A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 15- First Day

I spent the whole evening in my room, avoiding the guys who were having so much fun teasing me. I even skipped dinner and pretended to be asleep, when Uncle Xavi knocked and opened my door. But my mind was actually screaming out a thousand curses from English to Spanish at me for being stupid enough to dial Pique instead of Bartra. The next morning, I woke up early, took a bath and got dressed for school. When I went out, I smelled pancakes and coffee.

“Morning, Uncle Xavi.” I said and kissed Uncle Xavi on the cheek.
“Morning, nena! Have some breakfast and then I’m driving you to school. I forgot that you’re not yet 18, so I guess I have to drive you to school and pick you up too.” Uncle Xavi said.
“It’s OK, I could go home alone.” I said.
“Oh, look, Xandi. You’re on the paper.” Uncle Xavi said and pointed at the screen capped photo of me and Bartra kissing, the one on the beach.
“Uncle Xavi..” I whined and he laughed.
“You know, it’s pretty much OK if you like him, nena. You’re single and so is he too.” Uncle Xavi said.
“We’re not doing this, please?” I begged and he chuckled.
“Alright, alright! Come on, hurry up, you don’t want to be late for the first day of school.” he said.

“Let me walk with you to the principal.” Uncle Xavi insisted and went out of his car, smiling at the students who called out his name.
“Going back to school with us too, Xavi?” a cheerful Fontas called out.
“You wish, Fontas.” Uncle Xavi said and they laughed.
“What are you doing here?” I asked them.
“Club rules. We have to attend at least five hours of school every day.” Roberto explained.
“Meaning?” I asked, looking at Uncle Xavi, who smiled.
“We’re attending first and second periods, then the ones after lunch until 3 in the afternoon.” Bartra said.
“So, there’s a chance we’d end up classmates!” Muniesa said and smiled and I nodded.
“You can leave Aly with us, Xavi. I promise we’d show her around.” Muniesa said.
“Alright, then. I have to go or I’ll be late for training.” Uncle Xavi said. “Nena, call me when you need to be picked up.”

As soon as Uncle Xavi left, the boys led me to the principal’s office, where I handed a few forms and then the principal handed me some papers, an attendance slip, my locker combination, a school map and books. I came out and went to the locker, as the four guys helped me.

“You have English with us on the first period. French with Bartra on the second period, History with Muniesa after lunch, Math with me after and then Physics with Fontas.” Roberto said as we walked towards the first class.

My first day went easy and smooth, thanks to Fontas, Bartra, Muniesa and Roberto. I’d never have a problem when the teacher calls for a partner or group project whenever the boys are in my classes, when they’re not, a girl named Diana would always volunteer to be my partner. My classes end at 4, because of my AP English, but I manage to go home alone, since Uncle Xavi couldn’t pick me up because of his training, which was fine by me.