Status: Exremely Active

I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me

A Drunk Mans Words are a Sober One's Thoughts

I laid back down in my bunk and hoped for Dover to text me, but he never did. I was eventually ushered into a really small, and musty-smelling venue with the bands. The back stage of the venue was dark, making it hard to see who was who in the bands, because they all had a wardrobe of pure black.

James strutted over to me, and sat on an old out of order speaker beside me. "Have you ever considered performing?" He asked.

"Me? No," I laughed and shook my head. "Only on my guitar. Never anything solo,"

James played with his drum sticks, and tapped them on my knees and his own. "I only assumed because you're a Biersack," He smiled.

"Guitar's my thing," I shrugged and grinned back to him.

"You sound like Ben," He coughed and raised an eyebrow at me.

"That might be the single rudest thing anyone's ever said to me," I nudged him, as CC Coma came over to us as well.

"Show's in 15 minutes," CC stuck out his tongue and tapped his drum sticks on James's head.

"Thanks mate. Are my drums set up?" James's accent fucked with his pronunciation of "drums". It sounded more like "drooms".

"I think so," CC pulled at the curtain and peaked his head through. Screams echoed through the small pub, and CC wretched himself back quickly. "Yep," His eyes widened and he laughed as he walked back towards Ash and Jinxx.

"Ben's not that bad of a guy, you know," James nudged me.

"Ben's a dick," I shot.

""Ben's saved Danny's life more than once. Not to mention all of our asses, countless times I feel. Not to mention; we wouldn't be a band without him," James shrugged.

"I don't want his back story. I hate him," I laid down the law to James and he sighed.

"Alright fine. Be that way," He laughed.

"What does it mean when a guy says he'll text you "later tonight", James?" I asked him awkwardly. I really wanted to talk to Dover right now.

"That he'll text you later tonight," James laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Why?"

"There's a guy I might like a little. He said he'd text me later tonight, but it's been a fucking while," I shrugged and blushed.

"What's his name?" James sang and nudged my shoulder.

"Dover," I grinned and looked away, hoping no one else could hear me.

James paused and grimaced. "That's a strange name. Is he American?"

"I don't know?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I know that sounds weird," James laughed and stood up, grasping his drum sticks in one hand. "That's just not a common name. Especially not around the East Coast of the U.S.,"

"He talks like you guys," I agreed.

"So you've heard his voice? That should give away where he's from," James laughed.

"Well, no. I just mean the way he types. He says wanker, and other Brit things," I chuckled and James looked at me with fake offence.

"Little wanker," He smiled and Ben came from out of no where and hit his back.

"We're on mate," Ben ignored me, and swung his guitar over his shoulder, pulling James away for the stage.

"I'll talk to you after the show, Blair!" James called to me as the group ran onto stage.


When James came back off the stage, he was dripping in sweat and shirtless. He dropped his drum sticks at his sides and sighed loudly, as BVB’s crew started lugging out their equipment. James took his seat beside me again and smiled wide.

“For a small venue, the show’s crazy,” James yelled over the screaming crowd.

“Still no text,” I waved my phone in his face and shrugged with disappointment. I knew how fucking stupid I was being. I had a little school girl crush on a guy, who I didn’t actually know. It was kind of pathetic.

“He’ll text, if he knows what good for him mate,” James grabbed my arm with his sweaty palm and pulled my phone from my hands.

“Give it back!” I launched over him, to try and pry my phone out of his hand. He held it too far away and out of my reach as he searched through some of my texts. He swiped right over the most recent ones with Dover, which was lucky on my part.

“Got some flirtin’ action goin’ on, aye?” James laughed and looked down on me as I leaned over him, reaching desperately for my cell phone.

“Give it back James,” I whined and kept struggling.

“What’s his number? I’ll hit him up,” James laughed and looked at the contact more closely, giving me a chance to yank it from his grasp.

“Mine!” I yelled in victory as I pulled my phone into my pocket.

“Do I know Dover?” James laughed.

“I doubt it. Why?” I raised an eyebrow. “He was backstage at one of the shows the other night,”

“His number looked familiar. Forget it though. Wait, why was he backstage?” James waved it away, but turned back to me with a look of concern.

“That’s how I met him, and how he got my number,” I said slowly. “He had VIP’s,” I looked at James cautiously.

“Blair, look around! Do you see any VIP fans sitting around backstage?” James raised an eyebrow at me and motioned around the area. I searched with my eyes briefly, and only met the gaze of the other crew members and band members.

“But that’s how I met him…I was shit faced drunk, and he told me he met me backstage,” I looked at the ground.

“Don’t think too far into it mate! I might be wrong. It doesn’t matter, Blair,” James laughed and pat my back.

“It’s just a little weird, ya’ know?” I looked to him.

“Let me see your phone again? I want to look at that number,” James put his hand out and I reached for my pocket, before Ben came crashing towards us from a few feet away and sat right on my lap.

“You fat fuck! Get off of me!” I screamed and hit his arm. He pressed his back against my face so I couldn’t talk; only let out muffled yells.

“I like your mouth so much better when it’s not speaking,” Ben laughed at me.

“And you look so much nicer when I can’t see you!” I screamed. “Now get off!” I tried to push him, but he wouldn’t budge. He was sweaty and smelled like cologne.

“I don’t want to,” Ben shrugged.

“This is a horrible excuse for a lap dance,” James laughed from beside us.

“Oh shut up you! I’ve seen you have sex before, and you’re pretty terrible I feel,” Ben wacked at James’s arm.

“Shut up mate!” James hit him back, making Ben jump, sending pain through my poor lap. I could already hardly handle Bens weight as it was.

“Danny! Come sit on my lap love!” Ben yelled to Danny as he (probably; I can’t see past Bens back!) walked past us. I heard a shrill laugh, and I felt SO many pounds add to the weight already pressing me onto the flimsy stool.

“You fucking idiots! Get off!” I whined loudly, and tried again to push them off of me.

“You’re going to flatten her!” James was practically choking on his lungs beside me.

“Wait, there’s someone under Ben?” I heard Danny jeer.

“Yeah! Me!” I screamed angrily.

“Shit! Sorry sweetheart!” I felt some of the weight relief and I sighed for a brief moment. Danny leaned over James and spoke directly to my face.

“Get.Ben.Off.Of.Me.” I glared.

“Ben, you heard her,” James hit his arm.

“But she’s so comfy,” Ben crossed his arms and moaned.

“I’m going to knee you in the fucking nuts,” I snarled as close to his ear as I could manage.

“Alright, I’m up!” Ben leaped up and put his arms up in defeat.

“Save your nuts mate!” Danny screamed, and waved a beer around.

“My cock is beautiful! Don’t hurt it!” Ben stroked the outside of his pants and I cringed at him.

“Ben, get over here!” Cam yelled from the other side of the stage. “Take care of your mess!”

“Fuck. Talk to you guys later,” Ben waved us away and ran towards Cameron and Sam, and Danny followed.

“What were we saying before?” James turned to me with a smile and eyes filled with tears from laughter.

“I have no idea,” I shrugged and laughed, brushing off the top of my jeans.

“That fucker’s weird,” James snickered and motioned to the direction that Ben had rushed off to.

“I’m well aware,” I rolled my eyes.

“Did he actually hurt you?” James’s expression turned serious.

“Not really,” I muttered.

“Good,” James laughed and patted my back. My phone vibrated and I quickly picked it up. “I’m going to follow those guys, before they get drunk without me. See you around Blair,” James pat me again and I waved goodbye.

Dover: Hey! Sorry I couldn’t talk for so long.

Me: It’s fine! What were you up to?

Dover: Issues with traveling. What were you doing while I was gone? (:

Me: I was on youtube for a while, and I talked to James for a bit.

Dover: James Cassells? The droomer for AA? (;

Me: Yeah! We always make fun of him for saying drooms, lol

Dover: Oh, yeah! Cool. Truth or dare?

Me: Uh truth?

Dover: What were you and James talking about? (;

Me: Awkwaaard. You

Dover: Aww ;) What were you saying?

Me: Nothing xD Truth or dare?

Dover: Truth

Me: Why have you continued to text me so much? I’m pretty fucking boring haha

Dover: You’re fucking cool, I feel. And you’re really fucking interesting actually. Not to mention that you're pretty. Did you have dinner?

I smiled to myself.

Me: I had a bag of popcorn, so I guess. Food’s scarce on tour, sooo

Dover: Good enough. I don’t want you getting hurt.

Me: Thanks for caring, Dover.

Dover: Don’t thank me haha it’s not my fault

“Blair, we gotta get going! The venues closing,” Andy snapped me out of my giddiness. I literally felt like a school girl with her first crush.

“Coming!” I called, sending a goodbye text to Dover on my way.

Me: Sorry Dover, I’ve got to go! Have sweet dreams. G’night xx

I closed my phone and followed Andy out of the venue and into the hot night air.


***Ben’s POV***

I closed my phone and looked about the living area at the other guys. I felt a little weird about my incident with Blair earlier. Her knees were bony enough to be painful as fuck, and I was worried.

“Aye James? Come here mate,” I motioned to James for him to come towards me. He raised an eyebrow and made his way towards me, taking a seat on the couch, beside me.

“What’s wrong?” He took a swig of liquor.

“Have you noticed anything about Blair, that seems off? She’s dangerously thin, I feel,” I tried to push James into the realization I may have come to. I really do hate this bitch; but I don’t want her to get physically hurt. Emotionally; yes. But not physically.

“I guess she’s pretty thin, but I don’t know about dangerous Ben,” James looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

“Something’s off,” I warned him.

“You just don’t like her mate!” James laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

“I’m serious!” I cried with a snicker.

“Well I haven’t seen anything weird. I’ll let you know if I see anything,” he looked at me like I was fucking crazy. I know what I’m talking about!

“I’m serious,” I repeated.

“I know you are, that’s the weird part,” James took a swig. “Do you know that Dover guy she’s been texting? Apparently he was backstage at a concert with VIP or something. Imagine that? Never heard of such a thing,”

“Yeah, I’ve heard of him,” I sulked into the chair awkwardly. I knew Dover a little too well to be completely honest.

I didn’t want to come right out and tell James what I’d done though. I knew he was close with Blair, and I didn’t want to fight with him. James is hands down; my best friend. He’d definitely tell me that I’d made a bad choice. I didn’t care much though. This was my best prank yet. And I hope the experience will show Blair not to fuck with me.

“Really? I think there’s something fishy about that guy,” James raised an eyebrow and I looked away from him.

“What’dyou mean?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I got a quick look at his phone number on Blair’s phone, and it’s really familiar. I can’t put my finger on it. Do you think it could just be someone on tour trying to mess with Blair?” James looked nervous, and I felt bad. Only for him though!

“I hate Blair. I couldn’t care less,” I chuckled.

“I don’t think you hate her,” James grinned at me.

“Oh, you want to bet?” I scoffed at him.

“I think you’ll be friends by the end of tour,” James slurred, as he took another swig.

“And I think you’re a drunk mess,” I laughed at his stupidity. I’d never befriend someone so horrid.

“Being drunk doesn’t impair your judgment. It makes you say the things you wouldn’t otherwise say,” James winked at me.

“You probably wouldn’t be saying this either,” I shook my head and ran my hand through my long hair.

“A drunk mans words are his sober thoughts,” James leaned on my shoulder.

“Like when Blair called me hot while she was shit faced?” I laughed.

“Exactly,” James nodded, with his head against me. “She told me she thought you were hot, before you two even met,”

“Really?” I cocked my head.

“Don’t tell her,” He slurred and shushed me. I smiled to myself and patted his shoulder.
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Comment suspicions and guesses about what's next !! xx