Status: Exremely Active

I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me


***Blair's POV***

The flight all the way to Europe was horrid. I refused to speak to anyone other than James and Andy. I trusted that James wouldn't do that to me, and I knew my own brother wasn't a sick fuck. The ride was long, and filled with Danny and Ben trying to talk to me about Dover. At this point, I was almost positive that Dover had to have been in Asking Alexandria. The only weird thing was that Dover's voice wasn't British.

After the stressful flight, we landed and hopped in our UK busses to take us to our hotel for the next two nights. I was given my own room, luckily, because I wanted the two nights to get away from the guys. Andy and James dropped me off at my room, and I lugged my bags into the room. James left for his own room and Andy followed me inside, closing the door behind him.

"If you need me, the band's in the room to your right. If you need the AA guys, they're in the room to your left," He rubbed his neck.

"Thanks, Andy," I shrugged and smiled, throwing my bags onto the bed.

"Look, about this Devin guy," Andy started but I cut him off.

"It's Dover," I said.

"Dover. Well, are you really sure that he's on the tour?" He asked nervously.

"Didn't Danny and Ben make it pretty obvious that he's on the tour? They both admitted to be in on it," I sneered.

"Don't be too mad, Blair," Andy mumbled. "Doesn't seem like the guy meant to hurt you,"

"Easy for you to say Andy. Do you know who it is too?" I whined.

"No, I actually don't. But when you find out, I'd like to know. Especially if it's someone I'm close to," Andy explained, stepping back, closer to the door.

"I'm sure he'll give up soon enough," I waved it away.

"Alright, I'll see you later Blair. I'm going down to the pool. Bye," Andy waved to me and left the room. I sighed and walked into the bathroom, looking into the mirror.

I took out my phone and eyed Dover's contact. It made me upset to think that I never knew who I was texting. Whoever he was, he'd made me happy. I would've trusted him with anything. I would've given anything to see him, but I had been seeing him everyday; I just didn't know who I was looking at.

I heard a knock on the door and set my phone down on the counter. It was most likely Andy again. I groaned and left my phone behind, walking towards the door. I looked in the peephole and saw Cameron standing with Sam. I was in no mood to speak to anyone, but I opened the door.

"Come over here, quickly," Sam grabbed me and lurched me away from the door before I could even shut it behind me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I coughed as Cam grabbed my other arm and the two of them began to pull me down the hallway, past their room.

"You need to come here," Cameron yanked my arms and I gave up and walked with them as they dragged me.

"I'm coming! What do you want?!" I grumbled in annoyance. I wanted a night to myself, and that was not what I was getting.

"No questions," Sam locked my arm in his and we continued to walk down the hall until my face was inches from a wall.

"Why am I staring at a wall?" I groaned at them.

"Just, look at the paint job!" Cameron awed at the wall and I rolled my eyes.

"They did smashing!" Sam nodded, trying to get me to agree. They were just yellow walls. Nothing was special.

"Guys, I left my door open and all my stuff is in the room. I need to get back before someone steals something," I moaned.

"No one's going to steal anything," Cam scoffed.

"You brought me all the way here to admire a paint job?" I asked.

"Yes...," Sam said slowly.

"You're both idiots. Let go of me," I shook my arms free from their grasp. I spun around and started off towards my room, where the door was still wide open.

"Heading back to your room?" Cam asked, speeding up to keep up with me.

"Yeah, what's gotten into you guys?" I raised an eyebrow. This was strange, even for them. Neither of them even smelled like alcohol, and their eyes were clear.

"What's wrong with admiring some good painting skills?" Asked Sam with a snort, rushing with me and Cameron now. I was nearing my room, and ready to get away from everything.

"Okay, I'm going to go. I suggest you two get some help before anything else weird happens," I squinted at them. They looked like they were up to something.

"Sorry Blair," Cam said as we got to the door to my room. I leaned on the door frame and cocked my head.

"For showing me the paint job?" I laughed. Sam and Cameron both looked at each other and smiled.

"No, for this," Sam shook his head and I raised an eyebrow. Before I could react any further, they both outstretched their arms and shoved me, pushing me into my room. The force of both of the guys made me gasp. They reached in and grabbed the door, slamming it shut in my face. I screamed in surprise and lurched forward to the door, wiggling the handle furiously.

The door wouldn't budge, and I looked through the peephole to see that both of the boys were leaning and pushing against the door with full force.

"What the fuck guys?!" I screamed. I let go of the handle, banging my fists against the door and tried to push with my hips.

"You're not stronger than us, Blair!" Sam called back, chuckling. "Give up!"

"Give up and do what?! I'm calling Andy for help!" I yelled to them, giving the door one last beat, before turning to the bathroom door. I didn't remember shutting it, but it was shut.

I grabbed the handle and tried to turn it with no luck. There was no way that I'd locked the door before I left. I wiggled it again and again and hit the door.

"Who the fuck is in the bathroom?!" I screamed shrilly, pressing my ear against the bathroom door.

"It's locked love, don't strain yourself," A voice I recognized all to well came through the door. Dover's voice.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed and hit the door.

"Calm down and try to let me explain," He said back.

"Who are you?!" I yelped.

"I can't tell you!" He yelled back at me.

"The fuck not?!" I screamed. "I have it fucking narrowed down, Dover!"

"How's that?" He mumbled and my fist pounded the door angrily.

"I know you're either James, Danny or Ben!" I yelled. All of Black Veil Brides were down at the pool, and Cameron and Sam were outside my door, locking me inside.

"Blair listen to me! I want to explain why I can't tell you who I am!" He yelled, his voice cracking.

"Use your real voice you fucking prick! I know you're faking an American accent!" I yelled. It was now dead obvious that Dover was a Brit.

"You'll know who I am if I use my voice!" He yelled.

"All the better!" I cried.

"Blair, I can't sleep knowing that you'll hate me as soon as you know who I am!" He screamed and my heart hit my rib cage like a punch.

"You're a liar!" I yelled back, my voice shaking.

"I'm not lying to you!" He yelled.

"Dover, if I leave this room without knowing who you are, I'm just going to take a left into AA's room. That's where I'll find two guys, and whoever's not there will be you. At that point, I'll be livid because I'd have to find out like that. If you tell me who you are right now, I'll forgive you," Tears started to brim my eyes and I leaned my forehead onto the door, with a hand still pressed on the door.

"Blair, you're better off not knowing!" His voice continued to crack and it sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"No I'm not. I've wanted to know who I was talking to since the beginning. I've never met anyone who made me happy, Dover! No one! I need to know who you are. I have to know. You mean so much to me. I have to know," I blinked and an ocean of tears rushed down my cheeks.

"Blair, I would give anything to be with you," I had to press my ear against the door to hear him whisper.

"Please open the door," I whimpered, desperately.

"Don't hate me," He mumbled back and I heard him cough.

"I can't hate you," I shook my head and took a step back from the door.

I heard the lock on the door click and a loud groan. The door handle slowly turned and opened. He leaned on the door frame with his arm and kept his head down, his messy hair hanging down and his free arm tugged at a Led Zeppelin shirt.

Both of my hands flew to my mouth and slapped it shut. My eyes blurred with tears and I couldn't will myself to blind them away. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"I'm so sorry Blair. I never meant to hurt you," He coughed himself back into his English accent. I couldn't believe that Ben Bruce was standing in front of me. His scraggly hair hung in his face as he looked up at me. His eyes were red like he'd been crying and he bit at his spider bites nervously.

"No," I was muffled beneath the pressure of my hands pressing on my mouth. I blinked and the tears rushed down hitting my fingers like a tidal wave. I took a step back and shook my head, shaking.

"Wishing anyone else could've come out of the bathroom, eh?" He ran a hand through his hair. His face was expressionless but he looked me in the eye. "I'm truly sorry. None of it was fake though,"

I removed my hands from my face. "It was all fake!" I cried.

"I didn't fake anything but my name," Ben shook his hair and I saw tears run down his cheek.

"I trusted you," I croaked.

"I know, I'm a fucking wanker," Ben shook his head. "You would never have gotten to know Ben. You gave Dover a chance,"

"You're horrible, Ben!" I screeched.

"Me and Dover are the same person! You never thought he was a bad person," Ben said. "I don't think you regret answering those texts. Not even now. I understand though; If you never want to speak to me again,"

I couldn't figure out what I wanted at this moment. I wanted desperately to just rush up to him and smash my lips onto his. But I wouldn't do that.

"Can we start over?" My voice cracked and I held out a shaky hand.

Ben smiled and held out his own hand, shaking mine. "I'm Ben from Asking Alexandria," He grinned wide.

"I'm Blair Biersack, Andy's sister," I smiled back and laughed at us.

"It'd be lovely to take you out to dinner tonight," Ben stepped closer, still not releasing my hand.

"Out to dinner? Where Ben?" I asked, cocking my head with a silly smile. It was fun to play around like this.

"Well, Blair. It's Italy; There's millions of possibilities. I'll pick you up at 8," He winked at me and brushed past me, towards the door. I smiled after him, blushing like a maniac. This was honestly the cutest thing I could think of.

Ben wiggled the door knob again and laughed to himself. "Sam, Cameron! Let go of the door you fuckers! It worked!" He screamed, trying to pulled the door open. They released and the door swung open. "Faggots," He grumbled at them and they both beamed at me. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind Ben.

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it's been so long! I've been very busy with legal things! I'll try to update much more!