LOL Essays...Written by a mental child

Julius Caesar LOL

Crappy Informational Essay

If I were to rewrite the play “Julius Caesar”, there would be a few things I’d change. First, I’d change that Portia stabbed herself to prove loyalty and strength to Brutus, her husband. Honestly, I believe having to stab yourself to prove worth to your husband is just sad. Second, I’d change the fact that Caesar ignored the soothsayer. It’s so much more interesting when someone tries to prevent or prepare for their death and get killed rather than do nothing and still get killed. Lastly, I’d change that Cassius was such a sneaky little coward worm monkey. A true villain should be able to fight his own freakin’ battles rather than have someone else get their hands dirty, then take the credit. My rantings are long and annoying, but this play needed the touch-ups.
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Okay...I was REALLY emo when I wrote this (and the next chapter) for a test for a HUGE grade. I was really scared of getting a bad grade the next day, but my teacher ended up saying, 'I'm gonna read one essay aloud, because it is a perfect example of voice' , and she read this to the class, which I'm still hearing quotes from it in the halls...