I Don't Care if You're Contagious


You have been learning more and more how to understand how people are feeling just by looking at them since you started being in Pierce The Veil. You don't even know how, but it made you people differently. Being in the band makes you able to see in someone's face whether the are feeling the happiest they ever did, or whether they are feeling so miserable that they don't want to continue fighting to have what they truly want.

At first, at the start of the band, you appreciate that quality so much, it made you able to see what the couple of fans you had coming to show were thinking of your performance beside the fact that they were jumping everywhere. Because you learnt that even the people who looks the most into the show can the ones that needs the most to be held while they cry till they find someone who truly cares about them. But now, now that you can see in Jaime's face every emotions that already hurt you to see in your fans' eyes, you just want that stupid quality to go away. But mostly, it is due to the fact that you can't understand what it is with him. You can't understand why there is sadness hunting the back of his eyes when he has you. He keeps telling you over and over that the only thing he needs in his life is you and the band. But as you look at the back of his eyes, you can see that it's not enough. How could something that causes hurt to the beautiful human that is standing in front of you be enough for that same human?

But you simply don't know how to make it better for him. You really don't because you never felt what you feel for him for someone. But you don't exactly know what it is. Mostly because you never had a chance to experiment your feelings with someone else. You never had a chance to experience love. But you always thought that having the band would be alright for you. That it would make it all better because at least you had them there in the hard moment.

But you can't count on them to explain to you what love is and what it is supposed to feel like when the person you think you are feeling it for is the same band as you are. It's the major reason you can't bring yourself to ask the band about what has been taunting his brown eyes. But it's like a prey waiting to attack. You can't even bring yourself to let loose in his eyes due to how much you fear that presence now. You fear that it will take away a part of the soul of the one you think that you love, when infact, you are the one taking a part of his soul away by doing nothing about it.

You always thought that keeping quiet about the feeling that you think about having for your best friend was the best thing for everyone. You always thought that if you told him, it would only add more pain in his eyes. You thought that telling him would scare him and make his eyes reflect all of the hurt he felt about you looking at him in the bunk. You thought that he would that everything that you ever did for him was to get a piece of his ass. But mostly, you thought that he wouldn't accept that you might be able to fall in love with him, if he gave you a chance to.

But the worst thing in that, is that for a really long time, you didn't want that chance. You didn't want a chance to tell him that you wanted a chance with him. Because you knew that given the chance, your heart, it would be completely is. You knew that if by a miracle his heart felt the same. You would get lost in him so easily. And you couldn't allow that to happen to you, not at that time. You couldn't let him get the part of your heart that you never knew how to give, and then ripe it all apart. You were so afraid.

But one night, you found him, more hurt that you'll ever wish to admit to yourself. He was destroyed. And you wanted to hurt the people who did this to him so bad. But then while picking him up to go and clean the bruises, you saw the blade covered in blood on his bed and you just knew that you had to try. You had to try to let this man take your heart. Because he needed it. Like the Vic that he engraved into his skin. He did five of them exactly, and the vision of them hunted your dreams for months. And the ghost of these scares still make you shiver as of today.

You do need to admit, that at first, it was not easy, for both of you to let yourself give your heart to someone who might give it back broken. But after what you witness, you forced yourself to make the weird feeling that you had go away, and you only made the love you had for him shine through.

After being with him for seven months, seven months full of everything except a ghost of pain glittering in the back of his eyes. They were so bright, so radiating, like your heart when he was near to you. You decided that you wanted to throw a hit to you fan to make them understand that you loved that beautiful man playing guitar beside you so much, without giving it away just yet.

They'll never take us alive,
'cause I'll chase away the darkness.
I'll live in love and die.
I joined the party for the recently blind.
So if we're heading there together you can sing all night.

I'm gonna tear out the thread one by one from your skin
'till your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention.
Kiss me while I drive

As you sing the next song, you keep your eyes focused in his, so much that you can see the light start to shine through. You can see his eyes radiating due to how happy he is, and that's all you want for him.

As you ask your question that helps you understand the fans so much Put your hand up if music has saved your life. You can only see his hand put up, and it's enough for you to know that even if your music only helps saving one person, it's the only one that means more than your life to you.