Status: active.

Shattered Silence

New Mission

I barely get to dance two steps with Tristan before a water fairy cuts in and takes my spot. At first I am upset them I start to laugh. Water fairies are known to be a playful and mischievous bunch; they don’t want to cause problems, but if they want something they go for it. I bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud at his predicament. I am pretty sure if it was some other Other they would’ve put a stop to the dance, however Tristan is a gentlemen of sorts.

Tristan smiles at the water fairy and starts to led the dance, but it doesn’t last. With a twirl and twitch of the fairy’s wings, she takes led and they are bounding around the dance floor. Tristan tosses me a stricken look. But I know it would be rude of me to interrupt so I watch them dance until the song ends. He quickly thanks her and heads towards me but is interrupted be fair haired contortionist and is once again whisked off his feet.

I finally start to make my way towards him nodding occasionally at the dancers and the people I am slowly starting to trust. Tristan has a look of relief as he’s almost bent in half. I smirk and giggle. But I soon lose all amusement when a pale hand with horn like projections laced through his skin gestures for me to take it. I follow the extended hand and back away as none other than Ragnar’s face come into view.

“Care to dance?” He asks in a neutral voice.

“Not really.” I step by him only to have him grab my waist and whisk me into the current dance. He twirls me and takes my hand and places his other on my mid back. I try to pull my hand from his but he laces shadows around our fingers, entrapping me.

“We need to have a little chat.” We fall in step behind a woman dancing with air.

“What we need to do is teach you about boundaries and what the meaning of ‘no’ means.” I try to move the shadows they barely respond but still won’t budge. He smiles and pulls us to the fringe of dancers.

“I don’t like you. You threaten my position.”

“At least we can agree on something but how can I possibly threaten your position? I may be Bartholomew’s blood, but I don’t know anyone in the tribe or anything about shadow daemons.” Once again I try to pull away but he tightens his fingers.

“It doesn’t matter what you know or don’t know or that you are a complete strange, you are a variable that complicates everything.” I hide the look I want to direct at him. At this rate any fast movements let alone a look of utter disbelief might cause him to do something drastic.

“Are you crazy? Your people don’t know me let alone trust me. Why in their right mine would they accept me and make me their leader?” I stagger slightly as a wave of wariness assaults me. Ragnar deftly supports me and continues to lead me around the floor.

Slowly he leans in close. “Because blood is power and until the ritual that rightfully gives me power and leadership is complete you are a constant threat.”

I lean in until out noses are touching. “You’re insane.” Each word is punctuated with causal calmness. “I don’t care if I am blood. Nothing and I mean nothing will ever change me to where I want to be a part of the tribe. I am nothing like you people.”

The look in his eye was the only warning I got before my stomach flipped and started doing jumping jacks. “Maybe so,” he whispers and keeps dancing. All I want to do is get away from him his shadow abilities are not only better than mine but his shadows always cause me to feel sick. He stares down at me and I can tell he is relishing my pitiful state.

“May I cut in?” The shadows release me at the sudden voice and we stop moving. The waves of nausea and wariness vanish with no linger effects. Tristian is standing before us. He is giving Ragnar a look of extreme dislike and possible animosity.

Ragnar just smiles sweetly. “Sure we’re finished anyways.” Tristan steps to my side and takes up my hand and places his other on my lower back. I glare at Ragnar as he slightly rolls his eyes at Tristan’s antics. “When he asks, say no,” Ragnar orders before he disappears into the shadows.

I grit my teeth and tighten my grip. “Rune forget him.” I relax and Tristan’s voice and give him a smile that doesn’t reach my eyes. “He’s not going to touch you again, I promise.” I look into his golden eyes and know he’s telling the truth.

The lights dim as a slow song begins. Couples dance closers together and I see Kalix and Lathan drifting down from the ceiling. The celebration is coming to an end. I blush as I get closer to Tristan and lean my head on his chest. “High and mighty elf,” I say with emotions I don’t ever use. I don’t look up because I don’t have the courage to meet his eyes. He doesn’t say anything except chuckle, and tightens his arms around me. For the first time in a long time I feel safe and at peace.


Kalix and I walk down the hall toward the meeting place. Posted around the kept were notices for missions to be assigned. Throughout the days people have been going in and out of the main hall getting their assignments and missions.

Deimos is trailing behind us alternating between his horse form and his shadow form, all the while trying to avoid Ash buzzing around his head. They are talking in low tones about completely random things and occasionally trying to test out each other’s powers. Every few minutes Kalix had to turn around and give Ash a stern look for almost hitting us both with her lightening.

“Kalix! Rune! I was wondering when you two would make it down here for your assignments.” Jeremiah looks up from a letter he is reading. He sets it down and beckons us forward. “You two getting along?”

“Just making sure she’s not going to break my brother’s heart,” Kalix teases. She laughs as a blush crawls up my face. I try to deny it, but my tongue twists and nothing comes out. Jeremiah chuckles and I blush even more.

“Good to hear. Finally understanding that Others are no different than anyone else, it’s good to hear.” Jeremiah’s smile somewhat falls. “Kalix, you and your brother along with a few others are going to go further into the woodland and see if you can rally up more Others to help our cause.” I frown when I’m not mentioned and look to Kalix to see the same frown on her face.

“Rune, you will be accompanying Bartholomew back to Aruric and then on to Melaesthet.” My eyes widen and a sound escapes both mine and Kalix’s throat; however before we can protest Jeremiah puts his hand up and continues. “Don’t worry, Lathan will be accompanying you and Rowena will meet up with you.” We stood there in silence.

“You’re kidding right?!” I throw my hand up and gesture to my face and no visible horns. “Mathias is trying to Cuff me and every solider knows my face. I will be enslaved in under an hour.”

“I agree. I should go nobody knows me,” Kalix says her hair shifting color rapidly.

“Rune is going end of discussion. She need more control over her shadows and her father and tribe will be the best resource. Kalix can sense Others-”

“So can Tristan. I would be more useful going with Lathan and Rune than going with my brother.” There is a slight begging tone to her voice. “Plus people will recognize Rune!” She point at my face and I copy her. I really don’t want to go especially with Ragnar coming to. “Why even send them?”

Jeremiah stands there pondering out pitiful defense and questions. “Someone has been entering dreams trying to retrieve the location of the kept.” My heart stops as I remember the feeling of someone ripping through my head. “Lathan will do some investigating; unfortunately he doesn’t know the city of Melaesthet.” Jeremiah looks at me. “That’s why Rune is going. And Rowena is going to make it where they can travel among them.”

I look at Kalix knowing she will fight tooth and nail to go. To meet the man that trapped her brother and killed her people. I glance at Jeremiah and knew he was a smart man by the look in his eye. “You can go Kalix, but any problem occurs and you too come straight back…please don’t be the cause of the problem.” He rubs his forehead. “That’s it you leave tomorrow.”

We turn to leave. Kalix happy as can be and me as low as low. I would rather go with Tristan than the capital. My shoulders sag at just the thought of traveling with Ragnar. As we are about to leave Jeremiah speaks up. “One more thing doesn’t tell your brother.” Kalix nods and we leave the main and head out to the training fields.

Kalix turns to me and smiles. “Man when Tristan finds out we’re both gone, Jeremiah is going to see what an angry elf really looks like.”