Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Nightmare Four


Uh oh…

Devin has that look on his face.

This will either turn out with a rejection, an accepting, or a friendship...

Not sure whether I should intervene or not..

I bit my lip.

"Oh my gosh, you know what we should play? Truth or dare!" Meg practically screamed.

I saw Benji wince at the loudness. He wasn't used to it.

"Okay Meg. But tone down the volume okay?" I said making a pointed glance at my brother.

"Oh... Okay." she said. "Circle time!"

That being said we all got in a big circle, moving so that Benji and Devin could stay leaning against the wall, cause we're all nice like that.

I don't think I was the only one who noticed Devin's expression. Meg and Coley seemed to have got the idea as well.

"Alright. Who's first?"

"Uhm... Damon!" Meg said.


"Truth or dare?"

"... Truth."

"Awe your no fun!"

"That's because as your boyfriend I know exactly how bad your dares are."

"Fine. Where are you planning to take me on Saturday?"

I must intervene!

"Meg common don't ruin the surprise for yourself!"

"What! You mean even you know Kara? Ugh! This is so not fair. Tell me!"

Damon's face fell, but he told her. "... Picnic at the lake..." he mumbled looking away from her.

She just ruined a big surprise. Stupid woman. He was going to give her a promise ring and everything. Nice going Meg.

"Oh!" she gasped.

Then she saw Damon trying to act like it wasn't a big deal.

"Awe Damon I'm sorry babe! I was just really curious, and no body would tell me..." she gave him a big hug.

He sighed. "Its okay... I'll just think of somewhere else to go..."

Coley, Dev and I gave him sympathetic looks.

He'd been planning that for a month to have it ruined. Poor chap.

"Moving on." he said. "Kara, truth or dare?"

Shit. "Uhm... dare?"

Damon smirked.

"I dare you to make out with Jax, in front of all of us!"

"Fucker..." I mumbled as I leaned over to Jax.

Jax on the other hand was quite fine with the situation.

I was the one with privacy issues after all, not him.

After it was done and I was beet red it was my turn to embarrass people.

"Oh and thanks Damon."

Jax gave Damon a head nod, and Damon smiled. "No prob bro."



He jumped and looked at me wearily.

"Yes?" he said, kind of scared like.

Poor kid, he was about to get the brunt of my anger.

"Truth or dare?"

He paused.

I think he realized he was screwed either way.

"... Truth..."

I smirked evilly at Devin and my brother.

Hopefully I won't scare Benji too much with this.

"You think my brother is absolutely adorable, true or false?"

Their expressions were priceless.

Devin was like 'oh shit'

And Benji was like 'what?'

Totally worth it.

"... True." Devin whispered, his face turning red.

I smiled triumphantly. Stage one of Denji complete!

Coley and Meg gave me thumbs up. Go me.

Through all this, Benji didn't say a word.

Hope he's not going to bolt....

Damn. Why didn't I think of him bolting before I made Devin answer?

I gave Coley and Meg panicked looks.

That's when Benji stood up.

"I'm hungry... " He said in his little whispery voice. "Gonna go get an ice pop..."

He turned around and walked to the wall, then trailed his hand on it till he got to the doorway, and disappeared only to come back a few seconds later.

"Uhm... anybody else want one?"

We smiled. He really was only hungry.

That was confirmed when his tummy growled making him blush.

He was too cute.

Everyone smiled. "Me!"



I didn't think that anyone would find me cute...

But. It's kind of weird...

I mean I am gay and all...

But I don't remember ever telling Kara that..

Suddenly I tripped.

"Oh fuck..."

Why don't I feel any floors? I should've face planted by no--


I crashed down the stairs quite quietly if you ask me.

But I think my cussing got their attention.

Stupid me. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut?

"Benji?" Meg?

Ow... my stupid head hurts now.

"Oh my god! Benji!!" Oh my god, Meg!

Ouch! Goddamn woman, headache plus sensitive ears mean anything to you?

"Benji?" Devin? Jezz...

When I didn't respond I guess he thought I was unconcious or something.

Cause yea, he tried to open my eyes.

And sadly, he did.

I couldn't help my reaction.

I pushed him away and started whimpering, eyes wide and silent tears falling out.


I started shaking.

Where's Kara?

"Benji, what's wrong? Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you..."

I want Kara!!!

"Its okay Benji... its gonna be alright...."

I want my Kara! She promised!!

"Benji!" I felt warm arms wrap around me and the familiar scent of Kara.

She didn't leave me alone.

"Benji its okay... your gonna be alright... I'm right here... nothings gonna hurt you..."



He better be okay.


Devin looked over at me still cradling my shaking brother.

"Devin... did his eyes open?"

Dev looked at me weirdly.

"Yes... we needed to see if he was unconcious..."


"Why? What's wrong?"

Awe no. Now I got him all concerned.

"If his eyes open... he gets flashbacks from his past. A past he doesn't want to remember for a reason..."

Devin gives me a look as if to say how bad?

"Bad enough to give him night terrors every single night of his life."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so now this chapter is fixed as well.

I'm on a roll.

Enjoy and comment.