The Legend of Stuff


“Wow…did you learn anything…?” I asked.
“…HOW COULD WE?!” Mario screeched, “WE BLEW UP!!!”
“So? I die all the time…” Link reasoned.
“That doesn’t MATTER!!! You have FAIRIES to REVIVE you!!!!!!” Mario snapped.
“JUST SHUT UP AND SAVE THE FREAKING PRINCESS!!!” I yelled. I grabbed Mario by the ears and jerked his head about. He, annoyingly, was writhing in pain.
I led the “heroes” toward another castle. Mario and Link were silent throughout most of the journey, until…
“YOOOOWCH!!!!” Mario wailed.
“What is it THIS time?!” I cried. Link and Mario were both staring at a blue ball on the ground. I crouched down, the boys shaking their heads in fearful disapproval. I nudged the soft blue fur.
“uhhn…” the poor creature moaned. It moved a little…I picked it up and held it high.
“…what a strange creature…a blue hedgehog…” I softly spoke to myself. He was fully awake now.
“Wah…? HEY!!! Put me DOWN!!!” He squirmed. I set him down, and crouched down so I was at his eye level, Link and Mario eventually joined me there.
“Want to help us save the princess?” I inquired.
“…What princess…?” the hedgehog asked.
“Princess Peach,” Mario chimed in.
“She was taken to an evil castle by King Bowser Koopa, and we need to save her!!!” Link added.
“I’m Navi the fairy! Who are you?” Navi, Link’s fairy, asked, popping out from Link’s hat.
“Sonic’s my name, speed’s my game,” Sonic the Hedgehog said proudly.
“Cool. I’m Shinin,” I said, smiling.
“I’m Mario,” Mario said, as I kicked him.
“And I’m Link,” Link(obviously) introduced.
“Sure, I’ll go with you guys,” Sonic began, “If my new friend, Kirby, can join us.”
“SURE!!!!” We all cried excitedly in unison.
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Deidara, next time you want something to blow up, BLOW UP MY ENEMY!!!!!!!