Status: Not completed

Teenage Dirtbag

I'm always in over my head

Haley’s POV
After I went to the drugstore to buy Alex blonde hairdye, I walked to Rian’s house. I kind of forgot I got to Alex’s house with his car and didn’t have my bike to go to the drugstore. It would be further to go to my house first, so I just decided to walk. I was very glad I decided to just put on a pair of Vans instead of high heels yesterday. When I finally got to Rian’s house, I rang the doorbell. I expected them to already be done practicing as it took me quite a lot of time to get the hair dye. The door opened pretty quickly and Jack and Alex appeared behind it.
“Do you think it’s normal to open the door at someone else’s house?” I asked them, while entering.
“Rian doesn’t have any friends so we knew it had to be you” Jack answered.
“Took you long enough though, we’re already done” Alex said.
“Yeah you jackass, I had to walk all the way” I answered.
“Right, I didn’t think about that” he said.

I followed them into the kitchen, where Rian and Zack were sitting at the kitchen table.
“So, do I dye your hair here or at your house?” I asked Alex.
“Here” he pointed at the plastic chair that had a pile of towels on it. “I already set up”
“Well, you sure are excited about going blonde, aren’t you?” I asked him laughing.
“Yeah I need cool hair to go with my new lifestyle of being in a famous rockband” he said conceited.
“Oh please, you’re just playing a small local festival, that ain’t famous babe,” I answered.
I felt everyone looking at me. Jezus Christ, they really were looking for reasons to think I liked Alex.
“What? Babe is a normal thing to call someone. I call everyone babe” I defended myself.
“You never call me babe” Jack noticed.
“That’s because you’re not a babe Jack” I replied.
I looked at Alex. “Sit” I ordered him pointing at the chair while I started to unpack the hair dye. “Do you have some sort of bowl I can use to mix the dye Rian?”

Alex did as he was told and sat down on the chair. While Rian was going through the cabinets for a bowl, I lay a towel around Alex’s shoulders.
“I can’t promise your shirt not getting dirty though, but the dye should come out easily” I said.
“Oh it’s fine, I put on an old shirt anyway” he replied.
Rian handed me a bowl. I put the dye and some developer in the bowl and started mixing the content of the bowl. I put on the plastic gloves that came with the dye and started applying the substance to Alex’s brown hair.
“It tickles” Alex said giggling.
“Will you just hold your head still before I dye your face?” I asked.
“Is that a threat or a warning?” Alex asked.
“Whatever you want it to be,” I answered. “As long as you hold your head still.”
“You’re pretty good at this” Rian noticed.
“Yeah, I have been dying my own hair and my sisters for some time, and Jack always makes me redo his blonde tuft when it starts to fade.
“You should become a hairdresser” Jack said.
I raised my eyebrows. “And here I thought you had already claimed me as your guitar tech” I reminded him.
“Right, I forgot, don’t become a hairdresser then” Jack said.

After about 10 minutes I was done putting the dye in Alex’s hair.
“It has to stay in for about 40 minutes and you want to just sit down somewhere and don’t do too much so that you won’t get Rian’s house all gross” I instructed him. “I know being calm isn’t really your kind of thing, but I’d highly recommend it now. And leave the towel over your shoulder.”
“Yes mother” Alex replied.
“Don’t be such a smartass or I’ll send you to your room… Or well, Rian’s room” I warned him, while taking off the gloves.
“Oh no, my room is off limit, you’ll break everything” Rian said.
“Why do you guys think I can’t sit still and will break anything within my reach?” Alex asked.
“Experience” Jack and I said unison, causing Alex to fake a sad face.
“Aahw” I said. “I’d hug you but I don’t want to be covered in hair dye.”
“Then you should probably run for cover” Alex said, smiling evilly.
“What…?” I started, but then Alex came walking up to me and I quickly turned around and ran into the living room.
“Get a room!” I heard Jack yell behind us.
“Stop them before they break something” Rian exclaimed.

As I expected, Alex had followed me into the living room and he had me cornered pretty quickly.
“You really don’t wanna do that” I said.
“Why not?” he asked smiling broadly.
“Because you will fuck up your hair and I will have to redo it and those boxes are expensive” I said quickly.
“Well, fine I won’t do it then” he said, while he was still approaching me. “I will just tickle you to death then.”

Before I could run away Alex started tickling me. I was so ticklish that I basically lost control over my limbs, fell down pretty quickly and just started attempts of kicking Alex anywhere I could to get him to stop, but he wouldn’t. After what seemed like a very long time, he finally stopped. I just lay on the floor, exhausted from trying to resist his tickling.
“You fucking asshole” I muttered, still lying on the floor.
“Ah you’re so ticklish” he exclaimed. “That’s cute.”
“I won’t be so cute when I kick you in the nuts” I groaned, adjusting my position so that my legs lay in Alex’s direction.
“I love it when you talk dirty” he winked.
“Oh yeah?” I asked, lifting my leg, threatening to kick him in the nuts.
“No please don’t” he exclaimed, backing up a few steps until he was out of my reach. “I’m sorry!”
I sighed and got up. “You’re gonna pay for this someday, Gaskarth.”
“Oh I’m so scared” he mocked.
“You should be, man” Jack said. “She’s fucking scary when she’s mad.”
“Exactly, so prepare to always have to look over your shoulder, never knowing when I might strike. Or maybe I already did, by putting blue dye in your hair. You never know” I said.
Alex looked at me in shock. “You dyed my hair blue?!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, you’re such a pussy! You like my hair don’t you?” I asked smiling broadly.
Of course I didn’t dye Alex’s hair blue, but I couldn’t help but mess with him a little.
“Yeah but I don’t want fucking blue hair!” Alex exclaimed.
“Oh well, I’m sorry then” I shrugged.
“You’re sorry?! Why would you even do that?” he yelled angrily.
I couldn’t hold it any longer and burst out laughing.
“This isn’t funny!” Alex exclaimed.
“Yes it is, you vain piece of shit” I said laughing. “Of course I didn’t dye your hair blue, it’s gonna be perfectly blonde.”

Zack, Jack and Rian had been awkwardly watching us fight but now burst into laughing as well. The anger pretty quickly disappeared from Alex’s face.
“You fucking…” he started. “Well, fine, I guess I had it coming.”
“You sure did” I agreed. “Now let’s go wash that pretty blonde hair of yours.”
“The bathroom is upstairs, first door to the right” Rian said.
I followed Rian’s instructions, with Alex right behind me.
“Stop staring at my butt” I suddenly said, turning to face Alex.
“I wasn’t!” Alex exclaimed, turning red.
“I was just joking” I said laughing. “You’re so easy to mess with.”
I continued walking up the stairs and opened the first door to my right, which was indeed the bathroom.
“Kneel next to the tub” I ordered Alex.
“I’m not your puppy” Alex said, crossing his arms.
“My dearest Alex, will you please get down on your knees next to the tub?” I asked.

He then did as he was asked and I turned on the water. When the temperature was right, I started rinsing the dye out.
“The water is yellow!” Alex exclaimed.
“Yeah, I told you I didn’t dye your hair blue” I said.
“I just wanted to be sure” Alex answered.
“There you go” I said, after basically all the dye had been washed out. “Dye will still be coming out of your hair when you shower the next couple of days, but that’s normal.”
“Cool, thanks Hales” he said, getting up to look in the mirror.
I threw the towel that had been over his shoulder at him to dry his hair with.
“What do you think?” I asked, standing next to him in front of the mirror, when his hair was a bit more dry.
“I like it” he said smiling. “What about you?”
I looked at him in the mirror.
“It suits you” I replied. “Now let’s get the dye off of your forehead and neck.”
I walked past him to the bathroom door.
“You look pretty damn cute” I whispered in his ear while passing him.
I left the bathroom and went downstairs. I heard Alex follow a few seconds later.

I hadn’t lied though. The blonde hair really did suit Alex and he really did look cute with it. I entered the kitchen, where the guys were still sitting, eating chips.
“And, is his hair blue?” Jack asked.
“Nope” I answered.
“Too bad, I would’ve want to see his face if it had been” Rian said.
Alex then entered the kitchen as well. “Ta-da!” he exclaimed.
“You make a very cute blonde” Jack said.
“That’s what she said” Alex said, pointing at me.
“Oh really?” Jack asked giving me a meaningful look.
I sighed. “Yes Jack, just because I think someone looks cute doesn’t mean I want to fucking bang them okay? Will you just let it go? I think Orlando Bloom is cute, but I don’t see you being so weird about that? What I do or do not say to Alex is really none of your fucking business.” I said irritated.
Yes, maybe I did like Alex, but Jack’s pushiness was getting really annoying. It was none of his business whether I liked Alex or not, and he definitely didn’t have to right to constantly be so annoying about it. From the look on Jack’s face I figured he did understand I was getting sick of it.

“Do you have turpentine and some cotton pads?” I asked Rian.
He nodded and went to get them. Alex and I sat down at the kitchen table. There was an uncomfortable silence, but I wasn’t about to break it. No one did until Rian returned with the things I asked for.
“Thanks” I said when he lay them down on the table. “Alex, move to this side please?”
Alex turned 90 degrees so that he was facing me. I put some turpentine on a cotton pad and started rubbing the dye from his head. After about 10 minutes I asked him to turn again so I could clean off the dye behind his ears and in his neck.
“You’re all done” I said, getting up to throw the used cotton pads in the trash.
“Thanks” Alex said.
“So, I’m gonna head home, have to make dinner” I said
“Want me to drop you off?” Alex offered.
“Yes please” I said, smiling.

I wasn’t feeling like walking home for 20 minutes and I didn’t exactly mind Alex’s company either. I hugged Zack and Rian. Jack came up to me for a hug as well. I doubted for a second, but then let him hug me.
“I’m sorry” he whispered. “I’ll leave you and Alex alone.”
When he let go of me, I shot him a small smile and turned around.
“Bye guys!” I exclaimed, before following Alex outside.
I got in the passenger seat of Alex’s car and he started the car.
“I’m sorry” he suddenly said.
“You’re sorry?” I asked confused. “About what?”
“That comment that caused you and Jack to fight” he replied.
“Don’t be! That argument had nothing to do with your comment. I was just getting sick of Jack being so pushy about well… you and me” I explained.

For a moment I doubted if I should bring “us” up, but I decided not to. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about Alex and it would either get his hopes up or crush them, neither of which I wanted to do. Instead we just talked about the festival they’d be playing and what songs I thought they had to play. We got to my house too soon. I loved hanging out with Alex, just the two of us. When we were with the guys, it just wasn’t the same, we couldn’t talk like we could now and I just really enjoyed talking to Alex, about anything.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you Monday then” I said, smiling at Alex.
It seemed as though he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. I looked at him quizzically.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Uhm… How do I say this?” Alex started.
“I don’t know” I muttered.
“I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go to a movie tomorrow night… With me?” he said, seeming very unsure.
I smiled. That would be a nice opportunity to get to know Alex better, without the rest.
“I’d love to” I answered.
“Really?” Alex asked, seeming surprised.
“Yeah I’m really digging this blonde hair” I said looking at his hair.

He seemed a little sad, thinking I really only agreed to go out with him because of his good looks.
“And of course your amazing personality is a nice bonus” I winked, causing him to smile and seem more confident.
“Pick me up at 8?” I asked.
He nodded.
“See you tomorrow then!” Alex said, smiling broadly.
I quickly leaned in to give Alex a kiss on his cheek. Alex looked at me surprised.
“See ya” I said smiling and got out of the car.
I waited for Alex to start the car and waved at him as he drove away. In my mind I was already panicking about what to wear tomorrow
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt so inspired I wrote another, actually quite long, chapter :) Hesitated if I would post it now or tomorrow, but here you go.

Alex now looks like this

So I really love hearing what you think of the story, who do you want to be together, what do you want to happen? Some of you have been commenting already, but I'd love to hear more!