A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 18- Spot on, Sergi

“What are you going to do later after school?” Muniesa asked as he grabbed the huge History book from me.
“Detention.” I said and he looked at me.
“After the detention?” he asked.
“Go home of course. You know how Uncle Xavi doesn’t want me to go out when he’s on away games.” I said and he nodded.

We didn’t say anything more, because when we both arrived inside the classroom, the teacher was yelling at the other students and made us read the entire chapter of the Spain and Portugal expeditions. Later on, the teacher announced that we have to write a paper about what we read, Muniesa smiled but his smile faded when the teacher said the paper has to be done individually.

“How am I going to do this one? I barely even read the chapter.” Muniesa complained as we both made our way the lockers.
“Well, maybe if you show up with pizza on Sunday, I could help you do it.” I said as Bartra, Fontas and Roberto looked at us.
“Settled.” he said and smiled at me.
“Ready for Math, Aly?” Sergi asked.
“Don’t remind me.” I said and he smiled.
“See you later, Aly.” Fontas called out as he and Muniesa walked to their French class.
“I’ll see you later, Sergi.” Bartra said and went on his way. He had Physics.

“Is there something going on between you and Bartra?” Roberto asked.
“I’m not sure I get what your question means.” I said and he looked at me as we sat down on our seats.
“I mean, did you two talk awhile ago?” he asked.
“No. I mean, what’s there to talk to about? We see each other every day, we even share classes..remember?” I asked.
“I just don’t get you two.” he said and I looked at him.
“Can we get to the point?” I asked as we turn in our Math homework.
“Look, it’s obvious that he likes you and you like him, so what are the two of you waiting for? The end of the world?”
“I didn’t know you could be such a Shakespeare when it comes to this one, Sergi.” I said.
“So, am I right?” he asked.
“Fine, you’re right. I like him. Happy?” I demanded in a hushed tone that only he and I could hear.
“Of course, I am!” he said, ruffling my hair and we both went back to listening to our teacher.

“Miss Hernandez, you need to get three A’s if you don’t want to fail this subject.” the Physics teacher said as he pulled me aside after dismissing the class.
“I’ll try, Sir.” I told the teacher.
“I suggest you look for someone who can help you with Physics or I understand you know Marc Bartra?” he asked and I nodded.
“You can ask his help. He’s a top student when it comes to Physics, Miss Hernandez.” the teacher said.
“I’ll ask him, Sir.” I said and the teacher nodded.

“Oh-oh.” Fontas said as I met him outside the classroom.
“Mierda. How do I get three A’s in the next quizzes, Fontas?” I asked him.
“I wish I can help you with that, Aly. Hey, listen, why don’t you ask Bartra?” he asked and I nodded.
“Are you OK?” Fontas asked me and then I shook my head.