Status: Exremely Active

I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me

McDonalds Becomes Band Territory

***Blair's POV***

The busses made a pit stop, and I was forced into a McDonalds before I could even complain. We were told that we weren't allowed to combine tables, and I was stuck at a table with Danny, Andy, and Ben yet again. Why did I always end up stuck with these guys?! What did I ever do to deserve this?

I decided the best way to get through lunch, would be to text my way through the whole day. I ran my thumb over Dover's contact and sent him a text.

Me: Hey!

"Are you going to spend the whole time on your phone?" Andy groaned and nudged me. McDonalds had turned into a horribly loud and crowded space. Our crew took up most of the place!

"Anything to avoid discussion with, some people," I looked up and glared at Ben. He didn't noticed, because his own nose was buried in his phone.

"Ben's just as bad," Danny laughed, waving a hand in front of Ben's face to get his attention.

"What?" Ben looked up and dropped his phone onto his lap.

"You need to socialize darling," Danny spoke in a girly voice and patted Ben's back. Ben was slumped into the booth. I was stuck between him and Andy.

"I am," He laughed in defense, and my phone vibrated.

Dover: Hey! How are you pet?

I smiled, but I was still reading the messages in an English accent. Maybe he actually was English! I mean, he typed like he was.

"Who're you texting?" Andy leaned over my shoulder, and I clutched my phone to my chest quickly.

"No one," I glared at my brother sarcastically.

"Is it your girlfriend?" Ben chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Me: I'm stuck at McDonalds, sitting next to Ben :( save me yo!

"I'm straight by the way," I closed my phone and shot a look to Ben.

"Could've fooled me," Ben looked me up and down, and picked his phone back up.

"You're a piece of shit," I scowled. So much for ignoring Ben, huh?

"Guy's, we're in public," Andy groaned and nudged my shoulder.

"If McDonalds cared about image, they wouldn't allow half of these fat fucks inside," Danny motioned to the people in line who, admittedly, were extremely huge.

"Speaking of fat; Danny are you going to go up and order for us?" Ben looked up from his phone.

"Were you calling me fat?" Danny laughed and hit Ben's arm.

"Not my words, yours!" Ben chuckled and set his phone down in his lap.

"Yeah, I'll order. What do you guys want?" Danny sighed.

"I'll go with you," Andy nodded to him.

"Don't leave me!" I whined.

"He can't carry all the food," Andy shrugged.

"I'll have chicken nuggets," Ben pronounced nuggets funny, and I couldn't help but chuckle. My phone vibrated and I picked it up quickly.

"Blair?" Andy nudged me before I could even open the message from Dover.

"I'm not hungry," I shrugged.

"You have to eat something," Andy raised an eyebrow.

"I had a big breakfast and snacks in the bus," I lied.

"I didn't feed you," Ben scoffed, seeing as I'd spent this morning in their bus.

"I'll get you fries at least," Andy put a hand on my shoulder and he and Danny walked to the line. I groaned and rolled my eyes. I honestly wasn't hungry at all.

Dover: I wish :( Why do you hate him so much? He doesn't seem so bad.

Me: He's self centered. Anywho; tell me about you! I want to remember you.

"Have you actually eaten at all today?" Ben looked up at me, from his slumped position.

"That's not your business," I mumbled harshly.

"You know, eating's a vital part of life...," Ben said slowly.

"Shut the fuck up Ben. I'm not taking shit from you," I glared at him, and snapped quickly.

"Just trying to give you critical reasoning," Ben shrugged and looked away.

"I don't need to hear "reasoning" from a compulsive drunk," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not arguing on these terms," Ben shook his head and went back to his phone.

"Scared of being wrong?" I sang.

"Wrong? I know for a fact that I'm right! Everyone needs to eat," Ben rolled his eyes at me.

I crossed my arms and decided to go back to ignoring him. My phone soon vibrated, and as I picked it up I checked to see where Danny and Andy had ended up in line. They still hadn't ordered, and the line was moving slowly due to the overload of band members and crew in line with them; ordering way too much food.

Dover: I don't know what there is to tell haha. Let's just play 20 questions. It's fucking easier.

Me: Okay! (: Do you play any instruments? Sing?

"Who're you texting?" Ben tried to peak, but I hit the top of his head and leaned away. He went straight back to his phone.

"Your mom," I sneered.

"My mum has better taste than you," Ben snarled.

Dover: Guitar!(: Been playin since I was little. How about you?

Me: I play guitar too actually. Have you ever been expelled from school?

I was only curious, because of my own situation. I kind of wanted to know someone I could connect with in that case. I didn't have anyone to talk to about that.

Dover: Yes actually. I got kicked out at 16. The teacher's caught me breaking a rule in the corridor. How about you?

Me: What was it? and yeah. I was supposed to be expelled before graduation this year, but I dropped out before they could fill out the paper work, or even call my parents.

Dover: Shit that must've sucked. What'd you do? I'd rather not talk about what I did. Sorry.

Me: I didn't even do what they say I did. They said that I punched a girl in the face.

Dover: That's even worse! Would she have deserved it though? (;

Andy and Danny made their way over with a tray of food each.

Me: Fucking yes! brb for a sec. My brother's making me eat haha

Dover: kk

Andy plopped a box of fries in front of me and I cringed. They were salty, and greasy. Not to mention; fast food. Fattening as fuck. Andy wouldn't actually make me eat this shit, right? At least not the whole thing! He wouldn't be that bad of a brother.

I slowly put out a hand, and took one smaller fry. Ben watched me with a raised eyebrow, and his jaw hung open. He looked at me as if to say "what the fucking hell".

I took a small nibble of the fry, and looked from Andy to Ben, to Danny. Andy had a blank expression as he slowly slid into the seat beside me. Danny watched me in confusion. If everyone would fucking look away; that'd be great.

"Just take a real fucking bite!" Ben hit my hand.

I shot him the evil eye, and popped the fry into my mouth. I chewed slowly and painfully, then choking it down in agony.

"I'm really not hungry," I whined up to Andy.

"At least eat half the box," Andy motioned to the fries, as he bit into his burger.

"If I eat anything, I think I'll throw up," I clutched my stomach and moaned.

"Do you feel sick?" Danny gagged through the food in his mouth.

"Only a bit," I shrugged.

"It's actually probably from that hangover," Ben nodded, taking a chicken nugget.

"Shut the fuck up," I snapped at him. I didn't want to bring up the matter around Andy again!

"Oh shit, probably," Said Andy. Well that was unexpected. "Fine, you don't have to eat,"

"Thank you," I hugged him from the side and pulled my phone back out.

Me: Back!

Dover: Quick eat, aye?

Me: Nah, I'm not feeling well so I'm not eating.

Dover: Ooh. When did you get sick?

Me: I'm not sick :p

Dover: ?

Me: I guess I'm just not hungry. Maybe it's nerves.

Dover: Bout what?

Me: Anything. Back to our game! (:

Dover: Shit, I forgot haha when did you have your first kiss?

Me: Tenth grade. Ugh that's so embarrassing. How about you?

Dover: Saving yourself huh mate? Haha well I honestly don't remember mine at all. I was probably drunk haha why were you back stage at the concert?

Me: I'm Andy's sister. Why were youu?

Dover: VIP passes. I didn't know you were Andy's sister!

Me: Oops, well now you know xD

Dover: Sweet! Haha

Me: Where are you from?

Dover: I travel a lot.

I looked at where the messages were sending from. It was blocked, weirdly enough.

Me: Right now?

Dover: Mid-traveling haha

Me: Where are you headed?

Dover: Maine.

Me: I'm in Maine now! We should meet up!

Dover: I wish I could, but I'm traveling with friends. they'd never pull over just so I can see a girl. Especially if she's as pretty as you, because they're all jealous wankers.

Another message that I read in an English'd be just lovely to know who I was talking to.

Me: Do I at least get a picture of your face then? (:

Dover: Sorry :( my camera on my phones broken.

Me: Shit haha

Dover: Hey, Blair?

Me: Yeah?

Dover: Why did you really not eat at McDonalds?

Me: Idk. I just wasn't hungry.

Dover: When did you eat last?

I thought for a minute, and looked up at my brother and his friends. They were all engulfed in their food.

Me: I think I had an apple a week ago.

Shit just got way to serious. I couldn't tell if I was making the right choice, to tell an almost stranger about my shit.

Dover: Please eat Blair.

"Fuck," Ben startled me from beside. I jumped and looked at him. He'd simply lifted his head from his phone and food frenzy, and sworn aloud.

"What's wrong mate?" Danny laughed.

"Oh I forgot something," Ben murmured and looked back down at his phone. "Cam's got the passports,"

"Oh shit, good," Danny laughed and sighed.

Me: I'm literally not hungry. Why do you care? Lol I don't even know you.

Dover: Because I do. I can't talk right now. I'll text you later, okay? later tonight. Bye. Make sure you eat dinner, okay?

Me: Bye Dover. Maybe I will :p Idk

I closed my phone and shoved it in my pocket. Andy looked at me funny again.

"Who are you texting?" Andy poked my shoulder.

"A friend," I shrugged awkwardly.

"A boyfriend?!" Danny yelped in a high pitched squeal.

"No," I laughed and gave him a weird look.

"Yeah, like she could get a boyfriend," Ben scoffed at me, and I scowled at him.

"I definitely take relationships better than you though," I shoved his arm.

"How's that?" He bit his spider bite and glared at me.

"I can hold one," I pierce his eyes with mine, and his face dropped.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" Ben shouted.

"Ben, honey we're in public," Danny patted his shoulder.

"You're a bad person!" Ben pointed in my face. "My divorce isn't fucking funny!"

"Neither are you!" I snorted.

"Go ahead and change the subject huh? You'll never admit how much of a bitch you are! You're the self centered one, and this shit's going to come flying back and kick you in the ass!" Ben raged at me.

"Okay, calm down Ben," Danny grabbed his arm. "People are looking,"

"And I hope they look at this bitch, right here!" Ben stood and pointed down at me. I was mortified, and slumped into the chair.

"It's not that big a deal Ben! Calm down!" Danny shoved him back into his seat. "She was only joking,"

"Apologize," Andy whispered hoarsely into my ear so that the guys could hear. People really were staring, but most of them were band members. I'd never been so embarrassed in my life.

"Ben, I'm sorry," I said through gritted teeth.

"No you're not," Ben snorted at me and shook his head.

"Accept a fucking apology; my God," I wanted to scream.

"You're trying to apology-rape me, now?" Ben tried not to laugh at himself, and keep it hidden beneath a glare.

"I hate you," I whined and slumped further into my seat.

"Hate you to," He went back to seriousness and back to eating.

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