I Belong With You, You Belong With Me

Only Know You Love Her When You Let Her Go

I fixed the heater then looked over at him, his brown hair, his smile, his laugh, many times I have wanted to tell him how I felt about him, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of getting my heart broken. I'm afraid of not feeling that I am needed by someone who I need. I'm afraid of loosing Sidney. I'm afraid.

"You okay?" He looked over at me and touched my hand, I can't control my emotions now. "Yeah, I'm fine." I gave him an uneasy smile, trying not to burst out the words I've been meaning to tell him since I was 15. "Your not talking, are you sure your okay?" We stopped at a stoplight and waited for the cars in front of us then drove across the intersection. I felt a sharp pain through the right side of my body, I heard Sidney yell and swear.

Then my world went black.

Sidney's POV~

I mostly focused on the road, I didn't why Rachel wasn't talking, I wished she would. I asked her if she was okay, she looked at me uneasy and said, "Yeah, I'm fine." Girls are so hard to figure out, its like trying to smell the color red.

I looked at her pretty brown hair, her memorising green eyes, she was beautiful. I wish I could just tell her in some way that I loved her, I couldn't dare say the words out loud. I've been dumped and cheated on, people think I'm the guy to date millions of girls, but really, I'm the last. I haven't seen anyone for about a year and a half, all my focus was on Rachel.

I waited for the stoplight to turn green, when it did I drove straight across the road, I felt my truck move and being struck by something on Rachel's side of the truck, "Shit!" I yelled, I shook her and screamed "No! This can't be happening! Rachel!" Tears formed in my eyes. I called 911 and reported the accident and the woman told me to calm down. I sat there with Rachel in my arms, and I cried.

Rachel's POV~

I opened my eyes to a bright room with a doctor looking down at me. "Rachel? Rachel? Can you hear me?" I nodded at the woman, she smiled. "Rachel, you were in a car accident. Your vehicle was hit by a drunk driver, nobody was hurt. You were unconscious, that is why you are in here." I looked around, I was in a patient bed in a hospital room, great. "Can you remember anything right before or during the accident?" I shook my head, this was all news to me. "I'll let you be alone." She left the room, I laid there. I had nothing to think about, nothing.

I heard a voice, "Hey squirt." I looked at the door and Sidney was leaning against the doorframe. I smiled, it was hard for me to speak. "You had me worried sick. I'm alright, just worried." He sat down next to me and looked into my eyes. We stayed there for a moment, his beautiful brown eyes made me forget who I was. "Let's go home, eh?" I smiled because he was Canadian, the doctor came in and Sidney asked, "Is she ready to go home?" The doctor picked up a clipboard and said, "Yes, but be careful with her, she will take about 20 minutes to be able to talk right, the medicine makes the throat very dry. Can you sign these, please?" Sidney signed the papers then the doctor gave me some throat medicine and said goodbye. Sidney looked over at me and hugged me then whispered, "I'm so glad your okay."
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Big chapter!!! Thanks for reading! :)