Status: Comment to me if you like it, I'll try to continue this one.

Torn Feathers and Heart Puppets

It's Complicated!

Blaze was still asleep. I woke up around eight this morning. I yawned as stretched, Jeez what a morning. I felt like I had that one illness.. what was it called? Oh yeah, Draggin' Ass.

Today will have to be productive if I want to rest at night. I put the coffee on and stretched again. I jumped when I felt arms snake around my waist and turned to see a very tired looking Blaze.

"Morning sunshine!" I giggled. She groaned and walked to the table and sat down.

"It's too early for you to be /that/ happy. You didn't even drink coffee. How the hell does that work?" I sat down and laughed even more, her hair was disheveled and she had a red mark on the left side of her cheek.

"I'm just that type of person, I'm really chipper in the mornings. And you got drool on your cheek." She wiped her face with the back of her hand and made a disgusted face.

"Not how I wanted to wake up." She face planted the table and groaned. I attempted to stifle a giggle, but seemed to have failed miserably. Blaze looked up to scowl.

"Hey sunshine, coffee's done." I said as I went back to the bedroom to change. I heard humming and a soft 'ahh'. Yup, she's a hardcore coffee addict.

I decided to shower and let my wings out, my back was aching. The shower hitting my down feathers made me shiver, I'd have to brush them down after before they dry and stick up.

Upon getting out, I heard someone clear their throat I jumped and nearly dropped my towel. I turned and saw Blaze eyeing me with interest. I face began burning.

"Didn't mean to scare you, I just going to tell you I wanted to borrow your shower, if that's okay?" I nodded and she brushed past, touching my damp wings. I shivered involuntarily.

'Why am I so confused about this?' I asked myself. I was having a hard time figuring out what to do, could I really trust her enough? Would she be good for me? What's going to happen if I do become hers? I'm just so confused.

I settled on wearing a tube top and black jeans, and started to gently brush my wing feathers down. Wings are like baby's hair, it has to be gentle, or it will hurt. I felt a hand softly run down my other wing and I shivered. Another thing about wings, I love it when someone else brushes them down, I turn to see Blaze patting down the feathers that were sticking up, so i handed her the soft bristle brush and smiled at her.

"Would you mind?" She grinned like a child in a candy store and took the brush. I sat in front of her while she brushed ever so softly, making my skin feel warm, I think I was glowing because she let out an airy laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked smiling. She ran a slim, smooth finger down my arm from my shoulder, the burning sensation intense.

"You're glowing like a light bulb." She stated. I smiled up at her.

"I love getting my wings groomed." She bent down and stole another kiss from me. I blushed and turned away.

"Sorry, I forgot about the 'just friends' thing." she said, she sounded hurt, I sighed and turned around, pulling her head towards me and kissing her full on the lips, she immediately reciprocated, the kiss was hot, messy and felt so... wrong and heavenly. My mind was telling me to stop, but my body wasn't cooperating. I finally pulled back and sighed.

"I'm still too confused, Blaze. We need to take this slow. I don't want to get hurt." I whispered the last part. She looked shocked by what she heard.

"I would never- could never hurt you. Can we try at least?" I hesitantly nodded. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try to love her, after all, I'm not allowed in heaven ever again after this. Plus being immortal and being with her might make living here okay.

"Blaze, I accept you." I knew that was what she wanted to hear, it was like saying "I love you." to a human, but to a being like us, it was a sign of devotion, almost a vow, but not yet, I know when a demon hears it, it's like a binding. Once the angel accepts their proposal, they can't turn back, it could anger the demon and kill the angel for taking it back. I know what I'm in for, I just hope she keeps me forever.

"Blaze pulled me flush against her. Encasing me in a hug. It was warm and the smell of her was a mix of sweet and flowery.

"I'm glad you accept, you know it means you're mine forever now, right?" I nodded and clung to her. I hope and pray to not anger her.

We decided to wait for the finalizing of the pact. I was scared and had never done anything more than kiss her, she was the first kiss I had. I'm a pure innocent, and maybe that's why she wanted to wait.

We went out for brunch at a local restaurant, it was fun and we were laughing. Some local humans were either sneering at us or looking at us curiously. I hid behind my hair every time I saw someone glower in my direction.

"These bastards think that being with the same gender is a bad thing. They better stop staring at you like that." I looked up to see her eyes burn red for a minute and flicker back to her hazel/forest green. A very low growl emitted from her throat when we heard some woman walk by and mutter, 'filthy faggots.' I grabbed her hand and gave her a soft smile.

"It's alright, not everyone here knows that homosexuality isn't a sin. It's only a sin if acted on rape or necrophilia." She nodded. Heaven had many gay and lesbian angels. Some were even trans genders there. Blaze seemed to have calmed down some, her wrath slowly evaporating.

"Let's get out of here and go for a walk." She finally said. I nodded and followed her out. A man i past looked up at me and smiled, giving me a thumbs up. He looked familiar, I think he was one of the classmates I have in Mythology.

We got back to the apartment and decided to watch Night Of The Living Dead. I always laughed at the ending only because the guy tried so hard to survive the night only to get shot and killed.

Blaze asked me if I could sleep next to her and I complied. I felt much more comfortable and loved the way she cuddled up to me. Maybe tomorrow we'll do something fun again.
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Sorry it's just sort of a ramble with some fact about what I think is in heaven and what I believe angels love and stuff like that. Please enjoy and So sorry it too a lot longer than expected Senior year is putting me in a homework chokehold.

And if you like reading these, please subscribe and recommend, If not, I'll try to write something good. Don't be shy to ask for story request. (Mind you if it's 1D, Justin Bieber requests it'll take a lot longer. I have a hard time concentrating on those.)