Status: Complete!

After the Match

Chapter 5

Rosalina looked away this time in regret before saying, "Obviously, I wasn't."

"You don't understand-" Fernando started to say then.

Rosalina looked at him then with a fierce expression and replied, "What? What don't I understand? Explain it to me, Fernando."

"Olalla-" Fernando started again.

Rosalina moved away from him then and said, "Olalla. Olalla is always the problem. Well, here's a news flash, Fernando. Maybe, you're the problem. And you know what I have enough problems in my life."

"Lina..." Fernando begged her.

"Just go, Fernando." Rosalina said as she ran a hand through her hair as tears flowed freely down her face, her voice cracking on "go".

She heard him leave and close the door after a while. She fell down to her knees again as the sobs wracked her body to the core.

* The Next Day *

"Oh, Lina. You did the right thing. I mean, ruining that girl's career was a little over the top, but she had it coming to her." Isabella said as she put a hand on top of her friend's in comfort in her hotel room.

"You really think I did the right thing?" Rosalina asked, looking at their hands.

"Of course, you know what, Cristiano had invited me to the La Liga tournament, do you want to go?" Isabella said with a smile.

"But the La Liga tournament started at the beginning of the year..." Rosalina said with confusion.

"Yeah, I know. I just thought it would be funner to go with you." Isabella said with a smug smile and her arms crossed as she leaned back in her chair.

"Oh, Bella." Rosalina said with a roll of her eyes.

"So I'm taking that as a yes?" Isabella said with a smile.

"Of course." Rosalina said with another roll of her eyes.

* Four Months Later *

Rosalina had taken care of Alexandra. She had paid completely for the cosmetic surgery of her nose as soon as Alexandra had signed a contract to stop her modeling career. And that was the end of that. She hasn't found anyone new, but she'd been having a blast with random players. She had gone on dates with Iker Casillas, Kaka, Esteban Granero, Antonio Adan, and Raul Albiol. As for the ones that were married, what did she care?

She was just in it for the fun and nothing more. She had already found her match, but apparently it didn't work out. So why try again? Isabella, on the other hand, had gotten very close to Cristian lately. You could say they were a couple almost. And the team was doing extremely well with only one loss and one tie.

* A Week Later *

The team had just got done with their match and ended with a one to one tie. They were at the nightclub called Barraca in Valencia. Rosalina had gotten bored though and decided to leave early. She had gotten bored of all the players and needed some space from them. They were alright. They just weren't her match. Suddenly, Rosalina's phone rang.

She saw on the caller ID a name that she was least expecting.

"What do you want, Fernando? I told you that if you called me again that I would tell Olalla everything." Rosalina snapped at him when she answered.

He quickly replied, "Lina, you haven't seen the news? Well, never mind, just come meet me at Puente de la Exposicion."

"I'm not-" She started to exclaim, but he hung up on her.

Rosalina glared at the phone in her hand and considered throwing her new one at a wall as well. What news? Should she go? Does she trust him enough to go? Rosalina sighed then as she answered her own thoughts. Yes, she should go.

And if he does something to hurt her again, she'll just do the same thing she did to Alexandra to him this time.

* Puente de la Exposicion *

"Okay, I'm here. Now, what do you want? I told you what would happen if-" Rosalina started to say without looking at Fernando.

However, she was cut off when he kissed her just like before at the very same bridge. She resisted at first, but couldn't help it in the end. She was looking at the ground now in regret.

"What do you want, Fernando?" She asked defeatedly.

"I want you to marry me." He replied, making her look up immediately.

"What?" She asked in surprise.

"I want you to marry me." He replied with a small smile.

"But- but- you and Olalla-" She tried to say.

"-are over. We got a divorce." Fernando finished for her with a bigger smile.

Rosalina went silent and looked at the ground again.

"Then what about Alex?" She asked with sorrow.

"Rosa," Fernando said with such love that she had to look up at him again.

"It's you, it's always been you. Alex was just a patsy, so you and I could live in peace. Don't you get it? All the blame of the divorce is off of you. That's the only reason I went on that one date

with her and kissed her in front of the media. Olalla's the one that came up with the plan!" He tried to explain imploringly.

"Wait, Olalla came up with the plan?" She asked in confusion.

Fernando smiled and replied, "Yes, it turns out she has been cheating on me all along! I should have known, but I thought it was only because of the fame!"

Rosalina's eyes darted back and forth as she processed everything in her head.

"But how do I know that you're telling the truth?" Rosalina said then in conflict.

"I want you to meet them, Rosa. They'll love you, I'm sure of it, even Olalla." Fernando said with a huge smile.

Rosalina took a moment to process this as well, but before she could think anymore Fernando put her on the railing.

"Rosalina, I'm not lying." Fernando said then earnestly, looking into her eyes.

Rosalina still hesitated however as she judged the look in his eyes. It was pure love and honesty and Rosalina couldn't take it anymore. Quickly, she grabbed the back of Fernando's head and pulled him to her swiftly for a passionate kiss.

"I love you, Fernando." She said earnestly to him.

"I love you, Rosalina, more than you know it." Fernando said back to her seriously before going in to kiss her again.

* The Next Day *

Rosalina drove up in her own car to Fernando's house. He was waiting for her outside with a smile on his face.

Rosalina got out of her car with a smile and said, "Hey, stranger."

Fernando gave her a huge smile before wrapping her in his arms and giving her a kiss. Then he lead her inside to go meet Nora and Leo. They were playing in the living room.

"Nora and Leo, I have a very special lady that I'd like you to meet, okay?" Fernando said as he bent down at their level.

"Okay." They replied in unison as they kept playing with their toys.

Rosalina bent down next to them then with a big smile on her face. Nora stared at her and Leo just kept playing with his toys.

"Hi there, pretty girl. What's your name?" She said sweetly.

Nora grabbed her skirt with her hands and fidgeted around a bit as a cute little smile came on her face.

"Nora." She replied bashfully.

"Aw, that's a pretty name." Rosalina replied with a smile.

"What's your name?" Nora asked then with the same expression on her face.

"My name? My name is Rosalina, but you can call me anything you want." Rosalina replied before tapping Nora on her little hand.

Nora had a huge smile on her face now and she fidgeted on the spot again in shyness.

"You're really pretty, and my mommy's really pretty. So how about mommy?" Nora said then in conclusion.

"Okay, but you don't have to call me that, Nora." Rosalina said with a smile.

"I think it's perfect, angel." Fernando said, bringing her into his arms and giving her a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle.

"Mommy, come look!" A little voice suddenly spoke up.

Rosalina and Fernando both looked over and laughed when they realized he was talking to Rosalina, Nora giggled as well.

"Well, what do you got there, Leo?" Rosalina asked, going to his side.

He had wanted to show her a Hot Wheels car that he had.

"Wow, Leo, that's very nice." Rosalina said with reassurance as he held it up.

He smiled happily at it.

"Mommy, I want to show you my princess outfit!" Nora exclaimed then, going to a trunk.

"Okay." Rosalina said, smiling after her.

Nora put on her little outfit and showed Rosalina.

"You're very pretty, Nora." Rosalina reassured her with a smile.

"Sounds like everything's going well in here." An older feminine voice said then from the entryway.

"Mommy, she told me that I'm very pretty!" Nora exclaimed, coming up to her.

"You are." Olalla reassured her as she picked her up and put her on her hip.

Rosalina wasn't sure what to expect from Olalla.

But Olalla smiled at her and added, "We're very happy that you're here for us, Rosalina."