Stories Yet to Unfold.


'Come on Bobby!' calling her dog back and putting him on her lead, 'he's a cute dog' 'he is, he'd old but he's a nice natured dog' 'is he neutered?' 'Yes' 'good, he was just trying to get off with my dog' 'I wish he would stop doing that to my sofa arms' Jack laughed, 'I'm sorry, but she'll be just fine' Lucy smiled, 'what's her name?' 'Olivia' 'she's tiny, oh my god, Bobby, what on Earth, your poor dog' Jack laughed, 'she's fine, don't worry' 'honestly, this is out of control, I thought it would stop when you know?' Jack laughed, 'don't worry about it, I'm Jack' 'Victoria, but most call me Lucy' shaking hands, 'what do you do?' 'I'm a costume designer, I work for the theatre in town, do a lot of stitching and stuff, godparent to all kids who want decent Halloween and Nativity outfits' Jack laughed, 'I'm in a band but I also own a bar' 'ahh, yeah, I remember it in the Sun, one of All Time Low got a bar' Jack laughed, 'that's me' 'cool' he grinned, 'how many godkids you got?' 'four' laughing, 'I'm an agnostic as well' laughing.
Lucy looked up at work in the costume department, ‘Jack’ ‘sorry, I couldn’t stop thinking of you, so I brought everyone coffee and pretzels as an apology, and hoped, maybe you’d agree to dinner with me?’ Jack smiled, Lucy looked at him, ‘oh, well, yes sure’ he grinned, ‘awesome, can I sit?’ ‘Please do’ removing her sewing case, ‘it’s amazing work you’re doing here’ he grinned, ‘thank you, we have The Mikado next and so we’re doing a lot of oriental pieces’ Lucy smiled, ‘amazing’ looking at the work, ‘I don’t wanna touch it, cos I’m an idiot’ ‘you brought coffee to a costume dept’ ‘I know, I wasn’t allowed it in the room’ Lucy smiled, ‘you are sort of puppy adorable’ Jack blushed, ‘well, ok’ she giggled, ‘I will see you maybe around 5pm, at your bar then we can go elsewhere?’ Jack grinned, ‘fine with me’ ‘awesome, thank you for the coffee and pretzels’ ‘no problem, can I stay a little longer?’ ‘course, but I’m gonna get my coffee’ laughing.
Jack smiled meeting her, ‘you good?’ ‘I’m good, I made a little bow for Olivia, I hope you don’t mind’ he grinned, ‘that’s cute, I will put it on her tomorrow’ laughing, ‘I’ll put it on my instagram’ laughing, ‘I’ll Google and figure that out’ getting a table together, ‘thank you for noodles, I don’t wanna seem inpertinent’ ‘let me Google that so I can agree or not’ Lucy laughed ‘rude’ ‘it’s not rude, I was panicking about where to take you, I’m really glad you text me’ chuckling a little, ‘well, I’m glad’ ordering food and drinks, ‘so, tell me I know you love music, but what else do you love, cos everyone loves music’ Jack smiled, ‘I’ve met people who don’t’ she looked horrified, Jack laughed, ‘that’s my new favourite look’ ‘I’m sorry, just how do people do it?’ ‘I have no idea’ talking over food all evening, ‘I love comics, how about you?’ ‘I can’t say, you know, I don’t know much, I’ve seen the movies but please feel free to teach me’ he grinned, ‘I’d love to’ talking Batman, ‘Poison Ivy looks like you’ ‘she’s Batman, I know that’ ‘good’ giggling.
'Hello' 'hey, I know you have the weekends off right?' 'Indeed, we do' he grinned, 'so, I can take you to New York?' 'for the weekend?' 'Yeah' 'can we go ice skating?' he grinned, 'absolutely' 'I'm down' 'I do need to go to GK tomorrow' 'that's the shirt thing isn't it?' 'it is' she nodded, 'ok' he grinned heading out with her, 'I may need a bag?' 'oh, yeah, sorry' 'it's fine, I'm a quick packer' 'awesome' heading to hers and then driving to New York, Lucy smiled, 'I know rules of shotgun, but can we have Green Day?' Jack smiled, 'of course you can' he grinned, 'thank you' 'no problem, decent choice' driving up, 'you are so nice you know?' Lucy laughed, 'well, thank you very much' Jack smiled, 'I hope I am' 'you're surprisingly gentlemanly, it's really nice' Lucy nodded, Jack smiled, 'aww, thank you' laughing a little singing along to Green Day, 'I think our song will be a Green Day song' 'Fuck Time is inappropriate, but if we get married, hilarious' Jack snorted laughing.
'This is Lucy, my girlfriend' 'you have a girlfriend' 'I do now' 'it's quite new' 'I'm Marky' 'nice to meet you, Jack was telling me you set this up to help bands tour?' 'We did' 'that's so cool, what inspired you?' 'I've seen loads of great bands but they never had support independently' Lucy smiled, 'and what do you think of Jack's band?' Lucy asked, 'I think All Time Low are probably one of the most influential bands of this decade' Lucy nodded, 'I agree, do you think they support every kind of young person, reach kinds of diverse people?' 'I do' 'so your models, why they all look the same?' Jack bit his lip grinning, 'fascinating concept, love the designs, but being ginger and curvy, I think it's clear I wouldn't be your target demographic' Lucy trailed off, 'lovely' wandering around, 'I feel owned' 'Lucy's a costume designer, and she works with all kinds of people the opera singer is a buxom lady and she makes her dresses' 'awesome, damn, under my nose'.
Jack laughed with her on their beds, ‘he was so mad at himself’ ‘I’m glad, and not at me, that would be the wrong person to be angry with’ laughing a little, Jack smiled taking her hands, ‘thank you for coming with me’ ‘no problem, it was a real pleasure and you’re real good at skating’ ‘I’ve got friends who like ice hockey’ ‘I’m a flyers fan, myself, I’m from Pittsburgh, so’ ‘does that make you a Steelers fan?’ ‘No, god no, my dad would kill me, Ravens’ Jack laughed ‘your dad would kill you’ ‘he’d consider me a traitor’ ‘my family come from Baltimore, it’s just my dad had to move their for work as he works in a museum and a government worker’ Jack smiled, ‘cool’ talking all night about one another’s families and life, Jack smiled as she fell asleep on him.
according to a dozen girls’ Alex rubbed his head, ‘shit’.
'Do you recommend anyone?' 'I'd like to see more women, Against The Current are independent and just released the EP of the year, I bloody love that band, I believe We Are The In Crowd's Mike, his brother is the drummer' Alex smiled, 'good suggestion' 'Hmm, Pure Noise are a great label, right now, Seaway are pretty badass, but even on Hopeless you have band like Have Mercy and Trophy Eyes, you could make it work' Alex smiled, 'see Hopeless do want a band from Hopeless on the tour' 'pick Trophy Eyes, such nice dudes' Alex grinned, 'you love music don't you?' 'I do, Jack has seen my album collection, it's pretty uncontrollable' laughing together, 'so Trophy Eyes and Against The Current' 'maybe This Century, I love The Maine, but they don't need a tour with you, but you make bands, The Summer Set would be irrelevant without you' talking tours.
Alex smiled, ‘what do you think of her?’ ‘I like her, she’s really interesting, also I like how she works, I think she’s good for you, you did good’ ‘I’m glad you think so’ ‘what does she do?’ ‘She works in a theatre, she makes outfits and things for shows, she loves that job’ Alex smiled, ‘that’s cool, you need someone who is in a vocation, because that’s what you do, and I think she’s that kind of person’ Jack nodded, ‘she is, she’s so good at what she does too’ Jack smiled, ‘I’ve watched her enough, I know all the ladies in her office’ Alex laughed, ‘I told Hopeless today about the bands, and th three bands she suggested, Hopeless agreed to’ ‘oh, awesome’ Jack grinned, ‘it’s good to know someone actually who knows all that stuff about bands, cos’ ‘I know, Lucy showed me them on Tumblr’ Alex nodded, ‘she sent me them via text, you did good’ laughing.
6 months later:-
'I think that's my new favourite gig' Jack laughed, 'I'm glad you enjoyed it' 'and Chrissy, damn that girl can sing, if you could bottle talent, that shit would sell out' Jack laughed, 'that's probably true for everyone though' Lucy smiled, Jack smiled, 'it's good to see a girl on a tour like this, it's probably the most important of 2015' Jack smiled, 'you are amazing' 'I love you' 'I love you too' kissing her softly, Lucy hugged him, Jack smiled wrapping his arms round her, 'just I won't let you go, until I'm tired' he grinned, 'fine with me' just snuggling into her, 'I missed you so much, I begun talking to myself' Jack laughed, 'I'm sorry baby' 'you have nothing to apologise for, I'm going to take such good care of you, now you're home' Jack beamed, 'I'm in love with you' 'I'm in love with you too, the girls missed you too' he grinned, 'fuck it', I'm not letting go for a while' Adam taking a picture, 'you two are cute' laughing.
Jack smiled, ‘you are a babe’ she giggled, ‘I know you like an English breakfast, but I do have work, but I’ve made some of that soup you like, it’s int the fridge, just microwave for ten minutes ok?’ ‘you’re my girlfriend, but you can be mumsy’ ‘I’m sorry, I just like taking care of people, if you find it uncomfortable, it’s just we’ve only just begun living together too’ Jack smiled taking her hand, ‘I’m sorry, don’t you dare worry’ Lucy smiled, ‘thank you, just tell me if I’m doing it wrong’ ‘you’re not, just be you’ ‘it’s just I don’t know what to do, I’ve never lived with anyone before’ Jack laughed, ‘neither have I’ giggling, ‘ok, well, ermm, there’s soup anyway’ Lucy smiled, ‘also you’re home for a week and you can’t cook, it’s not being mumsy, I just don’t want you dead’ Jack laughed, ‘you have a point’ laughing.
Alex joined him, ‘nice place’ ‘it is, we just bought, we’re good’ Alex smiled, ‘that smells good’ ‘oh, Lucy, she knows I can’t cook so prepares stuff for me, soup’ ‘she can cook, that’s good’ ‘I think I offended her this morning, cos I said she was being mumsy’ ‘be glad she does, you cooking, haha’ Jack smiled, ‘I guess, we don’t know what to do, we’ve never lived with anyone but friends and family’ Jack smiled, Alex nodded, ‘you’re not home much what I would suggest is make a balance, buy a pizza, get her to teach some simple stuff you both like then she doesn’t do all the cooking’ Alex smiled, ‘just you know compromise, or do something that equals her cooking’ ‘like clean’ ‘exactly, you have to be equal’ ‘agreed, definitely’ talking it out with Alex and trying to figure out what to do.
Lucy smiled getting in from work, Jack smiled, ‘I cooked ‘you did?’ ‘I did, I followed it and everything from your book’ ‘well, what did you make?’ Lucy asked curiously, ‘I made some pie’ ‘ok, well, I look forward to it’ he grinned, ‘and some mash, did some roasted vegetables’ serving up, Lucy smiled eating with him, ‘this is really good, you do have great timing though, I’m not surprised’ she winked, Jack beamed, ‘I know you wanna take care of me’ ‘it’s just my mum, is my one example-’ ‘me too, but I don’t want my mum I want you’ she giggled, ‘I’m sorry, we’ll be equals when you’re home, we’ll take it in turns’ ‘but please make more of that soup’ ‘I’ll make the soup but you can learn the recipe it’s from the same book’ laughing and talking, ‘that was awesome, one thing, with the mash, you’d be better off putting some butter in’ ‘I knew I’d forgotten something’ ‘I loved it though’ kissing him, Jack grinned.
'Come in, Alex' 'hey, all good?' 'oh, well, apparently, I behave like a mum, so Jack cooked and it was really good' Alex laughed, 'you sound shocked' 'I did have to teach him how to use the cooker' Alex laughed, 'I know, I had to give him a runthrough on the phone' laughing, 'well, the guy did good, he's making soup now' laughing, 'the one from the other day' 'indeed, I foun the recipe and he's doing it himself' Alex smiled heading for the kitchen as he poured it into a bowl and tasted it, 'that's good' 'he doubts himself so much, but he's actually kinda good' Alex smiled, 'that's Jack, think I'd let him in a band if he sucked at guitar, but apparently' 'he taught me to play and that for me takes a genius' Jack beamed, 'thank you both' 'no problem'.
Jack held her in bed, ‘I’m in love with you, I’m sorry I have to go again’ kissing her head softly, ‘I wish you were home, but I’m glad you’re not, this is the job of your dreams and you should go chase it, be mad not to’ Jack grinned, ‘you’re my back bone’ ‘reminds me of Maine song’ ‘what one?’ ‘Saving Grace’ ‘finally a good song for our wedding’ ‘I was thinking of, Thinking Of You for that by the same band, be apt’ ‘how doe it go?’ ‘I can’t sing’ singing it anyway Jack smiled, ‘I like that’ thinking of good songs and getting some sleep finally.
3 years later:-
Lucy smiled as Jack smiled at her, ‘she’s my, wife, like my gravity’ Lucy smiled, ‘I’m glad he’s my clouds, cos I am far too serious’ Jack grinned, ‘thank you’ ‘no problem’ ‘you two are the example we have to live up to’ ‘we had teething problems, but in any relationship you get that, I think it’s about working to the strengths each one of us has’ Lucy smiled, ‘she’s my best friend too, but she also let’s me do what I want within limits’ laughing and letting him do the interview, ‘so, you make costumes’ ‘I do indeed’ ‘so did you make their Halloween outfits’ ‘I did indeed’ Lucy smiled, ‘so awesome’ ‘they are’ ‘and you have a GK collection’ ‘haha, that was unexpected actually, but it’s good, let me do what I wanted and it’s done really well’ thinking about it, ‘I’m still surprised by that’ laughing.
Jack grinned, ‘I love you’ ‘I love you too’ holding her, and just breathing her in, ‘I’m not letting you go for a bit’ ‘I know I’m glad’ he grinned, ‘you seem, oh well, that’s rude’ ‘you’d be right’ he smiled, ‘I just know your waist pretty well’ ‘it’s only going to get worse’ ‘oh?’ ‘Yeah, babies do ridiculous things to bellies’ Jack looked at her and then beamed, ‘we’re having a baby’ jumping up and down, Lucy laughed trying to chill him out a little, ‘we are indeed, Jack’ ‘oh my god, I’m gonna be a dad!’ Alex coming on board, ‘seriously?’ Lucy nodded, ‘it’s weird, he was just saying yesterday, how he was gonna, oh, well’ ‘I was gonna ask you about it when I got home’ ‘well, no need’ laughing, ‘I don’t even care what it is, holy shit’ laughing.
they lived happily.