How Did We Come Together?

Chapter 1: The Beginning of It All

I don't know how it or we came to be. The way we fit together was like unlike any other. I should start from the beginning, shouldn't I? Hi, my name is Eva Marie, but everyone calls me Eve. I'm 17, almost 18; a normal teenager who can't figure out what she is going to do with her life after high school. My school isn't really the best thing in the world. Oak Lawn Community High School is its name. It wasn't the school that was boring or annoying or anything bad at all; it was the people in it. How could I enjoy school when everyone at the school is so judgmental and all I really want to do is listen to music and be on tumblr?
When I woke up that first morning of my last semester of high school, something felt different. I went through the motions of a normal day, woke up, got ready, ate breakfast, got yelled at for being to slow while walking to the car, the normal routine. But something felt off from what I was used to. My mom told me it was because I was almost done with high school and it was all hitting me now. I knew she was wrong though, I knew that feeling would hit me during a bigger event at my school like prom or graduation, not on the first day back at school.
As I got to school, the feeling still lingered in my mind, my stomach, and especially in my heart. I didn't know what it was but that's when I saw my best friend, Ivy.
Before I go on, let me explain a little bit about my friendship with Ivy. The thing is Ivy and I kind of knew each other before we even really met. Her step-grandfather was and still is to this day best friends with my dad. We unofficially met at her step-grandfather's congratulations party for winning mayor of the town I live in. When I officially met her was in band camp, sophomore year. we noticed that we met before without being introduced and from then on we have been best friends since.
Since we were so close, she noticed right away something was up with me.
"Hey, Eve. You okay?"
"Yeah Ivy.....I think I am...but I'm not completely sure. Today just doesn't seem right to me."
"I could tell."
"Can you see it on my face? Do I give things away that easily?!"
"No, no, no, no. I'm your best friend, girl. I should know even when you don't show it."
After a few minutes of talking with Ivy, the bell rang for our half day to start. Thank God it was only a half day, if I had this feeling a full day of school, I would go crazy! We had to go to our old 1st period classes for the last time before we got our new schedules 3rd period. As I walked up to my old 1st period, History of Chicago, which was on the 3rd floor, I noticed a guy walk past me that I have never seen before. I don't know everyone in the school, but the people I past last semester I remembered their faces and his wasn't one of them. Maybe he was lost, a lot of people still don't know the school after a whole semester and two weeks off for break. I get lost constantly and I have been in the school longer than I can remember. Having siblings that go to the school before you is "great" when all the teachers are expecting the same of you that they got from your siblings; which meant straight A's and top of the class. I didn't always get the top of my class or straight A's but I was smarter than half my school in things that actually mattered to me. I wasn't a bad student, I did my work and didn't talk back to teachers unless I had a valid point. I mostly got a few A's and B's in my classes, every once in a while a B might slip but the classes weren't always easy for me. Now I understand why my friends say I get off subject a lot....
But back to the guy...He had something to him, something that made me want to talk to him. Made me want to follow him to the class he was walking into to say hi, but I kept walking to my History of Chicago classroom. Once I sat down, I regretted going in there. My teacher wasn't even there and I didn't like anyone in that class anyway. I had at max three people I talked to in that class, they were all in speech or theater at one point during the school years and were all friends. I just knew two of them, Andrew and Lauren but not that well. We talked for the ten minutes that I had to be there and then the bell saved me. I walked to my next class, remembering the boy who I saw earlier. I found him in the hallway without making it to noticeable, smiling in his direction. We made eye contact but it was broken when I got pushed by one of the kids I was talking to for those ten minutes. I turned to see Andrew standing there laughing at my facial expression. I tried to find the boy after I pushed Andrew back. Right before I got to the stairs, I saw the boy. He saw me and winked. I almost walked into the wall, not knowing how to react, seeing the boy disappear down another stair case. Andrew noticed that I almost hit the wall, and moved me before I did onto the other side of him.
"Maybe I should be near the wall since you almost just face planted into one" he laughed, but I was trapped in my own thoughts. Was that boy really winking at me? No, I bet there was a really good looking girl behind me or in front of me that he was looking at. It wasn't me he was looking at, or was it? As all these questions crowded my mind, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Andrew was still talking to me and waiting for me to give him an answer.
"Sorry, Andrew...I'm caught up in my thoughts."
"Maybe that's why you almost walked into a wall. You okay?"
I made up an excuse. Like I was going to tell him that a guy almost made me walk straight into the wall, "Yeah. Just thinking about how we graduate in May. WE ARE ALMOST DONE!!!" I put on a cheesy smile and he believed what I was saying. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to graduate and go off to college and then later start my life. But that was not on my mind at the moment.
"Same here! finally right?" he smiled, and I nodded my head like an idiot, normal response from me when I didn't want to talk.
2nd period went so fast, I couldn't even remember what we did for ten minutes. Then came 3rd period, the period we got our schedules. For some reason, I got really excited. I enjoyed my 3rd period, it was choir. I loved singing, it was something I did when everything would fall apart in front of me and I couldn't do anything else. I am in the top choir at Oak Lawn, Chamber Singers. Its made of 16 girls and it isn't easy being there but it is so worth it. I already had an idea what my schedule was going to be: 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th periods would change, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th periods would stay the same. Right as I was about to sit and talk to some of the girls in my choir class about everything going on, my teacher walked out and told us schedule should be here any minute. As she finished saying that, the door opened. I looked without knowing that I would see the boy from not even 2 periods ago! I hid my face before he could see my face turn bright red while one of my friends checked him out. I slapped her and said in a low whisper, "don't check him out, Diana. He might see me." She looked at me confused and that caught his attention. When I finally looked up, he was just leaving; he turned around to close the door and winked again. This time, I wasn't the only one who saw it. The four other girls with Diana all looked at me, seeing my face bright red. HE DID WINK AT ME!!! Who was this guy and why was he winking at me? Do I even know him? Questions started filling my mind again and they also filled the five girls around me. It was like a chorus of questions that flew out of their mouths,
"who was that?"
"do you have a boyfriend and not tell us?"
"He is hot! can I have him if you don't want him?"
"are you gonna answer any of us?"
I didn't know how to respond. How could I? I didn't even know the answers myself. I looked at them, the bright red color fading showing my natural complexion again.
"Guys, I don't know who that was or why he winked at me. He did that earlier when I saw him as I went to 2nd period. I have never seen that guy in my life. So to answer your questions, I'm as lost as you and don't even know myself."
They nodded, but they still had questions,
"Do you want to meet him?"
"Will you talk to him about winking at you for whatever reason?"
"Do you think he is cute?"
I looked at them, smiling, "These questions I could answer! Yes I want to meet him, yes I'm going to talk or try to talk to him about him winking and HELL YEAH! He is freaking hot!!"
As that ten minutes past, he was all we could talk about. Trying to figure out why he was winking, if it was something wrong with his eye or he really thought I was cute, along with all the normal questions, how old he might be, what his name was, what year in high school he was, and how could I figure all this out without being creepy. As the day slowing ended he was still in my head. No matter how much I pushed the thoughts of him out of my mind, he somehow made his way back in to it. I didn't see him at all the rest of that school day but I was waiting for tomorrow for him to be in all of the classes that were changing from my schedule. My only thoughts were please don't let him be creepy or a stalker...