Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Nightmare Six


"I can’t believe it either! I’m just so happy for them both!"


"Yeah they are so cute! I didn’t think Benji swung that way, but I’m glad he does or poor Devin would be heartbroken again."


Kara giggled. “Okay! Love you!"


The phone clicked as she hung up.

A heavy sigh emitted from her lips. "I can’t wait!!"

"Can’t wait for what?" Benji asked walking into my bedroom, and finding his way over to plop on my bed.

"Jax is taking me out to that MCR concert on Friday night! I’m so excited!" I squealed.

I really can’t help it. MCR is my life! Well not my life, but I love them!

Benji laughed at my outburst. He's so full of life now that he and Devin are together.

It makes me so happy. Benji's laugh is just too adorable.

"Freak! Now make me some waffles!" He demanded cutely using that puppy face.

"Aw, no! Not the puppy face!"

"Now make me waffles!!" He laughed evilly still making that face.

I sighed. "Fine, just this once. But you have to get dressed because Jax is picking us up in 30 minutes for school okay?"

He groaned and made his way up and to his room to get dressed.

If he doesn’t match, ill fix it later.


I sighed. Getting dressed. Why must I get dressed? To go to hell. And why must I go to hell? Cause 'Mum' says so.

Nothing good can come of me dressing myself. I'm probably going to end up not matched or something. That tends to happen so Kara always comes and fixes it for me.

Although today Jax is coming to pick us up for school in his car... And I think he's bringing Devin with him...

Oh I really hope he is!

Devin is so sweet, and tasty, and huggable! He's also cute and kind... And mine!

Oh just the thought of him makes me happy.

"Benji! Breakfast!" Kara yelled up the stairs giggling.

I guess Jax is here.


I hummed to myself while I made the waffles for all of us.

All of us being Benji, myself, Jax and Devin.

I’m not sure if Benji knows that Devin is going to be here, but that’s okay. He'll get over it.

I was so concentrated on the waffles that I didn’t notice they came in until Jax wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

"Good morning gorgeous."

I jumped, startled. "Jax! Don’t scare me like that!"

"Or what?" He challenged grinning evilly.

"Or I won’t make you waffles!"

His smile instantly disappeared.

"No! I’ll be a good boy see?" He said running around the kitchen setting the plates up.

I just laughed. "Wait, Jax, didn’t you have Devin with you?" I asked.

He paused and looked at me. "Yeah, I think he went up to get Benji."

I choked. "What!? Benji is getting dressed!"

Jax's eyes bugged. "Whoa... Devin gets a free peek show..."

I smacked him. "Perv!"

He just grinned.


I was picking through my closet when I heard my door open.

"Kara? Oh good, you can help me pick..."

"Um, Benji? It’s Devin, not Kara..."

Oh... Wow... He did come!

I reached out where I heard his voice and wrapped him in a hug.

"Oh yay! Then you can help me get dressed! Cause I don’t know what to wear cause I don’t know what matches!"

He chuckled. "Okay... Let's see... Um... This shirt."

He handed me a long sleeved shirt. "What color is it?"

"Black." He said as I took my jamas off and pulled on the shirt. It was comfy.

"And," He said dragging out the word. "These pants! They’re a faded light blue."

He handed them to me and I heard him shift around. "What are you doing?" I asked as I pulled on the jeans.

"I... Just giving you some privacy...”

"Oh... Thanks...” I said, heat creeping up my face.

After we got my shoes and socks on and grabbed my bag Devin pulled me into the bathroom.

"Hey Benji... Would you let me try something?"


"Try what exactly?" I asked curious.

"I want to see if you look good in eyeliner...” He said sheepishly.

"Sure. Do I need to open my eyes though?" I asked wearily.

"Not if you don’t want too."

I bit my lip. "Okay... But... I’m going to try to anyways... "

I reached out and grabbed his hand.”Just don’t let go?"

"Okay." He promised and I slowly opened my eyes.

I instantly gasped. "Kara!!" I screamed.

"Benji, what’s wrong?" Devin asked scared he did something wrong.

Kara ran into the room and look at us, me with my eyes open.

"Benji! Are you okay? Can you still hear me?" She asked panicked.

"Kara... “I said.”Why can I kind of see where you are?"

"What?" She said flabbergasted.

"I can see a blurry outline of you and Devi and everything.. But its black and white and gray...” I said, my eyes rolling around the room, taking it all in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Grammer has been fixed here.