A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 16- French Class

“I heard Xavi left yesterday morning to be with the national team.” Bartra whispered and I rolled my eyes, making sure he could see it.
“Yeah and he has called a lot of times already.” I whispered back.

It was Friday morning, the second period, which means I’m stuck with Bartra in French. The teacher was discussing about feminine and masculine adjectives. I usually had no problem with French, since my dad’s French-American and I also love the language, Bartra on the other hand had already asked for my help.

“The guys and I don’t have training today and the whole weekend, which means more studying time.” he said and I nodded.
“You know?” he asked.
“Duh.” I said and he chuckled.
“So, who did you have dinner with last night?” he asked.
“Grandmother.” I answered as the teacher looked at us and then went back to her lesson.
“Fontas said you’re having problems in Physics.” Bartra said.
“Yeah, about that..” I began.
“YES!” Bartra called out, causing everyone to look at him.
“I have been informed that your training will not be until Monday, Monsieur Bartra. Am I right?” the teacher asked.
“Oui, mademoiselle.” Bartra answered and eying me.
“That’s good, then. You just earned an hour detention with Mademoiselle Hernandez. You two have been talking.” the teacher said.

“Aly! Wait, don’t be mad at me.” Bartra called out as I opened my locker, while Fontas, Roberto and Muniesa looked at us.
“Mad at you?” I demanded and then shoved my French book inside the locker.
“Are you two having a lover’s quarrel?” Fontas teased and I slammed my locker shut and glared at Fontas.
“I’m not mad at you, Bartra! I’m just furious that I have a detention, that’s all, when I’m supposed to go home later and finally bake me some brownies.” I said and they looked at me.
“What?” I demanded.
“We didn’t know you can bake.” Muniesa said. “Any reason at all?” he asked.
“Well, now you know.” I said. “It’s my mum’s birthday.” I answered in a small voice and they looked at me.
“Come on, we’ll walk you to your Gym class.” Fontas said.
“Actually, I’m not feeling it.” I said and they looked at me again.
“What? It’s Gym. I have had all my life attend Gym. And we’re having badminton today.” I said.
“You can’t miss Gym, Aly.” Roberto said.
“Watch me, Roberto.” I said and turned my back against them.
“Where are you going?” Bartra asked, pulling me by my waist.
“Clinic.” I said. “I’m going to tell the nurse I’m not feeling well.” I added and Muniesa rolled his eyes.
“What?” I asked him.
“Shut up and look pale. When the nurse asks you, tell her you have dysmenorrhea.” he said. “My girl does it sometimes.”
“You do realize when she gets caught, Xavi will have our heads?” Roberto pointed out.
“You better not come home, then. I have to meet my girl.” Fontas said.
“Me too.” Muniesa said.
“Well, Roberto and I are playing FIFA on my flat, you can stay there for awhile, if you don’t mind.” Bartra said.