Status: Updating when I can! :D

What Have I Become?

Are you in pain?

I couldn't contain myself, I walked slowly towards his body, it looked so frail...
I knelt down, letting my shaking hands move his curled up body so he could face me.
Blood trickled down from some wounds and indents from the impact of my car, seeing these made me shiver and question why I didn't turn on my headlights since it was so foggy and dark out...

"You'll be ok, I've got you, I'll help you..." I whispered, my voice breaking every now and then.
His head fell back, showing every single feature.

He had extremely pale skin, almost white, and flawless chiseled cheekbones. He looked strangely peaceful. I let my curious eyes wonder down his limp body, starring down at his wounds I had created. I felt guilt wash over me, a sad feeling welling up from inside myself.
I picked up my phone from my pocket and dialed for the emergency services...

No Service.

How could there be NO SERVICE? I could hear my heart thumping at an alarming rate, making me panic worse than before. I felt a chilling feeling from around me, something about this wasn't right.
Why was there no cars?
Why was there no people, animals or anything?
Also, why was I on a secluded road, I've never been here before...

I looked around for help, but all I could see was the eerie looking forest right ahead of me. I quickly grabbed the lifeless boy and held him close to me, I just needed somebody to be with me.
As if it would work, I began shaking the boy in my arms, attempting to wake him up.
Tears were now travelling down my cheeks, I was scared... Terrified...

I kept hearing the sounds of howling and footsteps, I felt like I was going to be hunted and killed.
This was worse than any horror movie...
Constant whispering rang through my ears, making shivers go down my spine painfully.

"Please, please wake up. I need you to stay strong, please just wake up!" I yelled, hoping the boy would hear me.
I placed a hand on his chest, seeing if I could feel the beat of his heart.
I looked down at his dead features, but that's when my eyes lit up.
All of a sudden, I heard the flutter of his heart, it got more powerful by the minute, a small smile crept up on my face.

I saw the flutter of his eyelids.
You just have to wake up now...
♠ ♠ ♠
He's alive!