Status: Exremely Active

I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me

Six Feet Under Your Lies

***Bens POV***

Noon, the next day. Me, James and Danny were in the entrance lobby of the hospital, waiting for Blair to be released. We'd signed her out, and now we were waiting for the doctor to bring her down. I shook my leg impatiently and Danny had probably thrown up 3 times since we'd been here.

"James, do me a favor?" I looked to my left, to him.

"What is it?" He groaned and rubbed his eyes. We were all tired from being stuck here all night.

"Tell her you're the one who found her," I said.

"No! I can't take the blame for that," He shook his head. "Besides, she might like you more if she thinks you helped her,"

"Shut the fuck up and say you did it," I said sternly.

"Fine," James snarled. I looked towards the patient entry, and saw that the doctor we'd spoken to earlier, was walking Blair towards us. I hit James's shoulder and all three of us stood and met them in the middle of the lobby.

"She's fine, no medication needed. She doesn't remember the incident but we're almost positive that she had inhaled a form of drugs. Keep and eye out for her next time," The doctor smiled at us, and Blair looked at the ground. She looked really fucking embarrassed.

"Thank you, sir," Danny said, shaking his hand.

"It's my job," He smiled at us, and patted Blair's shoulder. "You're lucky this guy found you!" He motioned his other arm to me and I flinched. Fuuuuuck.

"He did?" She looked up with knitted eyebrows and pointed at me.

"Yes," The doctor smiled.

"Good to know," She sneered, and flashed me a horrible glare.

"Well, she's free to go!" The doctor waved to us, and headed back.

We all turned to go, and as I checked behind me to make sure Blair was following, she raised her arm. The palm of her hand collided with my cheek with full force, and I stumbled backward.

"The fuck was that for?!" I yelled. The whole lobby was looking at us now.

"I don't need saving, you fucking prick. I can handle myself," She growled.

"Really? Because when you were laying in an unconscious heap, you didn't look like you were handling anything," I shot back.

"Fuck you, Ben Bruce. I hate you," She sneered and I could tell she meant the last part.


The next morning, my head hurt like hell and the TV was still on. It sucked because I knew that we'd be jumping on a plane for Europe tomorrow. My bunk was a fucking mess, and I think the blanket was gone. My stomach was in knots from the obvious hangover I was suffering from, and I didn't remember much from last night. I remembered enough to know that there was someone in my bed with me.

I looked to my side and down, to see brown hair and a girls body. She was in only a lacey pink bra, and a pink thong. My arm had fallen asleep beneath her. Fuck Ben, what did you do now?

I coughed loudly and yanked my arm out from beneath the girl, sitting us as best I could in the bunk. She woke up immediately and sighed. She turned back and looked at me, with her messy bangs in her eyes. She leaned to stretch, and leaned across my body pressing her tits to my chest.

"Morning babe," She slurred. Her breath smelled like really bad alcohol.

"Who are you?" I said bluntly. I honestly didn't remember her or her name, but I'd obviously had sex with her last night. I did remember the sex, just not the girl.

She took herself off of me, and looked at me with a horrified glare. She pushed her bangs away and glared at me.

"You don't even remember last night?" She asked.

"We fucked," I shrugged.

"Wanna' go for round two?" She perked back up and ran a finger down my chest.

"Not particularly," I scratched my head and messed up my hair even more than usual. From what I remembered, she wasn't that great in bed. Kind of a sad experience.

"Tired baby?" She pulled at a strand of my hair.

"No, I just don't want to fuck you," I didn't want to be rude, because I couldn't tell if she was someone important or anything. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Why not, Benny?" She purred.

"Don't call me that," I shook my head and laughed.

"Wasn't last night fun?" She pouted.

"Well, it was adequate if anything," I shrugged, being completely honest. Her jaw dropped. "What's your name anyway?"

"Oh yeah? You didn't even last long, and your dicks small!" She yelped angrily, and shoved her shirt on over her head.

"I wasn't trying! I was watching porn," I admitted with a chuckle. I'd watched porn over her back while she went to town. But it really did fucking suck.

"You were watching porn while we fucked?!" She screeched.

"I had to do something! That was boring as fuck!" I groaned. My head fucking hurt. "Just tell me your name, and please go. I need to get to Europe in a few hours,"

"Blair!" She screamed and my heart fucking dropped. I rubbed my eyes over and over and looked at her again. My vision was blurry now, from rubbing my eyes too hard. It couldn't have been Blair! Fuck!

"Repeat that?" I gulped.

"Claire?! Claire Evans! We met three years ago!" She hit me upside the head, and slid herself out of my bunk. She slipped her shorts on in the hall as she continued to glare at me. I was relieved as fuck that she hadn't said Blair. I must be delusional.

"Aw fuck. Okay, bye," I rolled over in my bed, hoping she'd disappear while I wasn't looking.

"You're an asshole Ben," She said from behind me.

"I know," I sang, and I heard high heeled boots stomp out of the bus.

I rolled back over and stumbled into the living area, to find James and Danny on the couch, both looking just as hung over as I was. I groaned with them and sat down in the loveseat. I ran a hand through my hair and shook it.

"Has anyone heard from Andy?" Moaned Danny. "What time is it?"

"No, so he probably doesn't know about the accident. And it's like 3," James shook his head slowly and closed his eyes tiredly.

"Did you guys score last night?" I asked.

"If you could call that a score," Danny rolled his eyes.

"She stuck around too! Just left!" James waved his arms because he was annoyed, like us.

"Wait, you guys fucked that Claire girl too?" I raised an eyebrow in horror.

"Yeah, she's an old groupie," Danny nodded.

"Shouldn't stay longer than the thirty seconds we offer them," I shook my head.

"Right?!" Danny groaned.

"Guys, I've gotta' do it," I groaned all of a sudden. I was nonstop worrying about needing to ask Blair if she was okay from the accident. She'd never tell us as ourselves. She'd tell Dover how she was feeling though.

"Got to do what mate?" James cocked his head.

"I've got to talk to Blair about her accident," I shook my head, and reached for my phone in my pocket.

"She won't say shit about it to you, Ben," Danny laughed, leaning back.

"Maybe not to me," I held up my phone and spun it in my hand.

"No!" James launched forward and his eyes widened at me.

"That'd be makin' a mistake mate," Danny warned with the same expression as James.

"I need to be there for her though. Someone needs to be," I groaned and turned on my phone with a sigh.

"You're going to get yourself killed mate. She slapped your yesterday just for helping her!" James whined, waving his arms in frustration.

"Just let us talk to her or something," Danny agreed. "We'll tell you what she says! Just don't bring Dover into it,"

"No!" I gave him a glare.

"But Dover shouldn't even know about the accident. She hasn't told him, and it's not been leaked into the press. Andy doesn't even know," James groused.

"I don't care at this point," My phone finished loading and I clicked open my contacts. I ran my thumb over Blair's contact and suddenly became nervous.

"Do you understand how suspicious this is going to look?" Danny asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Very," I nodded and my voice cracked, but I typed anyways.

Dover: Blair, are you alright from the club?

"Tell me you didn't hit send," James whimpered with his eyes closed, still leaning towards me.

"I hit send," I shrugged and tried not to chuckle at his face. James groaned and leaned back into the couch with a smack.

"You're a fucking idiot," Danny shook his head.

"Do you realize what you've just done?" James coughed at me. "You've just turned everyone on this tour into a suspect!"

"We're all screwed!" Danny yelped.

"Are not. She's not going to care. She probably won't even pick up on it," I rolled my eyes and my phone vibrated.

Blair: Just shaken up a bit. I had an accident I guess.

I read it aloud to the guys. "See? She didn't even care to notice," I said proudly and the two of them rolled their eyes at me.

Dover: What did the guy do to you?

I hit send, and looked up to see James and Danny still shaking their heads.

"You're making a mistake," Danny repeated.

"When she does pick up on it, we're all dead," James squinted at me.

Blair: I didn't say anything about a guy...How did you know?!

"Shit, fuck, cunt, fuck," I said, ready to smack myself in the face.

"What'd you do?!" Danny yelled.

"I fucked up, bad," I groaned, and covered my face with my hands.

"Ben! You fucking wanker!" James shouted at me, his face turning red.

Dover: Read it in a magazine.

Blair: It's not in any magazines! Who the fuck are you?!?!

"She knows Dover's not real," I said quietly, with my hand over my mouth.

"What?" Danny raised an eyebrow.

"She knows it's fake," I said louder, my heart dropping to my fucking cock.

"Fucking A," James groaned, and turned his head away from me.

Dover: Blair, don't freak out. I care about you, and I'm sorry. My names not Dover. Please don't be cross with me.

"I kinda admitted it," I slapped my own cheek.

"You told her you're Dover?" James knitted my eyebrows together.

"No, I told her that my name's not Dover," I shook my head and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"Don't tell her who you actually are," Danny growled.

"I can't!" I agreed.

Blair: Idk what to think right now. You're conflicting the fuck out of me.

Dover: How am I conflicting you? :/

Blair: I actually cared a lot about you. You actually meant a lot to me and I trusted you. I don't even know who you are. James was right. There was totally something fishy about you.

"She's not pleased with me right now," I groaned.

"I wouldn't be either!" James yelled.

Dover: I know. I'm a fucking wanker, and I'm so sorry. I feel terrible, but I care about you. Please be safe, and please don't be to cross.

Blair: Tell me who you are.

Dover: I can't.

"I'm fucking screwed," I whined.

"We warned you!" Danny shot.

"Now we're all in deep shit!" James complained.

I heard a door open from down the hall; the door into the bus. I froze in my seat, and my eyes bugged out of my head. I looked at the guys in horror.

"Sound check boys!" I heard Boy Sam's voice yell. I sighed deeply, and let out a huge mound of stress in my chest.

"Coming," Danny yelled, his voice a few octaves too high. "That was nerve wrecking," He mumbled to me.

"Great, now we'll all be jumpy and nervous. We're all going to be on our toes expecting to be murdered at any point in time," James glared at me, as he stood to go to the venue.

"Shut up James. You're being a prick. I'm already upset, so knock it off," I grumbled as we entered the venue.

"Sorry mate," James mumbled. "It'll be fine, I'm sure," He patted my back and we headed towards the stage. Andy and the others were already in the venue, messing around with equipment.

We followed Sam and Cameron onto the stage, and James grabbed his drum sticks. I picked up my guitar and slung it over my shoulder. I plugged in the amp chords, and Danny grabbed his mic.

"Check, check. One two three," Danny sang loudly into the mic. "Ben's a fucking wanker!" He screamed in a deep growl and I smiled.

I hit a chord on my guitar and Cameron did the same. James hit the symbols and wacked the drum kit. I could hear Sam hitting the bass, and it sounded like just another shitty sound check.

A loud metal sounding door slammed, and I stopped playing my guitar to look up. Danny stopped singing, and James stopped playing the drums. Sam and Cameron continued because they didn't know.

Blair was furious. Her whole face was red with embarrassment and anger. She looked like she'd been crying, and my heart sunk. I looked down at the ground and tried to go back to playing. I didn't want her to get suspicious. She stomped her way into the venue, and stopped right at the edge of the stage, staring up at all of us; Andy, Me, Danny, James, Cameron, Sam, Jinxx, CC, Jake and Ashley.

"Stop playing your fucking shit instruments," She yelped, and I stopped playing whatever chord I'd been faking.

I turned around and looked back towards James. His eyes were wide as he looked to me in terror.

"What's wrong?" Andy raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know which of you it is," She raised her finger and pointed to each of us. My face burned red and I looked down. Looking out of the corner of my eye, Danny and James also had their heads down in shame. "But one of you has been fucking with me. And I know there's other people in on this shit prank. I know it's one of you assholes,"

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked with a shocked expression.

"I'm talking about whoever's been texting me!" She screeched. Her voice cracked like she was going to cry. "One of you have been using a fake name. Whichever one of you it is, better confess," She glared at each and every one of us.

"Look, I'm sure this Dover guy didn't mean anything wrong by it," Danny tried to reason with her, but made one huge mistake.

"I never said his name, Danny!" She yelped. "You're in on it aren't you Dan?!"

"Dover?" Cam mumbled from beside me, and I felt his eyes stare into me.

"It's not me, I swear!" Danny held his hands up in defense and dropped his microphone.

"Then you know who it is," She glared at him.

"Blair, you need to calm down and give the guy a chance," Danny said calmly.

"Why should I?!" She crossed her arms. "He lied to me,"

"About his name," I murmured under my breath, and I felt her blue eyes pierce through me.

"So you're in on it, Ben?" She glared. "Should've expected that one,"

"He did though, didn't he?" Asked Danny. "He only lied about his name. He's the same person you' been talkin' to though,"

She glared at him and then too all of us. Her looks softened though, and she slowly stopped looking so evil.

"I'll figure you out, Dover," She said, looking to each of us while she talked. I tried not to flinch when she shot me a glance.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to update! I'm in the middle of some legal issues with my ex boyfriend. I'll try to update more often now, I promise!!