Status: Complete!

After the Match

Chapter 6

* After the Visit *

"So I guess that went well..." Rosalina said as she walked to her car.

She faced Fernando to see him with a huge smile on his face.

"They loved you." He said with a laugh.

"Mmm." Rosalina replied with a huge smile on her face as well.

"Well, I love you." She added before grabbing him in for a passionate kiss.

When they were done, Fernando looked anxious.

"I could come over, you know. Olalla's taking care of them." He said seriously.

"Mmm, I don't think that's a good idea." Rosalina said with a knowing expression.

"You sure?" Fernando asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Nora and Leo need you right now. Besides, she's moving out tomorrow, right?" Rosalina asked to confirm.

"Yeah." Fernando said, looking at the ground as if he forgot.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise. Like you said, they loved me." Rosalina said with a smile.

Fernando gave her a smile back before giving her another kiss before she left.

* The Next Day *

"So she's moving out, like today?" Isabella asked at Rosalina's small dining table.

They were catching up like usual.

"Yep, Fernando's helping her explain it to the kids and everything." Rosalina replied before taking a sip of her coffee.

"And you're okay with all of this?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah, I mean, it's a little weird. But I think it's the right thing for them to do." Rosalina replied hesitantly.

Isabella leaned back in her chair and took a drink of her own coffee as she thought to herself.

"I wish Cristiano was ready to settle already." Isabella said then after a while of silence.

"Are you guys together?" Rosalina asked with interest.

Isabella sighed and replied, "No, he's still 'available'. But you and I both know that we've had feelings for each other ever since we were little. I'm just waiting for him to make the next move."

Rosalina nodded in response.

After another moment of silence as they drank their coffee, Rosalina sighed and spoke up again.

"I have a confession to make." She said, holding her coffee cup in front of her on the table.

"Shoot." Isabella said.

"I don't want to move in with Fernando yet." Rosalina said quickly with a cringe on her face.

Isabella choked on her coffee as her eyes went wide with shock.

"Psst- *cough* *cough* What?!" She said, looking at Rosalina with incredulity.

"I know. Am I horrible? I'm just not ready for it yet. And he already has two kids. I feel horrible. But I love them to death, don't get me wrong. It's just... I'm not ready yet for such a big commitment." Rosalina replied with that cringe still on her face.

Isabella nodded then in understanding and replied, "No, you're not horrible, Rosalina. It's just that I thought this is what you dreamed of most of all."

"Me too." Rosalina said quietly still staring at her coffee cup.

Isabella put a hand on her friend's then in comfort and replied, "Hey, it'll be okay. He'll understand."

"I hope so." Rosalina replied quietly.

* The Next Day *

Rosalina had driven up to Fernando's house again. This time the kids were gone and with Olalla. Olalla had gotten four million in the divorce and split custody of the kids. Fernando was waiting for her again and gave her a kiss once she got out of the car. Then he took her hand and led her into his house.

* A While Later *

They were laying naked in Fernando's bed together and Rosalina was tracing Fernando's tattoos on his arm.

"Fernando, I have a question for you." Rosalina said as she stopped with her hand on Fernando's chest.

"Yeah?" He asked blissfully.

"When were you planning for me to move in?" Rosalina asked.

Fernando opened his eyes then and turned to look at her.

"Whenever you'd like to, why?" He asked.

Rosalina laid down on her back then and replied, "Because I don't think I'm quite ready to move in yet."

Fernando laid back down on his back then with a disappointed sigh.

"Well, whenever you're ready." He replied back to her.

* The Next Day *

"So how did he take the news?" Isabella asked on the phone.

Rosalina sighed and replied, "Not very well."

"Aw, I'm sorry, sweetie." Isabella replied.

"Yeah, well, I gotta go. I'll see you later, okay?" Rosalina said as she hailed a taxi to get to her photo shoot.

* After the Photo Shoot *

Rosalina had gone to Fernando's house for dinner and she was cleaning the dishes when she felt Fernando's strong arms wrap around her from behind.

"So I know you said you weren't ready to move in yet... But have you thought about getting married yet?" He asked in her ear.

"Actually, I haven't." Rosalina said with a smile before turning around to face him.

"Well, I was thinking. Maybe, that's the extra connection you need to move in?" Fernando said with a big smile.

Rosalina gave him a big smile in return and replied, "Maybe, it is."

Then she gave him a kiss on the lips and after they rested their foreheads on each other.

"So when do you want the wedding to be?" He asked with a smile.

"Whoa, wait a second, mister. You haven't even proposed yet." Rosalina said with an eyebrow raised.

Fernando's face dropped then as he realized this. Rosalina went back to the dishes then with a smile on her face. Oh, this was going to be fun.

* A Week Later *

By now, everyone knew about Rosalina and Torres' relationship together. With Olalla and him divorced though, everyone was treating them back to normal. Rosalina was still the top model and would be for as long as she wanted to be. Fernando was always supporting her and in Rosalina's free time she would spend time with the kids. Nora and Leo had seemed to take the divorce with open arms, thinking that they just had more parents to love them. They also took notice that their mom and dad fought a lot less.

Before Fernando had to fly out to London for a soccer match, he decided to take Rosalina out for a romantic dinner. He had even reserved the entire restaurant just for them. They had gone to the restaurant called Bacco D.O.C. in Valencia. He had ordered champagne and Rosalina felt like she was in heaven after dessert. At the end of the meal, Fernando had asked her if she'd like to go visit the bridge again. Rosalina, of course, agreed to do so.

When they arrived at the beginning of the bridge, Fernando turned to her and stopped walking.

"Before we go, you have to wear this." He said, showing her a blindfold and going behind her to place it around her eyes.

Rosalina laughed and said, "Okay, but wait, how long do I have to wear this?"

"Until I tell you that you can remove it." Fernando replied in a serious tone.

Rosalina had a huge smile on her face in embarrassment, but didn't question anything any further. Fernando led her across the bridge with no trouble and once they were in the middle, he came to a stop.

"Okay, now you can look." He said with that serious tone again.

Rosalina was hesitant to take it off, but that quickly changed when she saw what was in front of her. On a building, there was the words she had been waiting to hear the whole week. She held her heart in shock as her face crumpled with happiness.

"Rosalina," Fernando said.

Rosalina looked down to see Fernando on one knee in front of her with a gigantic ring in his hands. She waited for him to say the words she had been waiting all of her life to hear.

"Will you marry me?" He finished with a huge smile on his face.

A couple of tears flowed down Rosalina's face before she replied, "Yes, of course. Yes."

She said as Fernando slipped the ring on her finger and got up from the ground. Rosalina quickly wiped her eyes as Fernando held her with a blissful smile. Rosalina gave him the happiest smile back before they sealed the proposal with a perfect kiss. Rosalina couldn't have been happier than she was in that moment.