Cheer Up Emo Kid

The first entry.

April 13, 2008

Deer Die-Uh-Ree,

OMFG. Valencia, who was my baby, BROKE UP WITH ME. Omfg I was heartbroken. So I called my BFF Stabby to tell him about it and vent, and he suggested I cut. So I did. And after about five minutes, I don't know what happened. I started breathing really hard. Stabby got upset [he thought I was making fun of his athsma] and hung up. It was a real tearjerker, though, because I needed to ask him for a band-aid. I guess I passed out, because I woke up in a hopsital bed. I went to school the next day, and when people asked me why, I lied. I didn't want to tell them about my cutting problem. [Apparently, they know already.] So instead, I told them I was in this freak accident. I told them I was a car accident, and I was the only survivor of the eighteen people involved. They made fun of me and called me an "emo bitch." So when the day was over, I went home and cut some more. Since that didn't give me a rush like it normally does, I went on myspace and fucked with people. I posted a bulletin asking for volunteers. See, I want to try this thing where I lock dead bodies in closets in either Ohio or Iowa, I can't decide which one. And then I went to Megan Jerrico's myspace and commented teling her I was gonna slit her throat. It was funny. Oh, and then I posted another bulletin after that asking for peoples' thoughts and opinions on twisting babies' bodies in weird and uncomfortable positions. But, no bulletin is complete without letting them know how I'm feeling, what I'm listening to, and what I'm currently reading. So I put hungover [gotta love that Jager], "Bodies" by Drowning Pool, and America's 100 Favorite Serial Killers. Dude, you know who Albert Fish is? He suffocated a kid with this blanket!!! Oh my god, I thought that was hysterical. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. But yeah. Hey, I'm bored. I'mma go get stoned now. I'm running kinda low on lucy in the sky, actually. So, if anyone's willing to give me any, I'll blow you or something. It's never too early to start my porn star career! Yeah, it's my secret dream. Just don't tell anyone, die-uh-ree. Please. Haha thanks. I love you.

See ya, lovelies,
Kelly Forte
♠ ♠ ♠
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