A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 10- Truth or Dare

Bojan, Gerard, Pedro, Muniesa, Roberto, Fontas, Lionel, Uncle Xavi and everyone else looked at me. I took a deep breath and then when the water was finally at my neck level, I took off my bikini top, raised it and waved it in the air.

“VISCA BARCA!” I shouted while waving it and everyone laughed. Uncle Xavi’s eyes widened and then shook his head.
“Alright, that will do it!” Gerard called out and I put on my top again and walked back to the shores.

“Crazy.” was the only word that Uncle Xavi said and I smiled.
“I bet I would have a handful of you in the next few days.” he said and I kissed him on the cheek.
“I’m not exactly a saint, but I assure you, I behave very well.” I said and he chuckled.

Another couple of rounds of truth or dare were played and by then, Uncle Xavi has kissed a random stranger, Pedro has drunk a soda mixed with ketchup, Gerard has belly danced in front of some people, Bojan had to sit on Gerard’s lap for thirty minutes and speak using a female’s voice while Muniesa had to have his picture taken with random girls with his face filled with makeup and a whole lot more. When I spun the bottle, it faced Bartra, who shook his head.

“Truth or Dare, Bartra.” Uncle Xavi called out.
“Dare.” he said.
“Kiss a girl on the lips for two whole minutes..” Uncle Xavi began.
“While I take a video of it and post it on my Twitter!” Gerard called out.
“That would be amazing! I would retweet it over and over again if I could!” Carles said.
“What do you say?” Gerard asked all of us while Bartra was contemplating on what to do.
“A-wo.A-wo!”Busquets called out and everyone cheered, causing the wives and girlfriends to look at our direction.
“Alright. Xavi, please don’t kill me.” Bartra said and then pulled a surprised me close and kissed me on the lips.
“Now, this is even better!” Gerard called out.
“I should have known this was coming!” Uncle Xavi said and face palmed himself.
“Ay and Bartra up in the tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G..” Roberto began to chant and everyone joined in.
“I think I need to go get some drink.” Bartra said after the two minutes were done.
“Tweeting it now…” Gerard said and then said, “DONE!”
“This has got to be my favorite part dares of all time!” Muniesa called out and I punched him on the shoulder.
“Oh boy, I knew Bartra had the crush on Aly when he ditched me earlier to come and try to get a ride from you two!”
“Shut up, Roberto or I’m going to taser your butt!” I called out and everyone laughed.
“Want me to send a copy to your phone, nena?” Carles teased me as I blushed.
“Oh stop, Aly is beginning to feel shy.” Malena said. “Don’t mind him, Aly.” Malena said and I smiled at her gratefully.

“How does it feel being kissed by Bartra, Aly?” Fontas asked teasingly.
“Wow, jealous much, Fontas? Would you like Bartra to kiss you too?” I shot back and everyone roared with laughter.
“Aly and Bartra, I like the sound of it, don’t you, nena?” Pedro asked and I glared at him.
“Why are you blushing, Xandi?” Uncle Xavi teased as he handed me some food.
“Not you too!” I called out whiningly but he just laughed out loud. Bartra looked at me and I looked away.