Sequel: Standing Tall
Status: To make a sequel or not...that is the question...

Getting Back Up


"You met who?!" Tyler exclaimed and threw his Xbox controller on the couch before running into the kitchen where his mother was making a sandwich.

"Some hockey players. Luke, Scott...Brandon...and someone else. Don't remember his name. Clide? Clark...I dont know." Rebecca wasn't really concerned with remembering their names, she'd never see them again anyway.

"I don't believe this," Tyler says to himself, "she goes out one night and meets the Flyers. Unbelievable."

"I don't know what you're getting all excited about. It's not like they're royalty." Rebecca continues making her lunch, completely ignoring her son who has now dropped his head into his hands.

"Yeah ma, they kinda are. That was Claude...Giroux...the CAPTAIN of the team!" Tyler shakes his head in disbelief that his mother had waited half the day to tell him about her night. "He's my favorite player, I have his jersey. You've seen it."

"I don't pay attention. You've been washing your own clothes for years so its not like I've had to wash it."

"My friends are not going to believe this," Tyler said as he left the room to go back to his video game.

"Sorry bud. Had I known I would have sent you a text."

"That's alright ma. I'll forgive you this time," Tyler smirked.

Rebecca sat in the chair next to the sofa where her son was lounging and began to eat the ham and cheese sandwich she had prepared. She watches her son while he plays NHL13 and recalls years oh so long ago when she had to be the one to occupy her son. She can't believe how quickly he's grown, it seems like yesterday that she was bringing him home from the hospital after he was born.


"Brad, what are you saying?" Rebecca asked while cradling the fussy 3 month old baby in her arms.

"I'm saying I can't do this anymore," Brad responded, "I'm still not convinced he's mine."

"I don't know how many ways to tell you that I never slept with anyone else. I would never cheat on you," Rebecca could feel the tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes, "I love you."

"Well Meg told me how close you and Chris were getting, so I wouldn't be surprised if Tyler were his." Brad finished packing his suitcase and started towards the bedroom door. "Look, I'm sorry. I just don't want to be a father right now."

Rebecca sat down on the bed and held Tyler to her chest and sobbed when she heard the front door close behind him. "How am I going to do this on my own?"

Rebecca picked up the phone from the nightstand and called the only person that could help. "Mom? Brad just left me and Tyler."

"I'll be right there."

30 minutes later Rebecca heard a knock at the door. She wiped the tears from her face and opened the door. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course honey. Where's the baby?" Jean wrapped her arms around her daughter and squeezed.

"In his crib. He's sleeping."

"Ok good. So what happened?"

Rebecca took a deep breath before beginning to describe that morning's events. A few times she couldn't control her emotions and began sobbing between words. Her mother stroked her hair and comforted her while listening to the details of how her daughter lost the live of her life.

"Just like that...he walked out," Rebecca said, "like the last 5 years didn't happen. Like we weren't planning on getting married in the next few years. Like we," she motioned to the crib in the corner of the room, "don't matter."

"I promise you'll be able to get through this. Dad and I will help you. You're still young, you're only 20. You've got the rest of your life ahead of you."

"Yeah I know I'm young. That's the point. How am I going to finish school and work to support him? Brad and I had everything figured out," Rebecca said, "at least I thought we did."

"Well we don't have to figure it all out tonight. But I promise we will." Jean hugged her daughter while she secretly wished excruciating pain would come to Brad.


"Ma. You alright? You zoned out for a few," Tyler looked at his mother inquisitively.

"Yep. I'm perfect." Rebecca shot her son a smile and went into the kitchen to put her plate in the dishwasher.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a pretty easy chapter to write but im distracted by the Flyers game. Maybe I shouldn't write during games. Lol.

Thanks for the comments, I appreciate any feedback.