A Barcelona Love Story

Chapter 24- The Men become Boys

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday passed without any happening at all, apart from the increasing number of papers the teachers are giving us, the three hour-school nights that Bartra spent in our house, teaching me Physics as I help him with French, the times that Roberto saved my ass in Math, the times that Muniesa and I swapped papers in History and the closeness I have with Bojan, who seem to make it a habit to pester me about what am I going to do about me liking Bartra.

“Hmm..Uncle Xavi?” I asked as I sat beside Uncle Xavi.
“No more studying for you and Bartra?” Uncle Xavi asked.
“We don’t have classes tomorrow but there’s this dance tomorrow night and…” I began.
“Does that involve you having a date?” he interrupted me at the same time putting the TV on mute.
“Yes.” I answered and he faced me.
“Have I met your date?” he asked.
“Oh, believe me, you’ve seen him a couple of times and you know him very well.” I answered.
“Who?” he asked.
“Oh, you’ll see.” I said and he chuckled.
“So, we never really discussed your love life as promised..” he began and I laughed.
“It’s nonexistent, by the way.” I said and he chuckled, shaking his head.
“Oh?” he challenged teasingly.
“I don’t have classes on Friday..” I changed the subject.
“Good. We can talk about it.” he said and then, un-mute the TV. “Sleep, nena. You need it. Do you want me to help you pick out a dress tomorrow?” he asked.
“Only if you want to.” I answered.
“OK, I’ll probably suck at it, but I’ll give it my best shot.” he said as I kissed him on the cheek and went up to my room.

The next day, Uncle Xavi went to training and went back at around lunchtime. We both had lunch and went to get me a dress.

“How about this one?” I asked, picking up a black tube dress with silver linings on it.
“Hmm..no. Too low.” he said, pointing out that the dress ended twelve inches above my knees.
“This?” I asked, showing him a pink Grecian-inspired dress.
“I think you’d look good on that one.” Uncle Xavi pointed at a red tube dress that ended just right. “Come on, let’s go get you a pair of shoes.” he said.

Carles, Pique and Bojan showed up at Uncle Xavi’s house with Malena, who helped me with my makeup, hair and everything else. After I thanked her, the two of us went down. Uncle Xavi and Carles approved. The doorbell rang, I felt a little nervous. Uncle Xavi opened the door, smiled and rolled his eyes when he saw Bartra in a tux. Bojan was all smiles and insisted on taking picture after picture, while Pique acted his usual seven-year-old kid who woke up on Christmas day to see that he got what he wanted.

“Not too late, Bartra.” Uncle Xavi said as Bartra nodded. “And keep your hands to yourself.” he added.
“Aly and Bartra…Ooohh, do you think we’re allowed to crash the dance?” Pique asked teasingly.

Bartra opened the door for me and helped me into his car and drove away from the house.