How Did We Come Together?

Chapter 2: Who Are You?

"Okay...I won't see you until band but have a good day okay? AND DON'T GET LOST!!! It's the first full day with new schedules so it could get confusing." I turned to my little brother and cousin before they looked at me and walked away.

"YEAH!!! SURE, we'll try." said my cousin as he started turning his back to me so he could find his friends.

"Yeah, you can also remind yourself, we have been her for a year so we know the school better than the freshman."

I nodded, "yeah but you are only sophomores..." I let out a sigh knowing they weren't listening anymore, "whatever. See you both at lunch?" they nodded together and walked away. How did I get stuck with them?

As I thought about it, I started to realize that I didn't know where my first period was. "OH CRAP!" I looked at the clock, class starts in ten minutes! I pulled out my schedule to find that it was on the 3rd floor...yay. As the bell rang, I walked up to the 3rd floor with my schedule in my hand. Wow, it was like freshman year all over again. I walked into the new classroom and was shocked. Everyone was sitting in a seat and the bell only rang 1 minute ago. I looked at the clock confused as the teacher walked over towards me,

"What is your name?"

I answered shyly, "Eva Marie..."

he looked at me, then at his seating chart, "Oookkkay...Eva Marie, you are going to sit in...this third row, last sit."

I walked back to my sit and only saw a few seats left open. Before I saw where all the seats were, I saw him. YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME?! He looked around the room and saw me staring at him. Oh God, OH GOD! What is he looking at me for? Why is he here? Why does he have to be really attractive? STOP LOOKING AT ME! My thoughts were rambling and I didn't even notice that he was talking to the teacher. I contain my thoughts enough to hear what I was hoping not to happen.

"Yes, you will be sitting in the second row, last seat."

The boy pointed at me, "Next to the girl back there?" His voice was deep, deeper than what you would expect by just looking at him and he had an accent. It sounded Australian to me, but I wasn't fully sure. I didn't know what it could be, but it wasn't American.

The teacher nodded and I could feel my face getting hot and starting to turn red. He stood there for a minute before moving. He was tall, even though everyone looked tall compared to me; he was not just tall, he was FREAKIN' tall! He had broad shoulders but thin legs. He looked like a surfer boy, or like he lived somewhere there is always sun because of his light tan. As he got closer to me, I noticed more about him. He had blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean; his hair had more of a dirty blonde color and looked like he just ran his hand through it and it stayed there. He smiled at me, making his dimples on both cheeks pop out as he sat down to my right. I smiled a shy smile back as I try to look away, but it was too hard. I could feel him staring at me. I glanced over and he smiled again. I couldn't take it anymore...

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked shyly. I could feel his eyes not breaking contact with mine.

"Just admiring your beauty." I stared blankly at him and he could tell I didn't know how to respond. "You know it's a good thing that I said that, you are beautiful. You know that right?"

I nodded my head trying to think of something to tell him but the bell rang to start class and I didn't really get a chance before the teacher started talking.

"Hello class. My name is Mr. Matthews and you are all in Government and Politics..."

As he went on talking, I felt something hit my arm. I turned to see this boy lightly pushing a notebook at me, pointing at something he wrote. I grabbed the notebook at read it.

"I could tell you don't believe you are beautiful but you are. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I would really want to get to know you if that is okay with you."

I looked over at him and smiled, blushing a little. I wrote back,

"Thank you, that's very sweet of you and I will keep that in mind. I think that would be cool to get to know you. I don't know anyone else in the class so why not :)"

As I past the notebook back to him, I could see that he couldn't stop smiling at me which made me kind of giggle. As he read what I wrote, I could see his smile get a little brighter. Soon enough, the class ended and the bell was ringing; I looked around shocked at the fact that we spent the whole time just writing back and forth in a notebook. I started putting away my notes and started to stand to walk out of the classroom as I felt a hand on my arm. I turned to see the boy holding me in place.

His voice become really shy and quiet, "W-wait...I don't know your name..."

I looked at him with a smile, "Maybe you will find that out later." As I said that, I winked at him and started to leave the class. I slightly turn back to see him smirk at me and stand up leaving for 2nd period.