The Time in Your Arms

Chapter 1


I fiddled my seat belt, trying to get it in the buckle thing. I was so excited since my crush, Zack asked me to the beach. It was the last two weeks before school started up again, and we were going to be seniors. I made sure, all my things were in my bag. "Artemis! Did you pack spare clothes?!" i heard my mom yell. I rolled down the driver window, and hollered back, "Yes mom! You were there when i did!" then i rolled the window back up, but since it was sunny and warm, i decided to roll the windows down. "Be safe darlin." my dad said, i smiled at him. "I will dad." i replied and he kissed my head. "Got your pepper spray?" my dad then asked. I grabbed my beach bag, and checked, "Yes i do." i held it up along with my uchiha clan symbol keychain. "Be careful driving. Have fun." he then said and went back in the house, and dragged my mom with him. "Mario, i need to make sure she has everything." my mom said to him and tried to get out of his hold. "Rosa, she's seventeen and a half, she has her license, and its before school, let her have fun since she's been here the majority of the summer." my dad looked back at me, and smiled, i smiled back and started the car, plugged in my ipod and blasted "Fantastic Baby" by Big Bang.

I pulled out of the drive way and drove away, seeing my house get smaller the farther i drove away. My thoughts drifted away, but i was still watching the road. I started rewatching NARUTO SHIPPUDEN, and i forgot how sad it was, that i was bawling my eyes out, that my mom and dad actually came in my room when they heard me crying. I admit it, im a major fan-girl, and damn proud of it. I changed the music to ' Hero's come back' and hummed a long with it. I checked the time and saw it was 11:24, and the beach was about an hour away, almost everyone was going to be there, well, whoever could get a ride, which was about everyone. I stopped at a gas station on my way there, and bought afew things, but today, the line was rather slow today, so i looked through my phone, and saw pictures of Gaara, that i down-loaded, and smiled to myself. After that, i went back to driving, so much fun that was.

-45 minutes later-

I finally made it, i checked the time, it was just turning 12:15, i unbuckled my seat belt and got out the car. The sun was beaming, and i instanty felt my skin heat up. "Artemis!" i heard my name be called, and i smiled, "Paula! Hey!" my best friend Paula came up, she had the average bleach blonde hair, light pale skin, bright blue eyes, pink lips, and was slim, but she's my best friend because we both like anime, she's a major math wiz, and she can kick anyones ass in a matter of 10 seconds, well, thats what we think. "Guess who's looking for you?" she smiled and bounced, "Who?" i grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and locked the door before closing it. "Zack! He's been wondering where you've been." she said and pulled my to the bathroom slash changing room. "I would of been here earlier, but you know my mom." i said, she nodded knowing how my mom is. "At least she still loves you." Paula told me, i nodded. We went to the stalls, and changed into our bathing suits. "I heard the witch of the waste is on the prowl again." Paula laughed, i giggled, knowing who she was talking about. "I doubt he's going to take her back, he caughter her with his brother, thats a low blow." i said, and Zack asked me to the beach, i just know he's not using me a rebound person.

"You ready butt fish?" Paula peeked in my stall, "Yeah, just tie the back for me." i moved so my back was facing her, she tied it so it wouldnt fall off. "I like the kunai pictures on your top." she chuckled and i smiled, 'Lets just go." i said as i pinched her and walked out. "To the beach!" she yelled and i laughed, "To see jason the bear!" i yelled after, we busted out laughing and walked. "Arty, i forgot my towel in the car, can you find us a spot?" Paula asked, i nodded and went in the opposite direction from her and searched for a spot. I looked around, and stopped, i saw Zack throwing a frisbee at his friend, johnny, or joe, i know it started with a J. I continued to walk, then he saw me, my heart sped up, he smiled and waved, i smiled and waved back shyly, he motioned for me to go over, i started to, he turned away because one of his friends threw a water balloon at him, i smiled, but then i slipped, i waited to hit the ground, but it never came, i looked up, and saw the sky, but around me was darkness. "Are you fricken kidding me?!" i yelled and i fell into the hole, which i am going to label as a sink hole. The sky got smaller, as i continued to fall, i held my bag close to me, and closed my eyes.

I felt like a was falling, but it changed suddenly, i opened my eye abit and then both my eyes went wide. "Major excel saga crap happening right now." i said and looked around, "Look at all the pretty lights." i giggled and looked around, just waiting for the universe to talk to me, and sound like morgan freeman. I then saw another light, "Well, i better embrace for impact." i held my bag close to me, and shut my eyes closed, all i felt was a scratching sensation before blacking out. It kind of felt like...sand.



and my BEST FRIEND is getting an honroable mention since she's the one that showed me the song fantastic baby, which is NOT mine
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I only own my characters. NARUTO rightfully belongs to Masashi Kishimoto