea... I'm okay. Can we--"

He stopped. "Never mind"

"What is it? Common tell me. I won't laugh."

He battled a smile. "That's not it."

"Then what's it?"

"I was just gonna say 'lets watch a movie or something'... but... I cant really do that.."

I smiled softly.

Poor guy. He wanted to be normal again.

He shouldn't have gotten stuck in foster care then dumped here.

"Well how about we do something else then?"

"Like what?"

"Well... I have some friends coming over... and if you want to join us maybe?" I asked hopeful.

He turned his head down, hugging his knees again.


Please say okay!

"Please Benji? They'll be nice I promise, and maybe you'll all become friends too."

"Well… Uhm..."

Yes, so close! Common... say it!


Then the doorbell rang.



I didn't think she meant right now!

Oh shit...

Why is she bringing them up here?

Laughter. And loud voices emitted through the walls from downstairs before I heard them going up the stairs.

The door to my room creaked open.

"Benji?" Kara asked hesitantly.

I put my head on my knees sideways so I was facing the doorway. "Mmm?"

"Uhm... These are my friends..." she paused and I heard a shuffling around.

"Coley, Walt, Damon, Meg, Jax and Devin. People, this is my brother Benji."

My ears were met with nothing but silence other then the nervous rustling of clothes.

"So, um, I'm Coley." a girl stepped forward.

"... Hi."


I could hear her nervousness.

Apparently Kara didn't tell them.

"Kara," I paused. "You didn't tell them did you?"

She laughed nervously. "... No. I didn't... I wasn't sure if you wanted me to or not."

I sighed.

"Thanks for the consideration Kara, but it probably would've gone better if you had warned them." my voice was like a whisper.

Darn I sounded like a porcelain doll or something.

"Uh what are you guys talking about?" a guy.

"Well... Benji's... Blind." Kara explained.

I heard a few gasps and sighed.

"I don't want your pity." it was quiet, but full of hatred.

Go me. I just dissed my possible new friends. Joy.

I felt someone walk over and sit next to me. "Fuck off Kara."

The figure fidgeted. "I'm not Kara... my name's Devin."

My head lifted off my knees in surprise for a second before it went back. "Oh... Sorry..."


"Oh... sorry..."

He really was blind, poor Benji.

But he really did seem to be dealing with it okay, I guess.

Except he only knew Kara's voice, none of ours... hmm...

"Okay, so I'm Devin... hum lets see. I have black hair and snake bites, and green-silver eyes." I said with a smile.

A smile tugged the edge of his lips, and I looked at Coley.

"Oh, Uhm I'm Coley," she said it nervously, but then got more normal. "I have brown curly hair, brown eyes and I'm currently dating Walt!"

Wow... too much information, but everybody got the idea.

"Okay, I'm Walt. Coley's my girlfriend. I'm a natural red-head, blue eyes, and I'm cool." He laughed at the end while Coley just elbowed his stomach.

"I'm Damon. Uhm brown hair, brown eyes, and I'm with Meg?"

Ha, I guess he didn't know if we were supposed to add that on. Oh well.

"Yes you nitwit! I'm Meg or Meggie. Dating Damon, I have dirty blond hair, and blue eyes, and I absolutely love the color yellow!"

Really, I want to know what Benji is thinking know... his expression... is hilarious.

Looks like he's in pain just from the screeching of her loud voice.

"And I'm Jax. Kara's my girlfriend so I guess I'm your future brother-in-law." Jax laughed as Kara turned red and slapped his arm, guess she didn't tell Benji yet. "Ow! Ha, yea brown hair, brown eyes."

I smiled warmly. "And that's all of us. I'm pretty sure you know Kara already."

"Uhm... well... not... really..." Benji murmured quietly.

"Say what?" Coley half yelled making Benji wince and jump a little.

"Well... I guess it just never came up... " Kara tried to explain.

"Well go on," said Walt, "Tell your bro what you look like fool!"

"Brown hair, hazel eyes...."

I looked over at Benji. He was smiling slightly.

There was only one word to describe his smile...


Oh my god... I think I'm falling in love with a guy a just met.


Kara's going to kill me.

Especially since he's her brother... fuck!

Stupid hormones!

Why does Benji have to be so damn cute?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this one is now fixed.

Enjoy and comment.