A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 12- Sirius & Regulus

“How come you ended up here in Barcelona?” Bartra asked as he and I walked out of the bookstore.
“My mum died and it was her last wish for me to be sent to Barcelona.” I said.
“And your dad?” he asked as I opened the door of Uncle Xavi’s other car that I am using.
“He paid for my plane ticket and even handed me two credit cards and promised to send me money.” I said.
“Oh, don’t give me that face Bartra or you’ll end up going home with a black eye.” I threatened and he straightened his face.
“What was your dad like?” he asked again.
“Nothing like me. Any more stupid questions, Bartra?” I asked.
“No, but seriously.” he said.
“Fine. He’s tall, he has two eyes, one nose, a mouth, two legs, two arms, a body and he looks human too.” I said.
“I’m serious.” Bartra said, looking me in the eye.
“And I’m Regulus.” I said and shrugged.
“What?” he asked and I shook my head and laughed.
“Don’t you ever read Harry Potter?” I asked.
“Saw it.” he said. “Come on, I’m buying you lunch. You talk, I listen.” Bartra said and had his hand on the small of my back.

“What’s there to talk?” I asked as soon as the waiter left to take our order.
“Tell me about your favorite movie, favorite sport, favorite color…” he began.
“Favorite song, favorite book, favorite TV show, favorite band, favorite…” I continued as he shook his head, smiling.
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said.

As soon as the waiter placed our orders, we both began to eat while he did all the questions and I did all the answering. We laughed at my other embarrassing moment and he shared jokes. It was 2 in the afternoon, when we left the restaurant.

“You know, I have done all the answering, Bartra and that’s unfair.” I finally told him as we both got into the car.
“How could that be unfair?” he asked. “Buckle up.” he added as I rolled my eyes and put on my seat belt.
“Don’t I get to ask you questions too?” I asked and he laughed as he went through the CD’s.
“Barry Manilow, Bryan Adams..” Bartra said and laughed out loud.
“I wonder how Uncle Xavi would react if I told him you are laughing at his choices of music.” I mused.
“His are very much good, Aly as compared to that of yours.” Bartra said and I blinked.
“Oh yeah?” I challenged.
“Remember the tribal music you insisted on playing the other night?” he pointed out.
“Shut it, Bartra! You didn’t even dance that night.” I said.
“I didn’t have the idea you wanted to dance with me.” he answered.
“Where are we going?” I asked, changing the topic. I don’t want to get there. At least not yet.
“Well, you said you want to do the asking and you wanted me to do the answering, right?” he checked.
“And now he tells me that.” I said and he shook his head as I played Barry Manilow. (please insert lyrics of Can’t Smile Without You)

“You’re singing voice sucks, Bartra! Better stick to football.” I teased and he laughed.
“Like yours was any better. Go and find other job, Aly. Music is not for you.” he said and we laughed.