Status: Exremely Active

I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me


***Bens POV***

***The Next Day***

Dover: Hey darling (: How are you?

Blair: Hey (: I'm alright! I'm stuck at a party thing tonight.

Dover: Is that a bad thing? (;

Blair: Sort of. I don't want to go! And I don't know what to wear.

Dover: Wear something sexy xD

Blair: I don't know if we're going to a club or what though haha

Dover: Who cares? I wish I could see you to be honest.

Blair: Me too (: You seem like a great guy.

Dover: I wouldn't say that. But you're a great person Blair. Please tell me that you ate today?

Blair: I did actually. I had an apple at the Diner. I wish you didn't know about that.

Dover: I'm glad I do though. I want you to eat. I don't want you to get hurt. Eating's a vital part of life. Self Destruction's such a pretty little thing...

Blair: It's not like I'm anorexic or something though. I'm fine

Dover: But you're not fine...You're hurting yourself.

Blair: Please don't lecture me Dover. I'll eat a bit more if it makes you happy.

Dover: Thank you. It does make me happy, you wanker!

Blair: Good. Just texting you in general, lifts my spirits (:

Dover: Same here pet. I have to go. Traveling issues :( I'll talk to you later. Bye!

Blair: Bye Dover! :( Wait though! I have one question.

Dover: What is it?

Blair: Can I call you sometime? Maybe tomorrow? I want to hear your voice (:

Dover: Maaybe. I gotta go ! Bye!

I felt really weird to be honest. I felt actually bad for Blair. She wasn't eating? I didn't want her to get hurt, although I hate her. I was starting to rethink my "master plan". Pretending to be some guy named Dover, was a mistake. I could see it now. I didn't want her to get attached to this fake guy anymore. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. I was doing this as a sick prank. It wasn't supposed to make me amass feelings for her. Feelings? I don't know if that's what I'd call them. I just didn't want her to get hurt. I'd rather call them something like desires. Because I desired her to be safe, and I wanted her badly. But NO. Nope nope nope that's not possible.

I didn't want her to know I'd been Dover. That wasn't in my plans. But neither were feelings. If this ended up bringing up anything more than feelings, I'd be fucking screwed. This wasn't like me at all. I probably only felt like this, because I'm not used to the rejection. Girls usual want me pretty fucking bad. They always wanted me, and now this one didn't. Everything's wrong here.

I was freaking out now though. If I call her, she'll recognize my accent automatically! It's hard to hide an English accent like mine. Mine's real heavy, and my American accent sucks ass. Not to mention that I'd have quite the time trying to get away from the guys for long enough, to get through a phone conversation.

What if Blair only wants to hear my voice because she's suspicious, like James said? Maybe he'd said the same thing to her. If he did; I was fucking screwed. I'd have to tell him at some point, or he'd be the one helping her to find out who she's texting.

If I told him everything going through my head, he might be on my side. He'd understand, right? He's my best friend, so he has to! If he was on my side with this, he'd help me. Otherwise; he's more likely to end up looking at "Dover's" number and shouting out that it's mine. They're also wicked close. He could accidently show her our interview with Bryanstars, and she'd see my joke about calling my dick Dover. That's just the first name that came to mind when she asked him his name! I didn't think it through!

I made my way slowly into the living area, through the corridor and found James on the couch with his phone. He was obviously in mid text, but I needed to talk to him.

"James?" I said. "I need to talk to you, mate,"

"Yeah, what?" James continued to stare at his phone.

"Look mate, I'm not serious very often so treasure the fucking moment and look at me for a sec," I crossed my arms and kicked his feet.

"I'm listening," He waved me away, so I swung an arm and knocked his phone out of his hands. It landed with a thud on the floor a few feet away.

"Listen!" I yelled with a snort.

"I was texting Blair!" James looked me in the eye now, and looked horrified.

"Yeah? I was too!" I crossed my arms again and looked at the ground.

"How'd you get her number?" James scoffed.

"I stole it from Andy's phone," I murmured.

"Why would you...?" James stopped suddenly. "You didn't?" I looked up at him and his hand covered his mouth. His eyes were wide and he was looking at me like he was really disappointed in me.

"James, hear me out," I whined.

"You're this Dover guy!" James spat, and waved an arm at me.

"Shut up for a second, before someone hears you!" I yelled, and felt like punching a hole in a wall.

"You're a fucking prick mate!" James yelled. "I knew that was one of the band members phone numbers!"

"Listen for a moment!" I stuck my hand out and covered his mouth. James struggled, and I could feel his spit on my palm. He licked my hand, but I stayed firm. "I didn't want it to happen like that. I just wanted to pull a prank, and it's gone too far. I think I might have feelings for Blair, James," I said, before he bit into my hand hard. I released him and jumped back in pain. I wiped my hand on my shirt and glared at him.

"That's a sick prank Ben! And it has gone too far! You can't have feelings for her! She fancies Dover, and you're fucked!" James yelled, waving his arms around like a maniac.

"Maybe I have feelings, maybe I don't! I've thought about all of it, okay mate? My heads real fucked up right now," I pointed to my head and groaned.

"You're just confused, because she actually doesn't like you, unlike every other girl," James shook his head.

"I thought about that too. But either way, I need this prank to end," I shook James by the shoulders.

"And what am I supposed to do?!" James spat. "If you just stop talking to her, she'll be fucked!"

"That's the problem!" I said through gritted teeth. I was frustrated as fuck.

"Maybe if you stop treating her like shit, she'll like Ben and not Dover!" James rolled his eyes at me.

"That's not likely," I hung my head, and still grasped James's arms.

"Oh I know," he nodded furiously.

"She wants to talk on the phone with Dover tomorrow," I said with a high voice, in nervousness.

"What?! BEN YOU FUCKING IDIOT! You know you're English, right?!" James screamed, spitting on my face now.

"I know I'm English you fucking wanker! I need you to get the guys out of the bus for a bit, so that I can call her tomorrow," I shook him again, and wiped away the spit with my shoulder.

"And what about the accent?" James waved his arms again.

"I'll fake an American one," I sighed.

"It's not that good," James chuckled at me.

"Neither's this situation!" I whined at him.

"I've never seen you like this," James said slowly.

"Fuck you, I don't like it," I let him go and walked back to my bunk. "And don't tell her!" I yelled back to James, and climbed into my bunk.


***Blair's POV***

It was our first day off, and I was informed that I was being forced into "bonding" time with all the guys. That meant Black Veil Brides, and Asking Alexandria. Was I looking forward to bonding time? No. Not at all. What does bonding time mean anyway? There were no other girls on tour, either. I'd be stuck with all the guys for hours on end.

At least I had my savior; Alcohol. And I could text Dover while I was forced through all the torment. But I really didn't know what we were doing.

I half expected to be going to a club, so when Andy told me to get ready to jump on AA's bus for the "get together", I rushed to my luggage for something nice.

I put on heavy eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow. I teased my long hair, and slipped on a skin tight dress. It only fell a little below my waist, and was pure black and strapless. I put on a pair of combat boots, and threw a short hemmed leather jacket on, with my favorite key necklace.

I stepped out of the bathroom, and shyly made my way to the living room to meet Andy, Ash, CC, Jinxx and Jake.

"No," Andy said sternly after looking me up and down. The others started to laugh and they looked away from me. I blushed wildly and pulled my jacket over me nervously.

"What?" I asked Andy.

"We're only going to their bus, Blair," Andy ran a hand through his hair.

"Do I have time to change and redo my make up?!" I asked frantically. I didn't want to look like a fucking hooker if I was just hanging around their bus!

"No! We're heading over in a sec. They've already cleaned the fucking bus for us," Andy laughed at my horrified look.

"You should've told me!" I whined, and stomped my foot.

"You look like a fucking stripper," Ashley chuckled at me.

"Why's this funny?" I groaned at the boys.

"I've never seen you like this," CC shrugged and motioned to my attire.

"I thought we were going to a club!" I put my face in my hands.

"And I thought you were an innocent little girl," Jinxx raised an eyebrow.

"I am not innocent," I glared at him.

"Obviously," Jake snorted and I shot him a look.

"Blair, we've got to get going," Andy rubbed the back of his neck, and the others stood to follow him out of the bus.

I trailed behind them in agony, clutching my cell phone. I kept my eyes focused on the ground, and I was really fucking embarrassed. Ben was totally going to make fun of me for this. I looked like an idiot. I would be completely out of place.

Andy knocked on the door of the bus, and Danny's excited welcome, blared into my ears. I followed the others inside, and didn't bother looking up at anyone. I took a seat automatically at the bar and put my face down on the table. I didn't want to see the looks I was probably getting.

"Look who decided to dress like a girl!" Bens familiar voice invaded my personal space, and his hand touched my back. I flinched, and looked up at him. His eyes looked directly into mine, and he gave me a sly grin.

"I thought we were going to a club," I said through gritted teeth.

"Dress like that more often, and you'll get more action than you would at a club," Ben chuckled and took a seat on the couch, across the living area. I kept a glare focused on him. What a fucking dick.

James coughed, and took the seat beside me. "He's right, you know," He laughed at me as I shot him the same look.

"Shut up," I hit his arm, and Danny took the seat across from me.

"What're we doing boys?" Andy sat down beside Ben and shouted loudly to us all, with a beer in hand. Cam took the seat beside Andy, and everyone else scattered around to their own seats.

"Truth or dare!" Sam shouted excitedly, looking about the room.

"Sounds good to me," James shrugged from beside me, and took a swig of his alcoholic drink. When he set it back down, I picked it up and took a sip. It was strong, but I gulped it down with a cringe.

"James first then," Danny cooed at him. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," James stuck his tongue out at Dan.

"Last person you fucked?" Danny took a gulp of his liquor.

"My right hand," James laughed, and the others chuckled. I tried not to laugh, but stifled a giggle. "Blair, truth or dare?" James nodded to me.

"Truth," I said slowly.

"Are you a virgin?" He raised an eyebrow and I grimaced awkwardly.

"No," I sulked into my seat.

"Didn't think so, with that outfit," Danny laughed.

"That's my sister guys!" Andy shouted sarcastically. I looked over at him, and his eyes looked droopy. He was on the verge of being very drunk, which I didn't mind. If Andy was drunk, he'd stop being so overprotective with me.

"Andy, you're going to have to get used to that man," Cam laughed and nudged his shoulder.

"Andy, truth or dare?" I giggled.

"Dare," Andy shrugged.

"Kiss Danny," I grinned evilly, and looked to Danny. He pointed to me and smiled.

"You're a prick," He laughed.

"I'll do it," Andy shrugged, and stood. He walked to Danny and we all began to clap and chant for them to kiss. Andy and Danny quickly pecked each other on the lips, and we all cheered happily.

"What's that ship? Biersnop?" I giggled.

"I'm gonna' get you back for that one," Andy pointed to me and took a drink. "Truth or dare, Ben?"

"Truth," Ben smiled at him.

"What's your last text say?" Andy cocked his head.

"Fuck you," Ben laughed. "That's literally my last text. I don't have to check,"

"Lovely,' Andy took another sip of his drink.

"Blair, truth or dare?" Ben looked to me with a mischievous smirk.

"Truth," I rolled my eyes and pulled my jacket off. It was getting hot in the crowded bus.

"Have you fucked a band member?" He leaned forward and looked to me.

"No!" I threw my hands in the air, in anger.

"Liar," Ben chuckled.

"Excuse me?" I squinted. Ben pulled out his phone and scrolled for a moment.

"Blair Biersack, sister of Andy Biersack was caught in a scandal during Warped Tour 2013. The Eighteen year old was rumored to have slept with Craig Owens of Chiodos," Ben read from his phone and smirked at me.

"You fucked Craig?" Andy leaned into the cushions and slurred.

"Fuck you guys," I crossed my arms and looked down in embarrassment.


***Bens POV***

It got later, and Truth or Dare continued, as we all drank more and more. It was probably midnight now, and done of us were sober. I was exceptionally drunk; not like usual. I knew what I was doing, and I was completely aware of my surroundings.

"Truth or Dare, Blair?" Asked Danny, with a slur.

"Dare," This was the first time I'd seen the prick choose dare.

"Ever played seven minutes in heaven?" Danny smirked and took a sip of his drink. Some of the guys cheered, because we knew what Danny was going to do,

"No...?" She said slowly, and grinned nervously.

"Go in the bathroom down there, with the lights off. One of the guys are going to go in there and you two are going to get busy for a bit. But you can't know who he is," She looked at Danny in horror. "You can guess who it was, once you're done. But if you guess wrong, you can never know,"

"I don't know if I like that one," She laughed.

"You chose dare already, no changing your mind!" Jake laughed and pointed at her.

"Fine. I'm no chicken," She shrugged and strutted off to the bathroom. I let my eyes wander after her, until she disappeared. I looked around the room for a second, wondering who Danny would shove in there with her. I had to admit; that whoever goes in there's a lucky prick.

"Ben," James pointed at me and spoke quietly. My heart stopped and I looked around. Everyone was nodding.

"Why me? I hate that bitch," I groaned, the fakest I could. I couldn't hate her now, but I could pretend that I did.

"She'll never guess you," Andy patted my back. He was drunk as fuck. Otherwise he wouldn't be saying this,"

"Fine," I murmured and trudged down the hall to the bathroom. This would probably be my only chance to ever kiss Blair, anyways.

***Blair's POV***

I heard the door open, and I clutched my arm nervously. No light shown through, so I never saw the guys face. The door closed behind him, and I felt his hands grab my waist forcefully, pulling me towards him. My torso pressed against his and I breathed quickly.

I was only nervous because I didn't know who it was. I didn't care much, because to be honest; I'd kissed a lot of strangers. I used to go out to bars all the time in high school, get drunk and have a one night stand.

I could feel his breath against my neck, and I smelled the alcohol. He leaned closer and I felt soft lips against my neck. I felt tingles through my body and I sighed, pressing my hands to his chest. His lips pressed at the sweet spot on my neck. His lips were cold and wet.

I felt his hands cup my face, and his lips pressed onto mine. I let my eyes flutter closed and I kissed him back. I felt him jerk away quickly.

His hands dropped from my face, and he backed away. I felt tingly still. I didn't understand why he was leaving, as the door opened. I barely saw his figure, but I knew he was tall and thin. Something was wrong. We weren't supposed to stop until Danny said so. Not to mention that he'd left abruptly.

I don't care who that was but he was great at kissing. I waited a moment, before stepping into the hallway.

***Ben's POV**

What was I fucking thinking to go in there? That was so wrong of me. I felt like I'd taken advantage of Blair, when she hadn't known it was me. I felt stupid because she fancied Dover, and she hadn't a clue that she'd just kissed him; kissed me.

I sat down on the couch and put my face in my hands, sighing. I crossed my legs so no one would see my uhh.

"You weren't supposed to leave yet," Danny shot at me.

I shrugged. "I hate her," I said quietly, as I heard the bathroom door open.

Blair stepped into the room, and I looked away from her.

"Who was it then, princess?" Danny smiled at her.

"I don't know," She groaned.

"Guess! You have to!" Jinxx called to her.

"I don't know! James?" She sounded annoyed, and half-assed her guess. She could've easily figured out it was me, if she'd paid attention to my piercings.

"Nope," James chuckled, and I looked up at her. She took her seat beside James and shrugged.

"I'm never playing that game again," She said plainly and I smiled to myself. Me neither.

♠ ♠ ♠
Did you guys expect this? xD What do you think happens next?!