Status: Complete!

After the Match

Chapter 4

* Two Weeks Later *

Rosalina was late to a photo shoot when her phone rang. It was Isabella.

"Hey, I'm running late, so could I-" Rosalina said as she picked up.

"Lina, have you seen it yet?" Isabella asked her.

"Seen what?" Rosalina asked, getting impatient as she hailed a taxi.

She heard Isabella sigh on the phone and Rosalina replied with more irritation, "What?"

"Lina, go to a news stand and tell me what you see." Isabella told her.

Rosalina rolled her eyes and ditched her cab to go to the news stand. She started scanning for anything that might be of interest.

"Really, Isabella, I don't see...anything." Rosalina started saying impatiently before she saw something that shocked her to the core.

All Rosalina could do was stare at it in terror, as if it was the worse news she'd ever saw, which it was to her. Getting a grip of reality, Rosalina's hold on her phone tightened.

"Rosalina?" Isabella asked with concern.

"I'll call you back." Rosalina replied with anger.

"Rosalina, don't do anything cra-" Isabella started to say, but Rosalina hung up on her.

Quickly, she called Fernando and walked back to her hotel as fast as she could.

"Hello?" Fernando answered.

He must not have seen the caller ID.

"Listen, here, you asshole. I will tolerate a whole lot out of someone, but this is the last straw between me and you." Rosalina said immediately with her fiery temper.

"Lina," Fernando started to say.

"No, that's it. We're through. No more games, no more calls, and no more anything. I mean it. Do not contact me from now on. And if you do, I swear to God that I'll reveal everything to Olalla." Rosalina replied, cutting him off before hanging up on him.

She bid her time until she got into her hotel room. Then she threw her phone as hard as she could at the wall before crumbling down to the floor as tears started to cascade down her face.

Not too long after she did this, someone came into her room.

"Lina?" Isabella said as she came in, looking for her.

When Isabella saw Rosalina on the floor, she quickly went to her aid and swept her hair away from her face.

"Oh, Lina." She said as she saw her friend's crumpled face.

Rosalina just let out another sob before her friend enveloped her in a hug.

There was a magazine that focused on celebrities at the news stand, one that got all of its information from very reliable sources. Its cover featured Fernando Torres and another Victoria's Secret model, Alexandra Camila Dania, together sharing a passionate kiss. Alexandra was the youngest model, where as Rosalina was the oldest.

"How could he do that to me?" Rosalina asked then.

"I don't know." Isabella replied sadly.

"I mean, I did everything right." Rosalina added.

"Shh, I know." Isabella replied, smoothing down her friend's hair.

"I thought he was the one." Rosalina added with a final cry.

"I know." Isabella replied as her own heart broke at hearing this.

* The Next Day *

The photo shoot was rescheduled, since Rosalina didn't make it to the last one. Her makeup artist was working on her and Rosalina couldn't seem to smile.

"Alright, ladies, line up for me." The photographer said and Rosalina went to him with the other models.

She held no scorn for Alexandra throughout the shoot, until she said something after the shoot.

"Alright, ladies, that's good. Thank you." The photographer said, ending the shoot.

"Finally. Maybe, it wouldn't have taken so long, if someone would do their lead right." Alexandra said with annoyance.

Rosalina whipped around on her then and replied with narrowed eyes, "Excuse me?"

"I think it's time for a new lead, don't you, Rosalina?" Alexandra said then with a smile on her face.

Everyone was quiet.

"Over my dead body." Rosalina replied with a glare.

"Well, let's see, it'll be dead in the business soon, right?" Alexandra said as if she was actually contemplating it.

Some of the models stifled giggles.

"Ugh!" Rosalina exclaimed furiously.

"That's it, bitch, you're going down!" She added before pushing her to the ground.

All of the models screamed and ran out of the room, while the photographer got all excited and started to take pictures of everything.

"Ow, get off of me! What are you doing?!" Alexandra said as she fought back.

"Are you going to take it back?" Rosalina asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No! Get off of me!" Alexandra said as she struggled.

"Take it back or I swear to God I will have my hand ruin that pretty little nose, Alex." Rosalina said as she drew back her arm.

"You wouldn't." Alexandra said with a glare as she stopped struggling against her.

"Oh, I would." Rosalina said with a nod.

"I'll sue you." Alexandra said with the same expression on her face as before.

"Oh, honey, I have more money than you can believe." Rosalina said with a half smile.

"You'll be fired." Alexandra said then.

"Do you seriously think they're going to fire their top model? Are you really that dumb?" Rosalina said with a glare.

"No, they're just going to get rid of their oldest." Alexandra said with a glare.

Rosalina closed her eyes and sighed.

"I really didn't want to do this, Alex." She said, before knocking Alexandra's lights out.

"Rosalina, what are you doing?!" She heard an all too familiar voice say right as her fist made contact.

"Oh! God! Ow! My nose! What did you do to my beautiful nose?!" Alexandra screamed when her fist made contact.

She stared in disbelief at Fernando as he came running toward them as she got off of Alexandra. The medics started to come in as well and Fernando was trying to help Alexandra sit up. The photographer had left already as well and Rosalina went to wardrobe to change.

"Rosa. Rosa, come back here!" Fernando yelled after her and she could hear him coming after her.

But she didn't care.

"Leave me alone, Fernando." She replied before going into her dressing room.

Suddenly though, she was shoved into the wall of the room.

"Why? Why did you do that? You could've just ruined her career!" Fernando yelled at her.

She glared at him and replied, "I don't know, Fernando. Why do you care so much?!"

"You know why, because my career is my passion! I cannot let someone ruin another person's career in front of me if not for a good reason! So explain!" Fernando said.

"Explain why you chose her!" Rosalina exclaimed then in anger.

Fernando looked away from her then in regret.

"Explain to me, why I wasn't enough. Why Olalla wasn't enough. Why weren't we enough, Fernando?" Rosalina said then as she let her emotions finally out.

"You were." Fernando said, still without looking at her.

He looked at her pain-filled expression then and he added with a serious expression, "You are."