Status: active.

Shattered Silence

Unfortunate Truth

“Explain to me again, Talis, how your squad failed do the simple task I gave you?” Demands King Mathias. I watch as Talis shifts uneasily from foot to foot. He licks his lips and rubs his neck.

“Sire, we underestimated the number of magical beings present. We didn’t bring enough bands, nor enough soldiers.” My eyes wander from Sargent Talis. The two daemons from the night before, flank either side of Mathias. They stand taller than him, and seem like black holes of vast darkness; however, Mathias seemed to consume the space around him as well.

Reaching the daemons shoulders, he stands proud and superior. His onyx hair is gathered together in a low ponytail. Empty blacken eyes stare Talis down as he walks stiffly down the stairs with his hands behind his back. Even though he isn’t built and is rather lean, he makes a shiver of fear slither through me.

“We?” Mathias cocks his head. “Don’t you mean you? Did I not tell you the raid would involve daemons? Did I not explain the importance of this raid?” His voice starts to increase in loudness. “I said either chain them or kill them. Not let them get away!”

Mathias’s calm façade cracks, revealing a slight glimpse of his insanity. He swiftly steps away and snaps his fingers. Suddenly the air thickens. My breathing picks up as the air gets heavier and harder to breathe.

An oily apparition appears in front of Talis. It has a blank face. No eyes, nose, mouth, or ears. It hovers in the air with shoulders slump forward and an ever shifting body. “This is all on you Talis. Meet my Soul Eater.” With another snap of Mathias’s brittle fingers, the Vetersanguin is on Talis.

I shudder as Talis is consumed. I force myself to not look away. With blood in the air, who knows what Mathias will do. I can clearly see Talis screaming, yet not a sound reaches my ears. Slowly his features fade and his movements die and his body goes slack. His skin loses color and his hair and clothes fade. Without warning the apparition releases Talis and drifts back. Talis’s body collapses onto the ground face up. I will myself not to jump as I see his face void of any features what so ever.

“Alexandra, it’s your lucky day.” Mathias snaps his finger causing Alexandra to flinch and the apparition to vanish. “You’re now the commanding Sargent of your squad. Don’t blow it.” His smile is wicked as he feeds off of Alexandra’s evident fear of him.

“Thank you, Sire.” She just manages to keep his voice from wavering, but just barely.

Mathias continues to talk about our failure and demands that the people responsible for the rumors of the Heirkudo be sent for. Then begins the reports of what was captured and what was killed and what got away.

I half listen to what is being said and push down the feeling to touch my head again. I can feel the horns, and I know they’re there, but I know they can’t see they them. It is very unnerving. It’s similar to knowing you’re pregnant, but knowing nobody knows because it’s too early to be showing.

My eye’s causally take in the room as they report the number of winged creatures. The castle of Basteret is nice but nowhere near as clean or as large as the capital’s: Melaesthet the city of King Mathias, the hub for captured magical beings, my home and Rocco’s House . I pity the city of Basteret. Mathias may be our King but he is demanding. Whoever did the decorating may become the Soul Eaters second meal.

I tense as my eyes land on one of the twin daemons. He is looking at me, yet he is not. To my shock I realize he is looking at the space where my horns would be. However the look in his eyes holds confusion. The dark eyes suddenly scan my body. Then zero in on my hand where Kalix sliced my hand. His eyes shoot back to mine. I bite my lip and focus on his forehead instead of his eyes. I don’t want to know what he sees.

I don’t realize that I completely tuned out the reports until I feel sharp elbow into my side. I go to say something snarky when I realize Mathias is watching me.

“Do you find my daemons interesting?” Mathias glances between the daemon and me. “I understand Tharnus is very appeasing to look at but try to stay with me. Or would you like to personally meet my Soul Eater.” I gulp as he raises his hand. I quickly shake my head.

“No, Sire. I am sorry, Sire.” He stares at me unblinking and lowers his hand.

“Tell me Rune. Why should I spare your life? From what I hear you killed a stone daemon. Why did you not capture it instead?” Mathias snaps his fingers twice as he stalks towards me. I start to panic. He wouldn’t kill me I’m nobody.


“Well speak up!” He is suddenly closer to me than ever before in my life. I look down to avoid his eyes and my heart stops. The bottoms of my shoes are starting to fade into a dark smoke. I need to calm down.

“I wasn’t told that our raid consisted of daemons. I was taken by surprised and barely had enough time to block and fight back. Plus I was not given or told to acquire any bands.” I force myself not to fidget or look up. I would rather not panic and teleport.

“Ignorance is bliss. This time you get off. Next time,” he pauses. I look up to see that he is looking at his daemons. Now there is three. “Maybe I will let Tharnus show what daemons are really made of.” Mathias turns back to me with malice intent is his bottomless eyes.

As if I was a fleeting thought, his eyes clear and he moves back to his daemons. “Tristan you finally decided to join the party.” The new daemon cleared the other two by a few inches. He was like the polar opposite, his skin light olive, clearly use to the sun at one point. Black hair with a shimmer and seen of blue, fell down his back and around his face. Even though his stance was devoid of strength and power, his warm summer bronze eyes revealed the truth. That explains why he has two bands, one around his neck the other around his upper arm.

“Yes Master.” He voice was thick with boredom. “You did summon me.” Tristan mocks, Mathias snaps his fingers twice. Without warning Tristan’s eyes widen and he kneels to the floor. A large portion of me is cheering on the fact that this daemons is suffering, but the part of me that knows that I am one rumor away from being Cuffed wants me to avert my eyes and turn away.

As the bands turn a bright glowing red, I finally cave and look away. When Mathias finally begins to talk again I turn my attention back. Mathias continues to talk but watches me. I think at once that Babs may have blabbed on me. Unfortunately my paranoia may get the best of me.


I rifle through my trunk and my sheets. I tear my room apart but I can’t find it. The bottle is missing. It’s been twenty-four hours. I look in my mirror and my horns stare back. They’re thicker now. They grew rapid as if they were making up for lost time. Unless my eyes deceive me they are even longer.

“Rune! Get moving girl! We’re waiting on you. Everyone wants to start making our way back to Melaesthet. So hurry!” Hollis shouts through my door and bangs on it. I run my hands through my hair and unfortunately, I have taken to running my finger along one of my horns.

This is not good. Out of all the times I would like to disappear, I’m not. I do a quick recheck of the room. The bottle is gone or missing. I bit my lip and make my decision. I grab my pack and shove I few articles of clothing in it. I buckle two sheathes to my back and sheath my swords. I lace up my heavy duty boots and grab my thick cloak.

I cast one more glance and see the present my mom left me before she headed back to the capital. I still haven’t opened it. Wanting to have something to remember my mother I tag it and stuff it in my bag, hopefully it’s not breakable.

I lean against the door and listen for a sound. The hall is empty. I quickly enter and hustle down the hallway towards a back exit. It leads to the castle quart yard. It’s risky but nobody should be there. I know Kalix said she was leaving yesterday afternoon, but I part of me hopes maybe she didn’t leave the Drunken Fish yet.

As I clear the quart yard, I stop at a less used gate that leads out of the city. I push against and sag with relief, it’s open.

“I thought there was something odd about you.” I spin around and duck barely missing a band to the neck. Mathias stands before me with an evil smile. The twins flank either side, each with matching smiles. Who knew some Cuffed’s enjoyed their job. “You’ll be a nice piece to my collection. I can think of it now. The daemon that was half human. Your kind are rare. I wonder who your father is?” Mathias shrugs. “Get her!”

The two daemons rush me. I don’t have time to draw my swords so I evade them and the bands. I lose my foot and tumble. Mathias appears in front of me with another band. My back to a wall I wish I could attack somehow.

I blink and barely catch slight of black smoke as something tackles Mathias. The other twins rush to his aid. Run Rune! Run! I hustle to my feet and take off into the forest. I glance back one more time and see the smoky figure of a beast before it vanishes.