
Rope of Guidance

With the inspiration instilled I want to remind you of goals. I can tell you have a few goals, you occasionally mention them when you think no one is listening, but hope that they are.

You need goals to commit to something. Guidance.

One goal is to exercise. You do this, sometimes. So, remember that the Prophet would power walk everywhere. You can do this too, it's a simple change that won't wear you out.

You're next steps are coming, but we'll stick to long term small changes for right now.

Goal two is to be more confident. You have this way of saying things, whispering really, and it needs to stop. Speak out loud. Your voice is just as human as everyone else. Just look at scholars and professors, they speak clearly and confidently, even when they don't know the answer! But just think, they are confident because they try to learn and they eagerly seek knowledge. They avoid false impressions. So seek the truth, don't exaggerate.

Goal three is to avoid backbiting. It's hard to avoid at work, I know that you try. Some people are just reeling you in, but you fight. How wrong would it be to eat the dead flesh of your sister? Of another human? Just as gross and wrong that it is, it is wrong to backbite. Please avoid it. You do, I know. But sometimes you push it a little and your company ends up dishing it out worse.

For this third goal, I don't want to tell you to leave your friends, but I want you to think. What type of company do you have? For you I want the best. Seriously, you deserve the best. I don't want you to listen to lies, so stay with the truthful and people who don't exaggerate everything. I don't want you to be morally bankrupt and I can see how hard you are seeking a solid ethical understanding, so remember to speak out against injustice, no matter how small.

If you can't stop something with your tongue by speaking; stop it with your hand, and if you can't stop a wrong with an action, then hate it in your heart. Although just hating something is the least you can do, it is still good to hate something wrong so you don't accept it.

And you're a good person, I don't want you to accept things you hate. You're not a hypocrite.

I know, you fear you are a hypocrite all the time! But buddy, it's okay to have that fear because it means you are keeping to the right path, you're trying. You're hoping! If you didn't have that tiny bit of fear you'd be arrogant, and then I'd have a full hypocrite on my hands.

Friends come and go, some are stay forever and some fade after a season. If your friends don't make you a better person, like, at least make you feel good, then think about it. Do you really want someone around you who is crushing your soul?

You're close to me, so I feel I can trust you with my thoughts. We've been given guidance and the ability to seek knowledge. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance from us, from you can lead to death for others, for ourselves. We need to know what's good for us. We need to help ourselves in order to help others. It feels good, but also cleans up our hearts.

Goals Clarified:

--1 Seek knowledge about healthy eating. That doesn't mean eating health foods until you pop, but eating enough that you're back isn't curving over. It also doesn't mean eating so little that you starve, but eat of the good things that God provides for us on earth. Everyone knows no one can concentrate after a huge meal and you'll think better if you're not super bloated all the time.

--2 God made you for a reason. If you don't know that reason, then seek it out. We were created for a purpose, you know that, you feel it in your heart. You act on it and talk about it. Seek knowledge from the Quran, from good websites and scholars, even youtube scholars, and learn about what our purpose is. Just by clarifying that your beliefs and your confidence will increase.

--3 Surround yourself with people who remind you of good things.

Good actions feel like they clean the heart of impurities.

Now with some inspiration and some goals we have a direction my flower. We're just going to have to get started.