Cheer Up Emo Kid

The second entry.

April 14, 2008

Deer Die-Uh-Ree,

Oh. My. God. I don't think today couldn't gone ANY worse. Apparently, Megan Jerrico was telling people about the myspace stuff. So at lunch, stupid Brian poured water on me screaming, "HOLY WATER! HOLY WATER FOR THE DEVIL CHILD! MAY THE EVIL SPIRIT ESCAPE YOUR SOUL!" And people laughed. So I made Jessica go to the bathroom with me. She eventually got bored of listening to me whine/cry/complain and left. Which I found to be a perfect opportunity to cut. When I went back to the cafeteria, I tried to ignore the looks and snickers coming from Megan J.'s stupid cliquey group posse thing. The day went by sorta okay after that, save for the occasional finger-pointing I recieved in the hallway. And after English was over, Megan Dubois and Sarah VanLuther stayed after to talk to Ms. Durham. I think I heard my name. I really hope they didn't say anything bad about me. Yeah, I just gotta think happy thoughts. You know, I bet they were discussing my amazing culinary skills! Have you ever seen me carve a roast beef? Or slice a steak? I'm really good. I get lots of practice though, at cutting things. You see, my dad's a chef. But yeah. Today offically sucked. Yes. My cat just scratched my FAVORITE Sunny Day Real Estate CD. It is defintely time for some Mike's Hard Lemonade. Because I don't have any fucking LSD. Ugh. I feel so stupid. I wasted it all last night. God. Whatever. Bye.

Fuck you all,
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