Status: Exremely Active

I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me

Tramp Up and Fall Down

***Blair's POV***

I had slipped on a dress a lot like the one I'd worn the other night, but this time it was a bright red, which went well with my long black hair, that hit my hips. I'd teased my hair up again and let my fringe fall into my blue eyes, as bright as Andy's. I was in black stiletto boots, that laced up like combat boots in the front. I kept my purse clutched at my side with my phone inside.

Black Veil Brides was halfway through their set and I was waiting back stage, less than patiently. I really wanted to go out tonight. I hadn't been out in what seemed like forever. I was thankful that Juliet had flown in, and she was going to keep Andy busy tonight. She was already waiting at our trailer for him. I didn't want Andy to see me at a club. It felt weird. I wanted to be free tonight, to do whatever I want and get drunk.

Danny came up behind me and patted my shoulder. "How're you doing?" He asked loudly, in case I couldn't hear him over the band.

"I'm good! You excited for tonight?" I yelled back, turning to look at his sweaty face.

"Yeah! Gonna' get some fucks," Danny did a pelvic thrust and pointed to his crotch with a laugh

"Looking like that?" I chuckled and motioned to his dripping hair.

He laughed at me and shook his head. "Nah, I'm going to go take a shower. Ben's already gone and probably done. I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at our bus until we go,"

"Sure," I nodded. It was better than being stuck here listening to the same songs I'd heard every night for the whole tour.

"C'mon then, you fucking slut," Danny waved for me to follow him and I did, into the back entrance. We strutted into the bus, and I could hear shouts from all around, and tons of laughter. The boys had obviously come back to the bus.

"Cameron! Take a fucking shower before someone thinks we tried to drown you!" I heard James scream as me and Danny made our way into the living area. We found Cameron, James and Ben all on the couch, with Cameron shaking his wet (with sweat) hair all over the other two. I cringed quickly and put my hands up to my face to block any stray droplets of sweat.

"You're all nasty fuckers. Where's boy'Sam?" Danny waved an arm at them. He hadn't reacted surprised, so I guess this was a normal thing for them.

"Already gone out. Prick," Ben shook his head and tisked at Sam.

"Fucking wanker. We'll meet up with him then?" Asked Danny, grabbing a towel from the closet and throwing it over his shoulders.

"Yeah, he's probably already fucking destroyed," James laughed.

"I'm going to get in the shower," Cam stood up and pointed to the bunk area, leading to the bathroom.

"Good!" Ben yelled and kicked his leg.

"Fuck you!" Cameron yelled as he ran to the bathroom, leaving only me, James, Ben and Danny.

"I'm after him," Danny chuckled and sat down at the bar. I sat across from him awkwardly.

"What's she doin' here?" Ben pointed to me, and crossed his arms like a pouting kid.

"She's waiting with us until we go," Danny explained. "The guys will probably be wanting to get ready before we all go too,"

"Fuck, I forgot about that. They better be quick or we'll just go and they can meet us later," James shrugged.

"Sounds good to me," I giggled and flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"But Samantha will be here soon," Ben said slowly. "She's late actually. She'll be here any fucking second,"

"Aw fuck, I forgot that too," James cracked up and started leaning in laughter into the cushions of the couch.

"It's not funny," Ben shook his head and snorted a James's reaction. "You're just really fucking hammered,"

"What's she coming for again?" I asked, trying to feel less excluded from the conversation.

"Divorce papers," Ben looked at the ground. There was a knock at the door, at a really ironic time. "Danny, get it," Ben got red in the face and jolted into nervousness. I felt nervous for him too, but it would be funny to watch him squirm.

"Danny," A woman's voice spoke, and she followed Danny into the living room. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, Uggs and a sweatshirt, and carrying a manila folder of papers. Definitely not the girl who I would've expected Ben Bruce to have been married to. She had long dark brown hair and it was curled. Her make up was light, and she looked annoyed. She looked me up and down, and turned back to Ben after shooting me a horrified look.

She made me feel nervous. She didn't look happy, and I didn't blame her either. She just looked like she already hated me, and that made me nervous. Ben looked scared too, which really freaked me out. I'd never seen Ben quiet, or agitated like this.

"Hello Samantha," Ben said with a smirk. He was putting on a front. She stood in front of him and crossed her arms with the papers still in hand. He had to look up at her, and I watched James shy away and look in the opposite direction.

"Sign the fucking papers," She shot and slapped the papers down on his lap.

"You could be friendlier," Ben rolled his eyes, and opened the folder. He scrimmaged around for a pen in his pocket, pulling one out and clicking the tip out. "Which do I sign?"

"The last one in the second packet. It's all you forgot last time. I want this over with," She groaned.

"That keen to separate?" Ben laughed, as he shuffled through papers.

"You're hysterical. Sign the papers so I can leave you all to your new groupie," She snorted at him sarcastically, and turned motioning to me. I looked at her with an aghast expression.

"I'm not a groupie!" I pointed to myself and stared after her. She turned back around and looked me up and down.

"Then who's slut are you?" She chuckled.

"Samantha, kindly shut the fuck up," Danny yapped at her.

"Don't talk to me like that, Dan," She squinted her eyes at him, now turning fully around to look at me and Danny.

"No, don't talk to Blair like that," Ben looked up from the papers and shot her a nasty look. I was shocked, but thankful.

"Sign the papers," Samantha snapped at him.

"You're in our tour bus, and we're telling you not to treat our friend like that," James butted in, with the same angry look.

"Friend?" She laughed. "Doesn't look like it,"

"We're going out tonight, so I got dressed up. Problem?" I raised an eyebrow at the bitch.

"Who, are you?" She took a step towards me with an evil glare.

"Blair Biersack," I glared. Her jaw slacked and she shifted her weight away from me.

"You guys have been sleeping around with a Biersack?" She coughed, going right back to the bitchiness.

"I said stop talking to Blair like that," Ben stood, leaving the papers on the couch and my own jaw slacked at him.

"Ben, sit the fuck down and sign the papers!" Samantha whined.

"You don't walk into my fucking tour bus, tell me what to do, and call her a whore," Ben pointed to me, and spoke hotly at her. "You respect us, you let me read whatever the hell I'm signing, and you don't mess with her. James is not above hitting a girl, just saying,"

"Aye mate!" James waved his hands in the air. "Fix your own problems!"

"He's right Sam," Danny nodded to her angrily. It felt pretty good (not gonna' lie) to have three guys ganging up on someone in my favor.

"I do agree," James nodded. "Leave Blair out of your marriage problems,"

"I'll be gone as soon as Ben's signature is on the damn piece of paper," She pointed angrily to the divorce papers.

"If you wanted an autograph, you can buy one on amazon anytime," Ben said cockily, and sat back down with the pen in hand, and the papers on his lap.

"Sign god damnit!" She yelled and slapped her hand down on the papers.

"I finished ages ago!" He yelled, tossing her the manila folder with the papers inside. "Don't ever come back onto this fucking bus,"

"With any luck, I'll never have to see your face again," She stormed off of the bus, leaving us all breathing heavy sighs of relief.

"I'm so sorry, Blair," Danny put a hand on my arm.

"It's fine! It was nothing compared to school," I laughed, and noticed no one else was laughing. I slowed and finally stopped laughing. We sat quietly for a moment, awkwardly looking at each other in silence.

"We need to get to a fucking bar," Ben complained.

"When Cam's out, we'll go," Danny nodded in agreement.

"I'll text the guys to meet us at the club," James whipped out his phone.

"Do I actually look like a slut?" I said slowly, suddenly feeling really self conscious, around my brothers friends.

"Yes," Ben nodded without looking at me, with his face buried in his cell phone like James.

"Ben!" Danny yelled with a small chuckle.

"I like sluts! It's a fucking compliment!" Ben looked up at him and laughed.

"You don't look slutty Blair," Danny patted my arm, ignoring Ben.

"Yes she does!" James and Ben both shouted.

"I'm conflicted," I said with a snicker.

"Blair, we're the worst people to ask that if you want us to say no. We like sluts, and we're all sex addicts. If you wanted a no, you should've asked CC. Danny's lying to you, and CC would too," Ben smirked at his phone screen, and still didn't look at me.

I blushed. "Okay," I didn't know what else to say.

"Sorry, Blair," James chuckled.

"It's fine! I'm just going to take it as a compliment," I shrugged.

"That's the way to go," Danny patted my back.

"Wait, were you lying?" I raised an eyebrow at Danny.

"Yes," He nodded and chortled. I rolled my eyes and grinned. My phone vibrated, and I quickly grabbed for it.

Dover: How are you? xx Sorry I had to go so abruptly today. The guys were getting fucking weird.

"Who texted?" Danny looked over my shoulder, and I jerked my phone away from his view.

"None of your business," I looked back down at the screen to answer.

"It's Dover, then," James laughed.

"Not necessarily," I rolled my eyes as I typed back to Dover.

Me: I'm great! About to go out to the club with the guys !(: And it's alright Dover! I completely understand. I'm on the road with a bunch of idiots too, so I know how it works (:

"Yes necessarily," James nodded at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Fuck you guys," I waved them away, and put my phone down on the table. Danny instantly grabbed it. I reached out to steal it back, but Danny was quick to stand and walk away with a huge grin on his lips.

"I'm great! About to go out to the club with the guys, smiley face! And it's alright Doverrrr! I completely understaaaaand. I'm on the road with a bunch of idiots too so I know how it works, smiley face!" Danny cooed in a horribly high pitched voice as he read off the text I'd sent to Dover.

"Danny!" I screamed and jumped from my seat, jumping for my phone. He held it high in the air so I couldn't reach.

"Who're the idiots?" James scoffed.

"All of you!" I laughed as I jumped again for my phone.

"Oh she's definitely not talking to this Dover guy," Ben rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Fuck you!" I whined as I reached helplessly for my phone. Danny continued to smirk and hold it up. It was really no use, but I could always try.

"Oh he texted you back!" Danny yelped giddily.

"Gimme' it back!" I groaned and tried to put Danny in a headlock, failing quickly as he simply waved his arm and pushed me away. He looked down at the phone and started reading to himself.

"You're lucky that this one's personal, or I would fucking read it," Danny laughed and turned to me, placing my phone into my hands.

"Well gee thanks! You already fucking read it anyways!" I stuck my tongue out at Danny and sat back down in my seat.

"What'd it say mate?" James laughed and nodded to Dan.

"I'm not saying that one," Danny shook his head and pointed to my cell phone. I reopened the message and began to read.

Dover: Blair, I care about you. Please don't get hurt at a club. There are tons of old wankers at places like that one that would die to have a girl like you sleeping with them. They'd do anything. Keep an eye on your drink and stay close with the guys. I don't want you to get hurt.

I smiled to myself and heard the guys Awe at me. I instantly looked up, shooting James, Ben and Danny a glare.

Me: I knew there was a reason that I liked you (: But what do you mean, 'a girl like me'?

"I can smell the cheesiness from here," James chuckled from the couch.

"What makes you think that what he said was corny?" I snorted. I didn't think it was cheesy at all. It was probably the sweetest thing a guy had ever said to me.

"Because you grinned like a fucking psychopath," Danny explained with a laugh. My phone vibrated again and I checked it quickly, keeping it out of Danny's sight.

Dover: Absolutely gorgeous.

"Who the fuck's ready to party!" Cameron came running into the living area, all dressed and ready. He started me and I leaped in my chair, letting out a soft squeal. I was still blushing from the text I'd recieved.

"My fucking cock's ready to party hard! Get it? Because it's hard!" Danny laughed at his own joke and pointed to his cock.

"You're a fucking joke," Ben laughed at him, and stood with the guys. James followed his lead, and I stood awkwardly as the last one standing.

"Let's go meet Sam then!" Camerson yelled, pumping his fist into the air.

"Clubbing we go!" Ben yelped and we all stormed out the door in excitement.

Me: You're so sweet, Dover (: We're heading out now, so I'll text you later! xx

I hit send, and followed the boys to who-knows-where.


We got to the club, and it was strangely just the kind of thing you'd see in a movie. I didn't expect it to be this highend, seeing as I was with these guys, but it was pretty fucking cool. Lights were flashing, and I could hear a song resembling Blood On The Dance Floor playing loudly, and the bass shook my whole being. The boys filed in like fucking rock stars, oh the irony. I followed behind, following Dover's orders to stay close to them.

They quickly found the bar, and ordered a round of shots. I cheered with them as we all took a bitter gulp of the liquid. My eyes flashed and I felt the cold hit of the shot in my temples. I shivered and looked back around the room. People were dancing, playing pool or sitting around having a drink. A lot of the inhabitants of the room were sucking face with a stranger.

Ben and Danny quickly took a seat at the bar, and started drinking out of small glasses. James and Cameron quickly wandered off into the mess of people, and even their tall heads disapeared in the crowd.

"Aren't you guys going to party?" I yelled between them, confused at what I was seeing. You'd expect such huge rock stars to be going wild in a place like this.

"We let the party come to us," Danny shouted back with a sly grin.

"Oh," I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"What about you?" Ben looked me up and down, and took a sip of his drink between phrases. "With an outfit like that; you're looking to get laid tonight,"

"If I dressed like I usually did, they'd never let me in," I hit Ben's shoulder. "I'm not looking to get fucked," It was true about not being able to get in. The guys were let in, because they're hot and in a band. I got in because I dressed like a slut, and I was with a band.

"Why'd you come if you're not looking for a good time?" Danny raised an eyebrow at me, and the two of them swiveled their bar stools around to face me, with their drinks in hand.

"I am looking for a good time," I pouted and shifted my weight in my tall heals.

"Then go find it," Danny grinned and patted my back. I took his advice, and turned into the crowd. I was completely going against what Dover said by going into that crowd without Danny, Ben, Cam, Sam or James. They were here though, which was good enough for me.

I found myself in the crowd of people, when the song changed. I grinned and started to move with the group, and danced. I swirled my hips and raised my hands in the air, dancing to the beat. Other peoples bodies hot against mine, and I lost myself in the music. I'd also lost the guys in the music.

I found myself slipping away from the memory that I was there with people. That I still needed to keep an eye out for where they were, if I needed to get back quickly. I felt someone's hands on my hips, and I continued to dance regardless. The hands slid further down and I still didn't stop.

I turned, still dancing to look at the face of the man touching me. He was no older than 25 from my perspective, and his hair was short and blond. I smiled at him and continued to dance still, against him. He grinned down at me and danced with me to the song.

It came to an end and he leaned down into my ear, in the small amount of time that had fallen almost silent.

"How much do you take sweetheart?" He slurred. I could smell the strong alcohol in his breathe. He thought I was a fucking prostitute?!

I back away and bumped into someone. "I'm not a hooker," I raised my arms and laughed.

"Free sounds great to me too, sweetheart," He stepped forward again.

"Not interested," I turned quickly and tried to disapear into the crowd again. I pushed through with my elbows, trying to find the bar, or at least James, Cam or Sam.

I pushed and prodded, and started to slowly realize how hot it was becoming in there. I felt suddenly closed in and nervous. I turned my head and continued to hurry, and didn't see the mans face in the mess. I was glad he hadn't followed, because he made me nervous as soon as I had snapped out of the frienzy of music.

I found the bar, and rushed quickly to the familiar faces. Danny was definitely inconsolable, because he had a girl on his lap already. They weren't kissing just yet, but I could see her giving him the slut eyes, and he was engulfed in the moment. I ignored it, and rushed over to Ben.

"Get me a fucking drink," I groaned and leaned on the bar.

"What happened to you?" He raised an eyebrow. "Another of mine please!" He called to the bartender, who obeyed and handed me a glass.

"The place is crawling with creeps," I tugged at the back of my dress.

"Ahem, I'm one of those creeps," Ben said with a chuckle and took a sip of his drink.

"How could I forget?" I rolled my eyes and spoke sarcastically.

"Prick," He laughed. "Still hate me?"

"Yes," I nodded and took a huge gulp of the drink that Ben had ordered me. Ben shrugged.

"Should've guessed," He took another sip.

"I think I'm going to get some fresh air," I said bluntly.

"Want me to text James to go with you?" He asked putting a hand on his pocket which I assumed held his phone.

"I'm fine on my own," I gave him a funny looking, and disapeared back into the crowd. It was the only way through to the back door. I could see the exit sign from where I was with Ben, so I'd only have to continue in that direction, and I'd soon make my way out of the people-salad.

As I pushed through, I heard Alone by Falling In Reverse come on. I groaned because I wished I could've been dancing when such a great song came on. I still continued through, and soon got out of the crowd. I still held my drink in one hand, and I knew I was tipsy now.

I pushed the door open, and breathed in the cold night air. I stepped into the small alley way, and leaned against the brick wall. The stone was chilly against my back and I sighed in relief. There were a few others out here, but everyone seemed to be smoking or throwing up whatever they'd drank.

"Sweetheart?" I heard that man's voice again from a few feet away as he cooed drunkenly. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against the wall.

"I'm not your sweetheart," I guess I'd had enough or fresh air, so I turned to the door and was ready to pull it open when a hand slapped my hand down and away from the handle, shattering my glass of Ben's drink. I looked up at him in shock.

"Who'd you come here with, huh?" He leaned against the wall with only his hands, and trapped me between his arms. "I saw you come in with five,"

"My friends," I snarled.

"Don't have to be nasty," He smirked. "I'm guessing you're going to fuck them all tonight?"

"Sadly, you're not the first one to accuse me of that tonight. I need to get back," I tried to walked under his arm, and he pushed me back against the wall. The rigid and course bricks hurt my back, and I think a prick broke the skin.

"Want to warm up first?" He smiled and I watched his eyes slip down my shirt, and I felt his gaze undress me in front of him.

"I'm not interested," I sneered through gritted teeth.

"Be nice, sweetheart," He took my chin in his hand and ran his thumb on my cheek. I tore my face out of his hand, and gave him an evil stare.

"Stick your dick up your fucking ass," I slurred at him.

"Don't speak to me like that, sweetheart," He smacked me and the hit stung on my cheek. I reached up to touch the hot print, and the corners of my eyes burned.

"I'm not your sweetheart," I spat again.

"It's not your choice," He grinned and held my chin again.

"Don't fucking touch me, you vile prick," I spit on his face, and he looked at me with pure anger. He took one arm down, and slowly wiped the spit away, glaring at me the whole time.

"This isn't how I wanted it," He shrugged, and quickly hit me in the side. I buckled over and tried to scream, but it hurt so badly that nothing came out. I could see the shoes of the people outside with us, as they began to gather around to watch. "I've been watching you since you got here," He took my chin in his hands again, and pulled my face closer to his. He pressed his appalling mouth against mine with force. I bit into his lip hard, and he yanked away quickly.

"Fuck you," I croaked.

He wiped his mouth and came at me again, this time hitting my head. I cringed in agony, and grasped my side, and head with each hand. I bent down and I wanted to run with all my might, but I could barely move in pain.

"You're a newbie here, arent you?" He said through gritted teeth, as he yanked my hair. He pulled my head up and I screamed, finally. He hauled my hair, and twisted it.

"Leave me alone," I cawed.

He stuck his hand in his pocket and ripped out a dirty looking cloth. It was folded and I was quick to try to break away from him. He jerked me back by my hair, and pulled my face close to his again.

"It's up to you now," He put his mouth close to mine again. I spit once again, and he didn't bother to wipe it away this time. He simply held the cloth up and unfolded it. I looked at it curiously, but was abruptly introduced to what was dwelling in the fabric. He yeld it against my face and the scent filled my nose. I tried my hardest not to breath in and cried out, whimpering. He pressed harder and harder, and I felt myself suffocating.

"Breath you fucking whore!" He pushed it again and again, making my nose and mouth burn. I closed my eyes and let out a loud yell from deep within my throat, trying my hardest not to let the drugs get into my lungs. "Breath! Breath! Breath!" He kept yelling and pushing harder and harder, and I started seeing colors flash before my eyes. The world started going out of focus as I ran out of breath. My chest felt like the weight of the universe was crushing me from inside and out, and I struggled as much as I could, before I felt myself slipping slowly to the dirt of the earth.

"Breath it in, or die!" He yelled, but I heard it faintly over the sound of what seemed like water in my ears. I felt like someone was holding my head under water and my only options were to breath in the water and drown, or let myself slip away with much less pain.

I slipped away and felt myself hit the ground with a thud, and the napkin fell from my mouth. The world turned black, and my hands became cold.


***Ben's POV***

At least 4 women had aproached me tonight, and I hadn't given any of them the time of day. What was happening to me?

I was only worrying now about where Blair was. She would've been back, right? She wasn't with James, Sam or Cameron. I'd seen Cameron not to long ago, with a redheaded whore on his lap, James had slipped into the bathroom with a blond, and Sam had disapeared completely. Danny and the other blond were definitely fucking by now, but I had no idea where Danny was either.

I was itching in my seat, and a few shots away from sending Dover to the rescue, and telling her to make sure she was with the the others. I couldn't do that though, because she'd become suspicious.

My leg shook, and I comstantly let out worried groands. I looked out into the crowd, and saw no sign of her black hair, or slim, pale figure. I gave up and left my drink behind, bursting into the crowd of people.

I shoved through, ignoring the many bodies trying to press against mine. I saw Danny with a totally different blond and grabbed his shoulder hastily.

"Dan, have you seen Blair?" I yelled into his ear so he could actually hear. He turned around with sleepy eyes, and a drunken smile.

"Nah, s'rry mate! Why?" Although Danny was drunk, he cared beneith the liquor. I could tell he was nervous even through the haze that the drinks had left him in.

"She hasn't been around in a bit," I patted his back and continued my search through the crowd, before I burst through and found the exit door. There was a possibility of her still being outside, right? I just didn't want to open the door to see her making out with another guy.

I pushed the bar and the door swung open. It was dark out and a breeze made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I felt nervous, and I stuck my hands in my pocket, searching for my phone for the flashlight app. I couldn't see two feet in front of me. It was completely silent out hear other than the faint hum of the music coming from inside.

I pulled out my phone and flipped on the flashlight. "Blair?" I called out, and pushed my hair to the side. I slid the light along the brick walls and still didn't see anything. I was alone out here, and now I was even more worried.

I let my hand holding the phone fall to my side with the flashlight still beaming. I saw a deformed seeming shadow against the brick wall swiftly, and instantly raised my arm up again. The shadow was gone, and I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I actually wasn't alone out here.

"Blair?" I said again, and heard my voice crack. I cleared my throat and spoke again. "Blair?"

I let my small beacon scan the ground, until I saw a heaping mess of a pale, thin girl with long black hair in a red dress. I covered my mouth in absolute horror, and yelled. "Blair!" I kept the light shining on her, and waited for her to move. I waited for her body to make the slightest movement, but nothing happened.

"FUCK!" I yelped and rushed over to her. I shoved my phone into my pocket and lifted her up. She was light as a feather, and my heart was beating like crazy. I held her and walked hastily into the club. Some of the straggler's on the sidelines stared at me as I carried the beautiful girl.

"Andy's going to kill me," I murmured, as I flipped my hair out of my eyes. I saw Danny, now at the edge of the crowd with a brunette now. I dashed to Danny, and said with a whole lot of terror in my voice. "Call a fucking ambulance,"

Danny turned to me and saw Blair in my arms. His eyes widened, and he quickly shoved his drink into the hands of the girl he was with. "I'm on it," He nodded and took his phone out.

"What's going on," James rushed up from behind me, and his hand cupped her head. Her hair was a fucking mess, and her nose was bleeding. It was dark, and I could hardly see if she had any other injuries, but she looked like she'd been struggling against something.

"I don't know," I shook my head. "Find the other guys, or text them. We need to go to the hospital with her,"

"They'll be here really soon. The hospitals only like five minutes from here," Danny coughed. "Let's get her out of here," Danny pushed my back, and James helped drive people out of my way, to get Blair to the side walk.

There was a line of people outside, trying to get in and bribing the bouncer. They all stared after us, but I ignored it, and went directly to the edge of the side walk.

"She'll be okay, Ben," James said, quickly. I could hear sirens in the distance.

"Fuck that. We left her all alone, and this happens," I croaked, as I felt a ball of teary guilt build up in my throat. I looked down at her face, and her hair covered her pretty eyes. But I knew they were closed anyways.

"Ben, she'd have listened to what you told her, if she'd known that "Dover" could see her the whole time!" James ran a hand through his hair, and paced.

"This is a fucking mess," Danny groaned.

"I can't tell her, okay James? She still hates Ben!" I yelled as the sirens came closer. The lights were blinding as they pulled up to the curb beside up.

Guys in funny outfits leaped out, and opened up the big back doors to the ambulance. One of the men pulled out a gernie, and ordered me to let her down onto the rolling bed.

"What happened?" Asked one guy, as they loaded her into the truck. I stared after her.

"What's going to happen? Is she alright?" I ignored him.

"Pulse is low, and she's hurt. She should be fine, but signs show that she may have been drugged. Did she have a drink in there that anyone had access to?" The guy sighed at me, and tapped his pen on a clipboard.

"Drugged her?!" James shouted, and continued to nervously mess up his hair and pace.

"Her drink was completely safe. She only had one," I said quickly, feeling like we were wasting precious time.

"Well, that's all we know then. Are you all riding with us?" THe guy shrugged at me and started to get into the ambulance.

"Yes," I nodded, and grabbed at both Danny and James's shirts, pulling them towards the back of the van. I climbed into the small space, and sat down on the edge of a seat beside Blair's bed. I put a hand out, and wanted to hold hers, but I didn't want to look like a fucking sap.

Danny and James followed behind me. "This fucking sucks," James breathed.

"Whoever did this is a fucking wanker," I nodded.

"Are any of you intoxicated?" Asked one of the men in the van, as he put a mask of some sort onto Blairs face.

"Danny is," I nodded towards Dan, and he nodded himself.

"I'm very little," James admitted. "Ben, you're not?"

"I didn't drink much. I didn't want to pick up a slut," I shrugged.

"Well, we can promise that your friend will be okay. She looks like she fainted from lack of breath, and probably some sort of drug. Her blood pressure indicates that she hasn't eaten much either. Do you know if she has any blood pressure problems currently?" He asked as the van shook, while we drove at high speed, the sirens blasting.

"Nothing her brother ever mentioned," James shook his head. "She's never said anything either,"

"Then she just needs some food in her," He nodded to us. "Is her brother the only family in town or something?"

"Yes," Danny nodded.

"He's going to fucking kill us," I said again and the guy chuckled at my agony.

"Shouldn't have let her out like that," He shook his head and raised an eyebrow at me, as if I was in charge.

"She hates me. I have no fucking say in what she wears or does," I put my arms up in defence.

"How will she feel when she wakes up, and knows that you're the one who helped her?" The guy smiled, as if he actually thought that would change anything.

"She's going to be livid," I laughed.

"How long will she be hospitilized?" Asked James hastily.

"I can tell you guys aren't from around here. Why? Traveling soon?" He raised an eyebrow.

"We need to hop on a plane for Europe in a day or something," I felt the pressure now. I didn't know exactly when we were getting on that plane, but we didn't have the time to miss a flight. She'd be left in Canada.

"She shouldn't be there for long. We'll probably let her out by noon tomorrow, depending on her condition," He nodded reassuringly and I sighed a huge breath of relief.

"Awesome," James leaned against the wall.

"With luck, Andy'll have a massive hangover and sleep until noon. That way we can sneak her back before he notices," Danny chuckled.

"Are you boys over 21?" Asked the man.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Then I suppose you don't need the brother to sign her out of here. You guys won't have a problem getting her out without this Andy fellow noticing," He winked at us.

"Ben, I know it's tempting but make sure Dover doesn't say anything about what just happened. Remember that he doesn't know about it until she says something," James leaned across Danny to talk to me.

"Fuck," I whined. "She's not going to listen to anyone else though mate,"

"If she figures out that you're him though, she'll fucking destroy you. Don't say anything," James pointed at me threateningly and I sulked back into my seat.

"We're at the emergency room. Stay out of the way guys," The man stood, and I felt the ambulance park and my nerves go insane.
