Status: Comment to me if you like it, I'll try to continue this one.

Torn Feathers and Heart Puppets

Earth, humans, and Coffee shops

Jean Pov

Earth. That's where I've been since I was knocked down by Mother Teresa. I unzipped my hoodie a little as I entered the small coffee shop; "Brew's Best Bean". The quaint little shop was as quiet as always, most of the college students that come here are in my classes. My back began to ache and my white rose barrette was brightening. Oh did I forget, I'm a fallen angel, and when I get excited my wings want to flutter and my halo; the white rose barrette, wants to glow.

I ordered my usual and gave the barista a small smile and paid her. I sat in my usual spot in the corner, near the window. I set my messenger bag on the booth next to me. I pulled out my books and started my homework for the day. It was around 6:15PM by the time I finally looked up to see a girl with fiery red hair and an eyebrow piercing, her eyes were a beautiful hazel with hints of emerald, the aura around her signed she was bad news. I glanced back up at her face and saw she was smirking back. I quickly turned back to my homework, feeling a faint blush creep across my face.

"Is this seat taken?" I peeked up through my fringe to see the breath-taking beauty still smirking down at me. I cleared my throat and flicked my hair out of my face.

"No it's n-not. Please, have a-a seat." I could my ears burning with embarrassment. She sat down took a slow sip of her coffee and glance down at my mythology books and looked up at me. I glanced down and started putting my books away.

"So, you study mythology. Interesting class?" I looked back up and nodded. My shyness was becoming a serious habit I need to stop.

"So, uhm, do you go to college here too?" She stopped mid drink and put her cup down, folding her hands and rested her chin on them.

"I do, in fact, but I haven't seen you around, I know almost everyone in the University. You have a name, beautiful?" I blushed and hid behind my fringe.

"My name is Jean, Jean Astraea." Her smirk seemed to grow wider. Her eyes flashed a deep red, and in a blink it was back to hazel.

"What a beautiful name for such a beautiful angel." Her voice was low, and she looked up at me under her lashes.

"I'm Blaze, Blaze Synister." My face paled and I let out a quiet gasp. I wanted to run, but I didn't want her angry or to cause a scene, so I just leaned back into the booth, wishing I could be home right now.
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Short chapter, but chapter 2 will be up.