Status: Complete!

After the Match

Chapter 1

"Rosalina, you're on in five!" The runway director said as she was getting her make up done.

When the make up artist was done, she moved onto the dressing room. The stylist and designer worked together on her outfit until the director showed up again.

"Rosalina, we need you on in six seconds." He said with wide eyes and his fingers holding up the number six for emphasis.

She walked on then and went onto the runway right on time with her outfit complete. She strutted down the runway as confetti and balloons dropped down from ceiling. When she got to the end, she put a hand on her hip and blew a kiss to the guests of honor. They were the famous football players Fernando Torres and Juan Mata. Juan smiled and clapped as she walked away, while Fernando just had a blank stare on his face as if he was mesmerized by her.

"Way to go, Rosalina." A fellow model told her as they walked by her getting undressed.

"Aw, thank you." She replied back.

"Rosalina, you brought it, girl. Like always." The director said before giving her a huge hug.

"Aw, thank you so much, Adoni." She said, giving him a hug back.

"You're welcome, girl. I'll see you next show, for sure. Take care now, bye-bye." He said before giving her pecks on both cheeks.

"Aw, you too. Bye, Adoni." She said, doing the same.

She let out a sigh after he left.

"Rosalina, do you want us to take these pins out too?" The stylist asked.

"Yes, Angela, I need all of it off and as fast as possible. I'm late for my date tonight." She replied.

"Okay, sweetie, but don't forget about the party tonight. You're expected to make an appearance." She replied.

* The Date *

"Hey! Sorry, I'm late!" Rosalina said as she slid into her seat at the fancy restaurant, setting down her wallet and etc. on the table.

"So what should I order?" She asked, skimming the menu.

"Whatever you like." The man replied to her.

She ordered once the waiter came and she asked the man to tell her more about himself. That's where she went wrong. The man started to list off all of his accomplishments and achievements one by one and she became instantly bored. By the time they were done eating and he was sipping on some wine, she decided to check the time, 11:00 PM. She was going to be late.

"Hi, Andres or whatever, I'm about to be late for a party and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" She asked to shut him up.

* The Party *

Rosalina showed up to the party with Adrian, but went in without him.

"Rosalina, you showed up!" Adoni said with a slur to his words.

"Yes, now where is Isabel?" She asked him.

"Isabel? Well, she's over at the bar with Cristiano, of course. They're a lot of famous football players here tonight." He said with a drunken laugh.

Rosalina spotted them and thanked Adoni before leaving him. It looked like all of the football players were near the bar, but that didn't stop her from going immediately to her best friend.

"Nina!" Isabella exclaimed affectionately before giving her a one arm hug.

"Hey, Isabella. Hi, Cristian." She said to both of them hurriedly.

"We thought you'd never come." Isabella replied.

"Yes, what was the hold up, Rosa? Another one of your dates?" Cristiano said with a chuckle.

Rosalina's eyes went wide then and she quickly looked around to find the man who's name she had forgotten.

"Oh, well." She replied as she shrugged her shoulders with a small smile.

"Rosalina." Isabella said in a disapproving tone as Cristiano laughed.

"He's nothing, Isabel. All he talked about was himself during the whole thing. He's so self-absorbed, it's ridiculous." Rosalina replied with dismissal.

"Anyways, I'm going to go chat around. See you guys, later." She added with a smile before leaving them to go mingle.

While she was mingling, someone called out her name.

"Rosalina!" A familiar voice rang out.

She turned around to see a friend of hers, Eden Hazard, and a few of his teammates waiting for her.

"Excuse me for a moment." She said to the designer she was talking to.

Eden and one of his teammates were smiling at her as she approached, but the other looked nervous.

"I was told by my friend, here, that you had a show. And that I was not invited." He said at her arrival with a half smile.

"Oh, you could've come if you wanted to, Eden. Perhaps if you weren't so busy, you would notice that my manager had called you to ask if you were coming." She replied easily with a smile.

"Ah, it must've slipped my mind. Well, anyways, this is Juan Mata and this is Fernando Torres." He replied with a smile then.

Juan was the one smiling at her and Fernando was the one looking everywhere, but at her.

"It's nice to meet you two." She replied.

"Yes, well, we wanted to invite you to our games for the Champions League Tournament." Juan replied, giving her the tickets.

"Oh, well, thank you. I'll make sure to arrange plans to come." She replied sincerely before giving him pecks on both cheeks.

Juan was grinning like a madman after and Fernando had a blush on his face as Eden laughed.

"Yes, well, you better, Rosalina. I know you. You're always running about with barely even time to spare a single man." Eden replied with a chuckle.

Rosalina rolled her eyes and replied, "Well, maybe if there was someone worth wasting my time, I would do it."

Eden rolled his eyes as well and replied, "You've dated many men, why have you not found one yet?'

"Because none of them are good enough." She replied with a roll of her eyes.

Eden rolled his eyes again and replied, "Or maybe you're looking in the wrong places."

"Oh, and where do you suggest I look?" She asked.

"Come to the games and you'll see." Eden replied with a smile.

Rosalina considered and replied, "Alright, Eden, but if I don't find anyone I'll be sending my managers after you for wasting my time."

Eden laughed and replied, "Fair enough, Rosalina."

Rosalina noticed then that Fernando was staring at her and she gave him a huge smile in return.

"I- I'm Fernando, it's nice to meet you." He said before putting his hand out.

"She knows who you are already, friend." Eden whispered in his ear, putting an arm around his neck.

Rosalina nodded and shook his hand before saying genuinely, "It's nice to meet you too."

"Well, I've got to go, but I'll see you later, Eden." She said to her friend then.

"I'll set up for you and Isabella to come with us. Don't bail on me, Rosalina. I'm counting on you." He said before she left.

He really wanted her to go. Maybe a break would be a good thing. God knows she's been busy all the time. Maybe a change of scenery is exactly what she needed.

She met up with Isabella then, who was still talking to Cristiano. Whenever they were together, they never stopped talking. But when Isabella wasn't around, Cristiano was being the player that he usually was. Rosalina always said that they would end up together, but Isabella didn't see it.

"Hey." Isabella said in greeting.

"Hey, do you want to go to the Champions League Tournament with me?" Rosalina asked straight out.

Isabella didn't know what to say, so Rosalina explained everything to her.

"I guess I could use a break from the modeling scene." Isabella agreed afterwards.

"Sure, why not? Let's go." Isabella added.

Rosalina looked back at Eden and his friends then to see Fernando still staring after her. There was something with that guy....