The Sun Shall Shine

The Sun Shall Shine

The light breeze blew the autumn leaves down the concrete path. Where I was headed, I didn’t know and, frankly, I didn’t care. Lately, that’s how I’ve been feeling about everyone. No one cares and no one will care, about me especially. Have they even noticed the pain I’ve gone through and continue to go through? Of course not! To them I am no one. And, a no one I shall remain.

Life has its ups and downs but it seems like I haven’t reached enough momentum to make it to an up. Why do I even care, though? No one else seems to. To them I am just as the leaves that blow around my feet with the breeze that carries a little more than just a whisper.

The concrete path is nothing but a dead end. It doesn’t continue nor does it veer off somewhere else. I don’t want to turn back now so I continue walking where the path should be. It is nothing but browned grass that has lived as long as it could before the weather changed and took its life with it.

The sound of the lapping of waves draws my attention away from my feet and the crisp grass beneath them. It surprises me that the water is this close. The sound is soothing and I make my way over to a nearby dock. I perch myself at the edge and watch my reflection in the cool, black water. It mocks and taunts me inviting me in. It’s hard to resist the urge. Why would I want to anyway? This is my invitation to freedom. No one would notice if I disappear. They never see me anyway.

I look up from the dark water one last time. The sun is setting and the sky is a beautiful orange and pink. It will be the last sunset I’ll ever see, but I know that whenever the sky shines orange and pink again then it is shining for me.

Without a second thought I jump in. I release my lungs of its oxygen and let myself sink. Deeper and deeper I drop. The light gets darker and darker before there is nothing to see anymore. The things of this world leave in a flash. The life once lived is gone in a blink. The people who once didn’t care still continue to not care. But, the sun still shines to honor those who couldn’t keep their light shining anymore.

However, one question still remains. “If you disappear and no one is there to miss you, did you ever even exist?”