A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 14- Wrong Number

“Bartra, I made it at home already. I’m safe. No need to worry, I guess.” I said the moment Bartra picked up his phone as I went inside the house.
“It’s Pique. You got the wrong number, nena.” a chuckling Pique said.

I looked at my screen and true enough, the screen said Gerard Pique. I ended the call, went in and placed the paper bags on the floor. I froze when I heard Pique’s chuckling again and turned my back to see Uncle Xavi, Pinto, David Villa, Puyol, Muniesa, Roberto and flashing his cheeky smile at me, Pique.

“Hi, nena! We’re having pizza, come and get some.” Pinto said as I went to the table and kissed Uncle Xavi on the cheek.
“How was your day?” Uncle Xavi asked me.
“It was fine, I guess.” I said and went to the refrigerator to get me something to drink.
“Who got the wrong number, Pique?” David asked and the can of Coke slipped into my hand and fell on the floor.
“Mierda.” I cursed, picked it up and headed to the sink.
“Let’s just say it was someone who thought I was Bartra.” Pique said.

“Where are you going, Aly? Pizza is over here.” Muniesa said.
“I’m not hungry.” I said.
“Oh? Surely the shopping got you hungry, nena. Come and join us, don’t be shy.” Pique said.
“Why would she be shy, Pique? This is her house.” Puyol said.
“Bartra, I made it home already. I’m safe. No need to worry, I guess.” Pique mimicked a girlish voice and everyone looked at him.
“That was the wrong caller said to me.” Pique said, shrugging, trying to look innocent.
“So, did you buy the whole store?” Uncle Xavi asked me, ignoring Pique.
“No, I just bought some school supplies I will need.” I said.
“Did you run into Bartra, Aly? He said he was going to get us some pens too.” Roberto asked as Uncle Xavi looked at me with an eyebrow raised and then Pique smiled cheekily.
“Wait, the one who called Pique, was that you, Aly?” Muniesa asked me.
“Why would I call Pique?” I asked him, trying not to blush and made my way to the refrigerator to get me a Coke.

“Aly, why is Bartra calling you?” Villa asked, trying to sound casually but failed anyways, holding my ringing phone.
“Hmmm..” Pinto said and smiled at me.
“Ooohh, I have this theory that Aly and Bartra ran into each other indeed and then maybe shopped together. Is this why Bartra is calling you, nena?” Pique asked teasingly. I ignored them, grabbed my phone and went to the living room.

“Hi, yeah I made it home.” I said.
“That’s good to hear.” Bartra said. “So, I’ll guess I’ll see you when I do, huh?” he asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” I answered and ended the call when Uncle Xavi joined me on the couch.

“You and Bartra went out on a date, Xandi?” Uncle Xavi asked me.
“It’s not a date.” I said.
“Hey, that’s what Bartra said too. You know you two can’t keep it forever!” Pique called out teasingly.