The Legend of Stuff

Chapter 1

“KYAAAAAAA!!!!” Princess Peach screamed, flailing her limbs like a chimpanzee. King Bowser Koopa was clutching her waist, almost sinking his claws into her.
“SHUT UP!!!” Bowser wailed, afraid of her tearing through his grasp. Mario stood there, staring, with such a look on his face he seemed somehow uninterested. She’ll be fine…, he thought, She’s ALWAYS fine...!
Suddenly, a light shone, covering everything with a blindingly bright sheet. A figure appeared as if from nowhere and slowly advanced…”MAN!!!” the figure gasped, “FREAKING GANON!!!” The light faded away, except for a little blue ball with wings, shining with the same light. The figure was a boy in a dark green tunic with short sleeves. He was also adorned with reddish brown boots, matching gloves showing his fingers, and a pointy hat made of the same fabric as his tunic draping down to his shoulder blades.
“HELP ME!!!!” Princess Peach called out to the boy.
“…me…?” He asked, pointing to his own face.
“WHO ELSE IS THERE?!” Peach screamed.
“Well…there’s that guy with the overalls…” The boy answered, as Peach was dragged away.
“…WAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He yelped, running around in circles.
“Now settle down,” Mario said calmly, “what’s your name, kiddo?”
“My name’s Link, age 13 and this is Navi!” Link said, pointing to the ball of light which, of course, was a fairy.
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Alright...This is the begining of a never-ending story, isn't it...?