Status: Exremely Active

I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me

Andy Biersack's Sister

Could you imagine being Andrew fucking Biersacks sister? Well I can. And it's not a fucking party all the time. It actually sucks most of the time. Other than summer tours, free concert tickets, and hanging around some pretty cool dudes, being related to Andy isn't easy. Don't get me wrong! I love Andy, a lot actually. He's a great big brother. It's just that not many other people love Andy like I do. People hate Black Veil Brides enough to hate me. As if I had any part in the creation of the band! I was labeled a "Freakish emo".

Not to mention school. That probably would've sucked with or without Black Veil Brides existing. All the people who actually liked BVB, hated me because I could hangout with Andy and talk to him anytime I want without having to pay for it. All the other kids, just thought I was a fucking creep. They probably assumed I was going to shoot everyone, or myself.

The teacher's just flat out hated me. They didn't even need to know about my family to know that they don't like me. From my clothes, to the language. Well actually, there shouldn't be such a huge problem with clothes here. I go to a private school, which happens to be very religious though I'm not. I always got into trouble for wearing an accessory with my uniform. I'd wear a belt or two, maybe fingerless gloves, or fishnets instead of my knee socks. I'd constantly land in the office.

Today, was like any day. It was a Wednesday, which was the beginning of my laziness. By Wednesday I stopped caring about the week, because I see it as if it's almost Friday. I'd been a little heavy on my black eyeliner, I'll admit, but it looked fucking rad. I replaced the blue and white knee socks, with my black designed tights. I'd stuck three pins on my white blouse. Bring Me The Horizon, Black Veil Brides and Pierce The Veil pins. They were small, and barely noticeable really. I was really excited to get home after school. Andy was flying in from Los Angeles, to spend the next few weeks with us, before a huge summer tour. I was totally stoked, hoping that Andy would ask me to join them.

Now, I didn't really expect to be clocked in the face by Georgia Wright this morning. It was kind of random, and I wouldn't have expected it at all, if I hadn't called her a cock sucking bitch on Twitter last night. I guess that one's kind of on me, but I still didn't appreciate the punch to the jaw. And who am I to not return the favor? Plus a kick to her lady nuts. What can I say? I'm a giver.

Well what happened During first period, Blair Biersack was called to the principles office. Of fucking course. I laughed a little, and just left class without a word. No one cared if I came back or not either, so I didn't need to bother.

My heels clicked as I made my way to the all-to-familiar office. This was no big deal, because this wasn't my fault. Of course, I didn't take into consideration that Georgia's dad was the principle. This wasn't the first time I'd started shit with Georgia, but it was the first time it had become something she'd brought to her father's attention.

I walked right into the office and took my seat across the table from Mr. Wright. He looked at me with concern.

"Is that a bruise forming on your jaw, Ms. Deersack?" He looked at me over the frame of his glasses. This fat fuck needs to learn my last name. I'd been down here enough for him to get it.

"It's Biersack," I scoffed.

"Biersack," He corrected himself and rolled his eyes. "Would you like to explain this mornings incident?"

"Shouldn't Georgia be the one explaining herself? She punched me," I felt a little choked. I always had to explain when I was the instigator. The victim never has to "explain themselves".

"I have witnesses that say, you punched Georgia first, actually. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" He coughed, and I practically coughed up my fucking lungs.

"Lies! I didn't do anything! I was minding my own business! That's fucking bull!" I screamed, sitting on the edge of my chair.

"Language Ms. Gearsack!" Mr. Wright rubbed his face with his sausage fingers.

"Biersack! Learn my name before you accuse me of things I didn't do!" I yelled, my face burning.

"Look, I'd love to believe you Blair, but you've had many incidents like this. I have no reason to rethink my trust as of now. And the bruises on my very own daughter, are evidence enough," He shook his head at me.

"I'm a fucking delight!" I screamed.

"Blair, we aren't prepared to accept any other stories," He rolled his eyes at me.

"Check camera's!" I yelled, desperately.

"We can't afford high-tech security camera's at this school, Blair. And we don't need them. I've made my decision about this, case closed," He put his hands down on the table.

"You can't even listen to my side of the story?!" I banged my fist on the arm rest.

"I don't need to. And your outfit is out of dress code, just to add to your misdeeds of the day," He sighed and picked up the office desk phone.

"You're calling my parents?" I laughed.

"We have a matter to discuss," He nodded, as he searched through files for the number to call. After the many times he'd called them, you'd think he'd have it memorized.

"A matter of?" I rolled my eyes.

"Your place at this school as of tomorrow. I'd hate to expel you, so close to summer. But I can't keep putting it off. We'll have to ask you not to come back. Maybe you could finish the week," He didn't look me in the eye.

"Oh don't bother expelling me!" I scoffed at him, and he looked up at me. "I won't be back. I quit!"

"You can't quit school like a job, Ms. Beyersack," He chuckled, and jiggled like a big sack of shit.

"Biersack!" I screamed, and probably spit in his face. "And yeah? Well don't expect to see me ever again!"

I picked up my bag and finally did what I'd been wanting to do for years. I walked right out of the building. There; I did it. I left school. I dropped the fuck out. I didn't need to go to school, for my line of work. I didn't need shit heads. But I did need to tell someone. I was excited, but at the same time really worried. My parents, probably assumed I'd do this at some point, and I knew they'd be disappointed. But at least I'd made it this far. They knew where I wanted to go in life, and they'd support me.

I wanted to call my brother. He was probably already home, but if I called him, he might pick me up. There was no way I could walk home from here. Not to mention, if I come home early. I could probably hold off telling them about dropping out until dinner, if I get home at a normal time. Me and Andy could go somewhere until then.

I dialed Andy's number, and swung my backpack onto the ground, taking a seat at a bench outside the school.

"Andy?" I asked, although I could have already assumed who it was.

"Blair! Aren't you in school?" Andy's voice might've gotten fucking deeper. Holy fuck.

"Can anyone hear you?" I asked.

"Nope. Mum and Dad are in the other room. I'm unpacking in my old room," Andy sounded concerned now.

"Can you come pick me up at school? And could we go do something until I should be getting out of school?" I asked, quietly in case.

"I mean yeah. Are you ditching?" Andy asked, being the protective big brother he was.

"I'll explain in the car. Hurry though Andy, I don't want to be seen out here when lunch starts," I looked around at the windows, hoping no one was staring at me or something.

"Yeah, I'll leave now. I'll be there in 15 minutes tops," I'm pretty fucking lucky to have Andy for a brother as of right now.

"Thanks And. Love you," I smiled.

"See ya Blair, love you too," He hung up the phone and I waited.


I jumped into Andy's car, and threw my bag into the back seat, just in time for lunch. I wanted to get out before anyone had the chance to give me shit.

"Okay, now I get an explanation? And where are we going?" Andy pulled out of the lot, and pushed his hair out of his eyes. It was obviously newly dyed, and short. I wasn't used to Andy with short hair yet, actually. He was wearing a motely crew shirt, and black skinny jeans as usual.

"Anywhere, and I dropped out," I put it all on the table. Might as well be up front.

"You what?" Andy laughed.

"I quit school. They were going to expel me for shit I didn't do, so I left," I shrugged.

"Mum's going to kill you," Andy shook his head.

"No she's not," I rolled my eyes. "She'll understand. I've had enough of the bull shit. I don't need a diploma to play guitar,"

"True, I guess. Hey! Stop that," Andy hit my arm.

"What?" I laughed.

"Stop trying to make dropping out of school sound reasonable," He shook his hair.

"It was either drop out, or kill the fat fuck that was accusing me of shit I didn't do," I shrugged.

"Well what is it that you didn't do, that you probably would've done?" Andy laughed. "And where am going?!"

"They said I punched this bitch named Georgia. She punched me first though, and then I punched back as self defense. The maximum penalty I should've gotten for that was suspension. But someone made up a fake story and said I randomly hit her," I explained. "And I literally don't care where we go. Why don't we go to the mall? I wouldn't mind going into Hot Topic,"

"That's fucked up. But seriously Blair? What a great idea! Let's have Andy Biersack go into Hot fucking Topic, on a Wednesday. I think you sometimes forget that I'm in a band, that happens to be advertised by most stores that you like," He laughed at me.

"I think I do to. It's because I only look at you like my brother! Not some famous dude that every teenage girl wants in their pants," I laughed and he cringed.

"Let's just get frozen yogurt or something. School should get out in an hour right? We'll be there long enough," Andy took a turn onto the main street, searching for the exit to the street with our favorite froyo place.

"Alright. You excited for tour?" I asked.

"A whole summer of touring around the world, with a bunch of crazy, British drunk guys, in smoldering hot weather? I guess I'm excited," Andy chuckled.

"British? I think you mean sexicans," I laughed.

"Oh, Pierce the Veil? Nah they had to bail! That was canceled," Andy shook his head, and I felt pretty disappointed.

"Who then?" I cocked my head.

"Asking Alexandria," Andy smiled really wide. I'd met them a few times! Okay, I'm not disappointed anymore. I'm actually really excited again.

"That should be interesting," I nodded, still hoping for an invite to the tour.

"I have to talk to you about that actually. But we'll talk over frozen yogurt," Andy grinned. Hopefully he was referencing an invitation.

"Alright, sounds good. How were Mom and Dad when you got home?" I asked.

"Fine. Really happy to see me," He laughed. "I think we're having pasta for dinner,"

"Oh good," I sighed.

"Good?" He cocked his head.

"It's hard to choke on pasta. That way, Mom won't choke when I tell her I dropped out of school," I explained.

"Technically, you were expelled," Andy corrected me.

"Technically, fuck yourself," I laughed and hit his arm.

"I don't see why you didn't just go to the school I went to," Andy sighed.

"I wouldn't have fit in. I'm not that kind of artsy. I just play guitar," I sighed. It probably would've worked out better at Andy's old school. Other than everyone still seeing me as that kid who got famous's sister.

"I still haven't heard you play in a long ass time," Andy remembered. I was avoiding playing for him. I was scared that I wouldn't live up to the expectations that come with having a brother in such a huge band.

"I know," I admitted. "I learned some new songs too,"

"I need to hear, at least a solo," Andy pushed.

"I don't know," I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Come on Blair!" Andy whined.

"Don't whine And. I'll play something," I groaned and slumped into the car seat.

"Something I know," He added.

"Why?" I whined back.

"So I'll know if you're playing a real song, or if you're just hitting different cords to get it over with," Andy laughed.

"Fine," I groaned again, as we pulled into the parking lot of the frozen yogurt place.

"And I shouldn't tell Mom and Dad about froyo, right?" Andy asked, putting the car into park.

"Nah. They don't need to know that I walked out before the day was even over," I shrugged. You'd think the school would call them. But nope. It may be a really religious school, but they suck at reprimanding kids. Other than me I suppose. Maybe today they realized they'd had enough of me.

"Has anyone ever been expelled at your school? I mean it's a fairly new school too, so I'm curious," Andy asked, as he unbuckled.

I thought for a moment. "Nope. They used to make speeches about how proud they were that they've never needed to expel anyone from that hell hole. I guess they can't say that anymore," I laughed.

Andy pulled out a pack of cigarettes and took out a butt and black lighter. "I'm having a smoke before we go in," Andy said through the butt between his lips.

"Pass me one?" I held out a hand. It wasn't the first time I'd smoked. I'd been smoking since Andy was a Junior in high school, and I was a eighth grader. Not to mention that that was the year I was held back. I'm actually 19, in my senior year of high school. I was supposed to graduate in a few weeks.

Andy handed me one with a look of disappointed amusement on his face.

"I'm the worst brother in the world," He laughed and lit mine for me, before lighting his own cigarette. "I actually promote my little sister, smoking at a young age,"

"I would've been smoking by now, whether you had allowed it or not," I laughed and we stepped out the car. I blew a puff of smoke out of my lips.

"The guys have been asking about you," Andy said, putting the cigarette back to his lips.

"What'd they say?" I asked, as I leaned against the froyo building.

"Just asking how you're doing. When they'll see you again," Andy shrugged.

"Hopefully soon," I admitted.

"Definitely," Andy smiled. "Okay, I'm actually really hungry for yogurt. Put that shit out and let's go in," He tossed his butt onto the ground and stepped on it. I did the same and followed him inside.

I ordered my cotton candy, with my favorite candy topping. Andy ordered watermelon, and we took our usual booth, sitting across from one another.

"Is that a bruise on your jaw?" Andy asked, taking a closer look at my face.

"Yeah, it's from that thing I told you earlier," I admitted.

"That bitch needs to be put in her place. She should've been expelled," Andy shook his head.

"It really doesn't matter," I laughed.

"So what's the plan for your summer?" He asked, taking a bite of his yogurt.

"No plans," I shrugged, and felt a little butterfly of excitement in my stomach. Andy better be asking me to go on tour!

"Well that's good," Andy looked at his bowl.

"Are you excited to tour around the world?" I asked, trying to push the subject.

"Yeah, are you?" Andy smiled really wide, and I practically jumped out of my skin.

"I get to go with you??!!" I screamed.

"Well yeah," Andy nodded fast. "Happy didn't-graduate-because-you-dropped-out!"

"Best present ever for being a piece of shit!" I fucking grinned like a lunatic.

"Hey, you're not a piece of shit," Andy's smile faded.

"Yeah, yeah I've heard it all Andy," I waved it away and continued to be happy. I stuffed my face with frozen yogurt.

"Nah, I'm serious. You're my little sister Blair. Don't be hard on yourself," Andy put a hand out to my arm. I rolled my eyes and he stuffed his own face with froyo. He knew it was a battle he couldn't win.


We got back to the house, in time for it to look like I was late coming home, rather than having left early.

"Hey kids!" My mother called to us, from the kitchen.

"Hey Mom!" I yelled back. "I'm going to go get changed into comfortable clothes," I dropped my bag by the coat hanger, and rushed to my room.

I changed into a Sleeping With Sirens tank top, and a pair of black shorts. I kept my tights on, beneath the shorts. I threw on a black vest with more pins, and pulled my long black hair out of the pony tale I kept it in for school. They had been lucky that I actually followed that rule. Not to mention that I wasn't supposed to have dyed hair. I'd had it dyed this color since before High school though, so they had no idea that it had ever been blonde.

Andy's fans claimed to me that I copied him by dying my hair black. I think me and Andy are actually really different though. We never fought or anything; we were like best friends. But we weren't the same. I didn't like being considered a copycat. I never "copied" Andy. I didn't have hair like his; now especially. My hair was more in the style of Lexus Amanda. Not really like Andy's hair ever was.

I headed back into the living room, and found my parents and Andy all in chairs, laughing.

"What's going on?" I asked kind of nervously, before taking a seat in a love seat.

"Andy was just telling us about Ashley's strange tour endeavors," Dad chuckled.

"Wonderful," I laughed. Ashley's a fucking idiot, but I love him like a brother.

"Remember Andy and Juliet's cat, Crow?" Mom turned to me.

I nodded. "Of course,"

"He still has to suck Andy's thumb. Isn't that a riot?" Mom laughed and sat back in the couch beside Dad.

"Yeah Mom," I nodded. "I've seen the pictures on Instagram,"

"You have an instagram?" Andy cocked his head.

"Yeah, it's private though and not under my name," I admitted.

"Why not?" He looked at me funny.

"I don't want your fans bashing on me," I laughed.

"Some of them are vicious, I'll admit," Andy nodded.

"Oh who needs people like that? I need to get down to cooking," Mom slapped her knee.

"Pasta dinner," Dad rubbed his stomach. "Blair, did Andy tell you about your plans for summer?" Dad grinned at me.

"He did," I smiled.

"I can't believe my little girl's going to be flying all over the world," Dad shook his head.

"Ya' know Dad, I'm the one performing. She's just being a hitch hiker," Andy waved at me sarcastically.

"You know I'm proud of you Andrew," Dad rolled his eyes. "It's different! Blair's my princess," He looked teary.

"I know Dad," I cringed silently.

"You better keep her safe, kid," Dad pointed at Andy and we giggled.

"With my life Dad. I won't let anything happen to her," Andy nodded.

"And keep her away from any band guys," He looked back and forth between us.

"Dad!" I whined.

"I'm serious!" He chuckled.

"I'll keep her away from Ashley then," Andy laughed.

"I'm not worried about Ash," Dad shook his head and we all laughed.


We were sitting at the table, and I twirled my spaghetti over and over. I was nervous as all hell to tell my parents about what had happened today.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked. My leg was shaking underneath the table. Andy knew what was coming and put down his utensils, and wiped his face.

"Yes, sweetie?" Mom looked up, and looked at Andy. Her face turned into concern, when she saw Andy's serious face.

"Something bad happened at school again today," I admitted slowly, with a gulp in my throat.

"What was it?" Dad raised an eyebrow.

"Uh," I pointed to my jaw.

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe I didn't notice that earlier! Are you alright Blair? Who did this to you?! I should call Mr. Wright," Mom threw her napkin down on the table.

"No Mom, don't bother," I laughed. "The matter was taken care of, in a way. To put it quickly, they blamed the whole situation on me, and I was expelled,"

Well I guess I spit that out quickly.

"You what?" Mom said quietly.

"They expelled me," I shrugged.

"There was no phone call!" Dad looked angry, but not seemingly at me.

"That's because I told them not to bother expelling me, and that I was dropping out," I explained.

"Do you want us to try to get you into another school, just until summer?" Mom asked, with a sympathetic look.

"You're not mad?" My eyes widened.

"I guess we should be, right?" Dad laughed and looked at my mother.

"No, Blair. You only had a few weeks left. And we know that guitar is your passion. We'll do what we can to make sure you follow your dreams. You don't need a diploma for yours," She laughed.

"Well no, Mom I don't want to go to another school. I've had enough of it, and I don't think I need to go back," I said, with a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

"That's alright, Blair," Dad nodded.

"That went really well, which is really surprising," Andy laughed and looked to me.

"Well it would have gone differently if she wanted to be a doctor or something!" Mom pointed at me.

"Obviously," Dad scoffed and took a swig of spaghetti.

"Well I guess we should start talking about what you're packing for tour," Mom sighed, changing the subject.

"I have enough clothes for all the months, right?" I cocked my head.

"Well I was going to say we should go out shopping for some things. You might lose clothes, or they'll get really dirty. Maybe some really nice dresses or something, in case you guys go out somewhere real nice or fancy," Mom smiled.

"Thanks so much Mom! Tomorrow?" I grinned.

"Well, I guess so. You don't have school anymore, so why the hell not?" She laughed and shook her head.

"Thanks so much! Holy shit, I can't wait to tour the world," I beamed.

"I want you to stay with me, or on the bus when we're in foreign country's Blair," Andy warned.

"I know, I know. But I can handle myself Andy," I rolled my eyes.

"I just want to be careful. None of us know our way around these other cites. It'd be real hard to find you in a place like France," Andy glared.

"Oh God don't lose her," Mom looked at Andy with sudden concern.

"Now you've got her going," Dad rolled his eyes.

"Well I don't want her getting hurt! I never even thought about the idea of her getting lost in some foreign country, not able to speak the language or anything!" Mom sputtered.

"I took French in freshman year, Mom," I tried to reassure her.

"Not everyone in every country speaks French Blair!" Mom whined.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. All the guy's, in both bands will be looking out for her. I promise," Andy laughed at Mom's insanity.

"What's the other band? Do I know them?" She asked.

"Uh, Asking Alexandria," Andy coughed.

"They're very irresponsible boys," She scolded Andy.

"They know better than to lose a person, Mom," Andy chuckled.

"Be honest," She glared.

"Okay, they've only lost Danny a few times. But that was his own fault!" Andy raised his hands in defense.

"Not to mention, I can handle myself? I know not to leave the guys," I added. "I'm not like a dog. I don't see why you're so worried,"

"I know, it's just that you're my little girl," Mom laughed.

"Like Andy said; all the guys are looking out for me. It's like having way too many older brothers," I laughed.

"Well keep looking at them like that, because I will not have you coming home with any of them," Dad laughed. He loved to joke about me ending up with a band member of Andy's friends.

"I'm not going to go out with any of Andy's friends, Dad," I groaned.

"I hope not. Aren't they all too old anyways?" Mom chuckled.

"Well Danny's about my age. Cameron's 23 or something, and James is my age, and the rest of the guys are around there," Andy brought up a point. Only to piss Dad off though. It was a funny argument that we had often. This was the first about Asking Alexandria though.

"All too old," Dad shook his head.

I can't wait for tour.

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Hey guys! What did you all think? I appreciate feedback so much!(: