Status: Always Active (:

I Just Want It to Be You & I Forever

She's Spinning Perfect Blue Buildings

I woke up this morning with nothing to do. I wanted to go see Niall, but he told me he had to go to a meeting with the rest of the boys today, so I decided to go see Sydnee. I feel like I haven't seen her in forever even though it had actually only been like two days. I got dressed and walked down the hall to her flat and knocked on the door. I waited for a while and she didn't answer. I put my ear against the door and I heard voices. I knocked on the door harder.

"Sydnee! It's Jane! Let me in," I waited for a moment and she cracked the door open a tiny bit.

"Oh, hey Jane. What's up?" she asked through the door.

"I was just coming to hang out. Open the door why don't you?" I tried to push my way in, but she stopped me.

"Okay, okay, just wait a minute, alright?" she said loudly and shut the door. I stepped back and let out a breath in annoyance. What was going on? Why was she acting like this? Sydnee and I never kept secrets from each other. We told each other everything.

I heard things being shoved and moved around. She finally opened the door and I walked inside. I went into the living room and saw Eleanor sitting on the couch.

"Oh. Hey El. What're you doing here?" I asked. Is this why Sydnee didn't want me here?

"Oh nothing, just helping Sydnee with some things," she smiled and looked quickly at Syd.

I ignored whatever was going on between them and sat down.

"So what are you guys going to do today?" I tried to stop the awkward silence that set in.

"Well, I was thinking of doing some shopping today," Eleanor said. I don't think she has ever gone a day without shopping. "You guys should join me!" She exclaimed and stood up.

"Sounds like fun! What do you say Jane?" Syd asked me.

"Uhh," I thought for a second. I was going over to Niall's house later on tonight and I didn't have anything else planned. "Why not!?" I smiled.


The three of us went out to a few shops and boutiques. Sydnee and Eleanor bought some new tops and dresses for summer. I bought myself a few new pairs of shoes. I thought I could spoil myself for today.

The few paparazzi that were out, followed us as we walked from shop to shop, but eventually lost interest in us, thankfully.

We went into a cute little dress shop that was completely empty and we started looking through all of the pretty dresses.

"So what was the boys' meeting about today?" I asked nonchalantly. Eleanor and Sydnee exchanged looks. The same looks that were exchanged this morning at Sydnee's flat.

"Uh, I don't know really," Sydnee blurted out.

"Yeah, no idea what it's about," El quickly said.

"Oh, well okay. I'm going to text Perrie and see if she knows what time they will be done at least," I said as I pulled out my phone.

Eleanor yanked my phone out of my hand immediately. "No! You can't!" she yelled.

I took a step back. "What!? Why not?!" I shouted as I took my phone back.

"Perrie is in a meeting too!" Sydnee said quickly.

"No she's not! She was just tweeting earlier about how bored she is!" I said back angrily. El and Syd looked at each other.

"Well she's probably busy. Little Mix is recording all this month," El said calmly.

I walked away, ignoring both of them and sent Perrie a text message.

To: Perrie
Hey! Do you know what time the boys will be out of their meeting? (:

She replied quickly.

From: Perrie
What meeting? I'm with Zayn and Liam right now?

Niall told me they had a meeting today...

Okay, did Niall, Sydnee, and Eleanor all really lie to me? What was going on?

From: Perrie
I just asked the boys, there wasn't a meeting today. They said Niall went out this morning to run some errands...Sorry, love

That's alright. I'll figure it out. talk to you soon! (;

I walked around to find my friends. I found them whispering in a corner of the store. I was about a 6 on the angry scale, and a 10 on the annoyed scale right about now.

"So is someone going to tell me what is going on, or..." I said with a major attitude.

"What are you talking about Jane," Sydnee asked.

"Don't play dumb Syd. I know that there wasn't a meeting today. I want to know why both of you and Niall all lied to me," I said to both of them. They were both silent. "Okay, I see how it is." I turned on my heel to leave the store.

I was almost to the door when Eleanor grabbed me by my arm. "Wait! Where are you going?" she asked me.

"I'm going to go find my boyfriend, unless either of you know where he is," I said a little louder than I should have.

"Okay, Okay," Eleanor started. "We don't know where Niall is. He told Syd and I that he had to go run some errands this morning and you couldn't know about it. We don't know what though. He said to tell you that he was in a meeting," she admitted. I just looked at both of them. I didn't know what to think. What was so important that Niall couldn't even tell me about?

"Oh, alright...I'm just gonna go home I guess," I told them. They promised they would text me when they talked to Niall since he wasn't answering any of my messages.


I decided to just go home and relax for a bit. I tried not to think about what Niall could have been doing. A few different scenarios ran through my head, but I dismissed them. I took a nice long bubble bath and watched a few episodes of Prison Break on Netflix. Even though I had already finished the series, it was still my favorite show in the world.

After about two hours, I had completely forgotten about this morning. I was just finishing the episode where Michael gets thrown in the jail in South America when my phone buzzed. I looked at the screen and saw that Niall had sent me a text message. Finally. I decided that I wasn't upset about him lying to me. He had to have had a good reason to. I trust him. I opened the message and read it.

From: Niall
I'm home now! You can come over whenever you'd like (:

I smiled at my phone and replied.

To: Niall
Alright. I'll be over in a few. I'll pick up some Nandos too.

From: Niall
You are the best girlfriend EVER.

I threw my phone in my bag and put on some comfy clothes. I quickly stopped by Nandos and picked up some food for Niall and I.

I arrived at his house about 30 minutes after he had first texted me.

I walked inside and found him sitting on his couch watching the game. I don't think he ever does anything else.

"I brought food!" I shouted to him as I walked into the kitchen. He appeared by my side instantly.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a quick kiss. "So what did you do today?" he asked me.

"Nothing really. I hung out with Syd and Eleanor for a few hours, then I just went home," I said casually as I took my food into The living room. I sat on the couch and began to eat.

"Oh, you hung out with the girls today?" He asked me. He seemed a little too curious.

"Yes. We just went to a few shops. I went home shortly after though," I said slowly, looking at him. His face was distraught. We ate our food in silence for the next few minutes.

"How was the meeting today?" I decided to ask him. His eyes shifted slightly.

"I-It was good. Very boring though," he said finally. I looked at his face. He lied to me. He lied straight to my face just then.

"What did they talk to you guys about?" I asked curiously. Let's see where this goes.

"Oh you know, just about our next album and stuff like that," he casually told me with his mouth full of chicken.

"Mhmm." I stopped talking after that. I was a little hurt that Niall couldn't tell me what was going on.

We finished our food, and turned on Ice Road Truckers. It was one of Niall's favorite shows. I don't know why though, I thought it was extremely boring. I sat curled into a ball right next to him, his arm hanging around my shoulders. I pulled out my phone and opened my Twitter app. I was looking through my timeline when I saw it. I followed the @1D_UPDATES account who always tweeted things about the boys, and even me sometimes. I blinked a few times to make sure I had read the tweet right.

@1D_UPDATES: Niall was spotted today leaving the outlet today with a new mystery girl!

I clicked the link and a picture came up. It was Niall, leaving a shop with some woman in giant sunglasses and a beanie on. Niall was holding a bunch of pink shopping bags. I thought maybe it was an old picture, but I looked down at this clothes and he was wearing the same clothes as he was in the picture.

My heart instantly sunk to my stomach. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Was this really happening? Was Niall actually cheating on me. There had to be a reason to all of this.

I sat up straight and paused the t.v show. Niall looked up at me.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up too.

"Niall..." I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to accuse him of anything, because I wasn't even sure. "I..I know there wasn't actually a meeting today." I sighed. His face went blank.

"Jane, let me explain," he cleared his throat. he started to talk but I cut him off.

"Why did you lie to me? Why'd you make El and Syd lie to me?" I asked, I could feel my eyes start to swell.

"Jane! Please, just listen! I just wanted some alone time this morning, that's all! Please, don't cry!" he begged. He wrapped his arm around me, but I shoved it off.

"Lie #2 today! You weren't alone!" I showed him the picture I saw on Twitter and his eyes widened.

"Shit! No! No! It's not what it looks like Jane," he quickly said.

"Then what is it Niall?" I asked him. The tears slowly went away as anger settled in.

"That girl, she was just helping me do some shopping! It's one of Danielle's friends she dances with!"

"Then why did you have to be all secretive about it!? Why couldn't you just tell me!" I yelled.

"Because I know you would have been mad at me!" he yelled back. I stood up off the couch.

"Well how do you think I feel now! Huh!? Do you think I'm mad now!? After I caught you in a straight up lie!?" I threw my arms in the air. I walked into the bedroom and threw myself onto the bed. I laid facedown in the pillows until I heard Niall come in. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. I flipped over and sat up.

"I'm sorry Jane, you don't have to get so worked up about it. She was just helping me get some things, I swear," He had started to calm down.

I took a deep breath. "I don't care that you went shopping Niall. I'm just a little upset that you thought you had to lie to me, and get our friends to lie to me, just so you could go do whatever," I said slowly. Neither of us said anything for a bit.

"I'm sorry I lied," he finally said. I just looked at him. His blue eyes were staring right into my soul. I couldn't stay mad at him, even if I had a good reason to.

"It's fine," I sighed.

"Are you alright?" he asked carefully.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just, next time, please just tell me the truth. I seriously don't care what you do, as long as you're honest with me. That's all I really care about. I trust you Niall."

He leaned over and kissed me softly. That was all I needed to fully forgive him. As soon as his lips touched mine, I completely forgot about everything in the world.
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a little dramaaaaaa, i like this chapter a lot (: tell me what YOU think! COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU WANT THE NEXT UPDATE SOONER (;