Talk Me Down

Talk Me Down

The cold wind whipped around me. My body quivered under the chill that made its way through my thick clothing. The bustling of the city could be heard down below. The gray sky was just barely holding off the impending snow. I closed my eyes and exhaled into the crisp air.

I watched the white puffy cloud float away with the violent gusts. The beige concrete beneath my feet stood firm as I walked my way out to the edge. The people below don’t see me. I can barely see them for that matter anyway. A thin cloud obscures the view of the people that are going about their day per usual. I look up and look around at the other buildings around me. Why I chose this one, I don’t know.

Now, I’ve never been a big fan of heights but I figured this would just be the way I would go. I didn’t need this world anymore and I would say that the world never needed me so I’ll just do us all a favor and end it right now.

I close my eyes and inhale the scents around me one last time. A noise behind me pulls me from my thoughts. I turn around to find a young lady with light blonde hair and kind eyes watching me intensely. How long she’s been standing there is beyond me.

My eyes never leave hers as I walk slowly backward toward the edge. I see her mouth moving but I can’t hear what she is saying. She’s gone from a slow walk to a fast sprint toward me. But, before she can reach me I let myself slip off the ledge. As I fall I see her head appear overlooking the ledge from where I once stood. From how far away I am I can see the tears sparkling in her eyes. For some reason the sight is baffling yet beautiful at the same time.

Suddenly, I see nothing but I hear wind blowing about me and a busy street in the distance. All I smell is the smell of snow and the common smells of a dirty city. I finally open my eyes and find myself still standing on the roof of the beige building.

I look around at the white fluff falling from the sky. I never left the roof. It was all just a dream. But it felt so real. And the young lady, where did she go, better yet, where did she come from? When I turn around I am surprised by what I see. It is the young lady with light blonde hair and kind eyes. The concern in her eyes is what I notice first. She starts making her way toward me and her white knit scarf blows about her face. I stand there paralyzed not knowing what to do. Thankfully I don’t have to do anything because she speaks first. “What do you think you’re doing up here, especially in this kind of weather?” When I still don’t do anything she decides to speak again. “You know, I saw you come up here. Something about the whole situation just didn’t feel right. You had me worried that you were planning to do something so I decided to see for myself.”

“Perhaps I was planning to do something.” I bit out with slight anger.

“Why, though? What would make you want to do such a horrible act?”

“Why do you care? No one else seems to have ever?” I glance over my shoulder and over the ledge. All I see is a thick white cloud that blocks my view of the ground.

“Why wouldn’t I. Your wellbeing is my business even if we are strangers.” She has made her way closer to me now. She holds out her hand toward me as a slight smile plays on her face.

I look at her analytically. “Why? What would give a stranger such deep thoughts for another stranger? It-it just—It just doesn’t make sense.” I finally get the words out.

She still has her hand extended toward me and answers the most honest answer she could. “God sends angels of all sorts and it looks like God sent me to be your angel today.”

The words hit me like a cold slap to the face. How could I be so selfish? Why would I want to do such a selfish and awful act anyway? Why haven’t I ever seen this type of care in the world before? Why haven’t I given it? These questions fill my head.

I blink a couple of times to prove to myself that I am indeed awake. I look around at my surroundings that have started turning white from the snow. I look back down at “my angel” who is still holding out her hand. I make one last decision and take it boldly. I grab onto her hand tightly and let her guide me away from the ledge. Once I am far enough away I collapse in her embrace. I let the tears pour from my eyes. I don’t know why I’m crying but I can’t stop. I cry so much that my tears freeze on my face.

The whole time I cried I was held in a warm embrace. She doesn’t criticize nor scold me. All she does is bring love and comfort.

My angel saved me that day and I shall ever be grateful. She turned my life around and changed who I was into who I am today. An angel was sent to me from above and talked me down from that ledge. Through unexplainable circumstances we both ended up at the same place at the same time. Two simple people, one peculiar rescue.