Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Nightmare Nine


"Okay troops. Pay attention. We'll only get one shot at this before they figure out what we're up too. Got me?" I carefully explained to Meg, and Coley.

They both nodded.

"Everybody equipped properly?"

"Yes. I am ready to go." Coley clarified.

"Ditto. Let's rock and roll." Meg agreed.

"Okay. Final check." I said. "Camcorder?"

"Check." Meg held it up.

"Okay. Sprayfetti?"

"Check." Coley passed out one can to me and one to Meg, keeping most for herself.

"Water gun?" Meg asked me.

"Check. Let's go people. Move out!" I held the super soaker in front of me, ready to shoot.

It was time to go attack my little brother.

And of course, video it.

I chuckled evilly inside my head as we near Benji's door.



I am in heaven.

Well, almost, I'm still alive.

Me and Devin were making out again, of course.

On my bed this time, it was comfier.

Devin sat down and I had sat in his lap, and poof.

Make out session.

Not that I'm complaining or anything. Really. I enjoy it. A lot.

"Oh Benji!" Came a voice from behind the locked door.

"What the hell does she want?" I whined to Devin before answering my sister.

"What Kara? I'm busy!"

"Busy?" She asked. I could almost hear her smirk. "Doing what pray tell?"

"Shit…" I whispered. "They're on to us, Dev."

Devin just looked at the door, then over to the window.

"Both are locked right?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yap."

"Then they can’t get in unless they break something. Which I really don’t think will happen, because then your parents will get pissed." He explained. "So we're safe."

He smiled brightly.

"Okay then." I smirked. He just wanted to kiss me again. Although he did have a point.

They wouldn’t break anything.

And the window and the door were both locked, and in the window's case, curtain pulled.

So we really were safe.

I leaned over at the same time Dev did and we started making out again happily.

His arms around my waist, mine around his neck.

I sighed into the kiss.


I could die happy right now.


"Damned it." I cursed quietly. "Think girls!"

We had retreated back to my room, the one next to Benji's.

The door was locked effectively. And the so was the window. Yes we tried it.

"Um… “Coley spoke up.”You have an attic, yes?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said. "But if we break anything we're totally screwed over. And dead."

We all gulped.

My parents wouldn’t mind as long as nothing got broken. But break something?

Hell no. Deader than a door nail.

"Well." She continued. "Do you have air vents?"

I smiled. "Yes, but he only has one in his room, and that’s block off behind his bookcase."

"So it’s a perfect place then!" Meg squealed.

"Eh, wrong." I stopped the happiness. "He has that thing covered in books… Book worm."

We all sighed.

How the hell were we going to get in there?
♠ ♠ ♠
Grammer has been fixed here.