Status: Complete!

After the Match

Chapter 7

"So I got us a hotel room..." Fernando said with a huge smile on his face.

"You got us a hotel room." Rosalina replied with a matching smile on her own face.

"In Valencia..." He added with a bigger smile.

"In Valencia." Rosalina replied with another matching smile.

"So do you want to go?" He asked then.

"Of course." Rosalina replied, not missing a beat.

Fernando gave her another kiss before hailing a taxi.

* At the Hotel *

"You got us a room at Hospes Palau De La Mar?" Rosalina said with shock.

"Yep." Fernando replied with a smile.

Rosalina gave him a kiss before they went inside hand-in-hand to go to their room.

"What room number are we?" Rosalina asked as they got into the elevator.

"Top." Fernando replied simply.

"Top?" Rosalina asked as she pointed to the highest number.

Fernando gave her a smile and replied, "Top."

He then pushed the penthouse button and Rosalina blushed with a small smile on her face. Rosalina gave him a small kiss on the cheek and Fernando blushed crimson. Rosalina laughed then and grabbed him by his jacket.

"Come here, you." She said before starting to make out with him.

When the elevator came to a stop, they stopped and Fernando had an anxious look on his face. Rosalina gave him a small smile and when the intruders left, they were back at it again. When the elevator came to another stop, they were at their destination. There was only one door on the floor and they composed themselves enough so Fernando could open it.

When he opened the door, Rosalina couldn't believe her eyes. There were red rose petals everywhere in the room and they were in a heart shape on the bed. In crystal vases, on every piece of furniture were red rose bouquets. There was a bottle of champagne on ice in the room as well. But the thing that astonished Rosalina the most was what was in the middle of the heart on the bed. It was a bulldog puppy.

"Oh, my goodness!" Rosalina exclaimed.

"Is that a puppy?" She asked as she approached it.

"It's a bulldog." Fernando replied with a smile on his face.

"It's adorable, is what it is." Rosalina replied as she picked it up and started to pet it.

"Hi, baby. How are you?" Rosalina asked it before it licked her chin.

Rosalina laughed before turning around to face Fernando again. He was leaning against the door frame with a smile on his face, as if trying to sear this memory into his mind so he'd never forget it.

"He's perfect." Rosalina replied, looking down at the puppy in her arms.

"He's yours." Fernando replied before coming into the room.

Rosalina gave him a kiss on the lips as he came closer to her.

"You're just perfect, aren't you?" She said after.

* The Next Day *

"And he proposed to you?!" Isabella exclaimed.

They were sitting at Rosalina's dining table to catch up with each other's lives again, like usual.

"Not just that, he even got me Nando." Rosalina said with a huge smile.

"Who is this Nando?" Isabella asked, confused.

"Guess." Rosalina replied.

"No, he didn't. He got you-" Isabella started in disbelief.

"A puppy." Rosalina finished with a nod.

"Oh, my God. Did you freak out?" Isabella asked in interest.

"Yes! It was a bulldog, of course. I mean, he already has two of them ha-ha." Rosalina replied with a laugh at the end.

"Of course." Isabella replied with a smile.

She was really happy for her friend.

"So what about you and Cristian? Still together?" Rosalina asked in interest.

Isabella sighed and leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed.

"He's just...not ready to settle down yet, I think. It's really bothersome. I mean, I want to go off and start our lives together. But he's too busy out partying and having flirtations with other girls." Isabella replied, while looking out Rosalina's window.

Rosalina nodded in understanding.

"But at least we're together, right? I mean an open relationship is still a relationship. I'm sure he'll settle down soon." Isabella said, looking at down at the table now.

Rosalina sympathized with her and hoped the best for her friend.

* The Day of the Match *

The press was all over today when Rosalina arrived with Nora and Leo that day in Naples. Isabella wasn't with her today, because she wasn't feeling up to it. Cristian had been giving her a hard time lately with the settling down issue. He wasn't ready to give up the single life quite yet. Rosalina didn't blame him, but when it came to her best friend she did not appreciate it. It was really a downer on Isabella's mood.

Fernando gave the family a big smile before the match started. Rosalina had Nora and Leo give him waves while she wore a huge smile of her own. Fernando had not been playing for the last three games, because of his attitude, which brought down the team as well. They ended up tying one game and losing two. Their next game they had stepped up and won 3-0 without Fernando's help. But then they lost in the next game 3-1 against Napoli.

Today was their chance to redeem themselves as they faced Napoli again. Rosalina and the kids cheered Fernando on as the game started. He played well for not having been in the games for a while. He ended up getting three tries on goal and tried valiantly to help his team win. And they ended the game with a 4-1 win.

* The Next Day *

"Cristian, I'm here." Isabella said as she entered Cristiano's place with the key he gave her ever since they started to date.

She put her stuff down on the counter and she heard some giggling coming from the living room. Isabella, confused, went in the room to investigate. She came to a stop immediately when she saw Cristiano. He was on the couch flirting with another girl.

Isabella swore in Spanish before saying, "That's it, Cristian! I'm done!"

She stormed back to the foyer then and grabbed her stuff from the table.

"Bella! Wait, Bella! You're not leaving already, are you?" She heard Cristiano say as he came running after her.

"Yes, Cristian. I can't deal with this anymore. It's ridiculous. I want a family, Cristian. I want to get married. I don't want this." Isabella said, while gesturing toward the blonde girl that followed him into the foyer.

"This? This is Cat." Cristiano said with a laugh as if she weren't important at all.

She probably wasn't, but Isabella didn't care.

"I don't care who she is, Cristian. I don't want her here. Am I not enough for you? Because I'm just getting so tired of waiting for you to settle down. I just can't do it anymore. It's either them or me, you choose. Either way, I don't care. But you have to make a decision, now." Isabella replied with a stern expression.

"You're joking, Bella. Come on, you can't be serious." Cristiano said with a laugh.

Isabella shook her head in disapproval before saying, "Bye, Cristian."

She walked out then and Cristiano came running after her after a second.

"Wait, Isabella! Bella!" He yelled as she was driving off.

* Rosalina's POV *

Rosalina's phone rang and she saw that it was Isabella.

"Hello?" Rosalina answered.

"Hey, are you doing anything?" Isabella asked.

"I was just about to go over to Fernando's, why?" Rosalina asked as she put stuff in her purse.

"I need to talk to you, now." Isabella said sternly.

Rosalina sighed and replied, "Okay, I'll tell Fernando that I'll be late."

Rosalina hung up then and had a feeling of dread. She had a feeling that she knew what had finally happened.